Prescot & Liverpool Snooker League -
Administrator - John Wignell | | 07751495849
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Cups Individual championship | Individual handicap | Over 50’s handicap | Pairs handicap | Rosebowl (plate) 2 leg aggregate | Rosebowl knockout (2 legged aggregate) | Team Group A | Team group B | Team pairs knockout |
Reform 1 and 2 and Christ the King play home games on Monday All other games on Tuesdays


All matches to be 6 frames 1pt per frame with extra aggregate point.

Match start time 7:45, please arrive in time to start at 745.

Team nomination Home - Away - Away - Home.

Toss of coin to decide break.

Miss rule - All fouls (other than in offs) are to be called a miss and the cue ball can be replaced maximum of twice.

Tied frame - black ball re-spot, tied aggregate - last pair to finish black ball re-spot worth 1 point.

Min handicap -35, max handicap +60, maximum start capped at 65 (except joker frames see below)

Handicaps reviewed after each set of games and end of season.

No refreshments. Home team to offer drink (before the match for the last 2 frames)

Joker system ( Teams short of players)
If a team is short of one player opposing captain picks one of first four to play again in 6th frame and that player is further handicapped by 10 extra points.
If a team is 2 short opposing captain picks 2 of the four players to play frames 5 and 6 with 10 points extra handicap for player 5 and 20 points for player 6.

Cap of 65 start is not in effect for any joker games.

League to consist of 2 home and away fixtures between all teams.

Individual comps drawn on 1st of month and 2 months allowed to play preliminary and 1 month for all subsequent rounds - Onus on both players to make contact therefore phone numbers essential.

Please record all breaks of 30+