Wallasey Snooker Association - |
Administrator - Brian Mckeown | brihmck@gmail.com | 0782 449 3652 | ||||
League |
| Fixtures & Results
| Player Rankings
| Player Aggregates
| Player Stats (All Seasons)
| Highest Breaks
| Breaks (All Seasons)
| Head to Head
| Clubs
| Pictures
| Roll of Honour
| News
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Cups | Division One Knockout Cup | Wallasey Individual Championship ( Merits ) | Wallasey Individual Handicap | Wallasey Pairs Handicap | Wallasey Secretary's Competition | Wallasey Veteran's Competition | | |||
Rules |
RULES 1. That the Association be called the Wallasey Snooker Association. 2. That the membership be limited to bona Fide Social and Political Clubs in the district and others approved by the Committee. That the qualification of a member be as follows: A bona Fide member of a club that has registered him whether he resides in Wallasey or not, be allowed to play in the Wallasey League. That the Committee have complete control over all members desirous of playing in the League, but no professional under the ruling of the EASB be allowed to compete in the Wallasey Championship. 3. All business to be left to an Executive Committee to be composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary and or not lees than four other members, being sole representative of their Club. 4. That the committee shall meet during the first Friday of each month at 7.3Opm at the headquarters of the Association, Wallasey Central Conservative Club, Manor Road, Wallasey. 5. Three fourths of the majority is necessary at any Committee meeting to call a special general meeting for any purpose whatsoever. 6. That the Committee arranges dates on which to play and fixtures to be printed for the benefit of the players. 7. That the Association send printed forms to all clubs playing at the end of last season requesting information to re-entry of teams and players to the league in the new season. 8. At the discretion of the Committee each Club pay the following fees: Entrance Fee £5.00 per team Registration Fee £1.00 per player. 9. The Captains of both teams, home and away, shall collect from each player £2 per match which shall constitute a donation to the prize fund. All registration fees shall be paid at the time of registration, i.e. 24 hours before the player takes part in his first match. All monies paid direct to the Treasurer. 10. The away team to list their 6 players on the result card with individual handicaps. (but can then play in any order as decided by the away captain) Handicaps then totalled up and doubled to form the total team league match handicap. If a player is replaced in the 6, the team handicap will remain the same ONLY if the replacement player’s handicap is GREATER than the original player named, but shall be AMENDED if the replacement player has a LOWER handicap than the original named player. Six a side shall constitute each team, aggregate of TWO frames. The home team will mark spot. 11. Two tables shall be available for all matches 12. All league matches to START at 7.15pm PROMPT. (EXCEPT, 7pm Potshots and Bronze) or earlier if agreed. Any team failing to nominate a player or to start within 15 minutes of the starting time of the match, (or after a game has finished during the match) will forfeit that game and 150 points. With a further deduction of 150 points for every 15 minutes or part thereof, that the start of match is delayed after 7.30 pm. The AWAY team to nominate TWO players at the start of the match, TWO players at the start of the middle games and TWO players at the start of the final games. In the event of the HOME team being a player short (i.e. only 5 players) the AWAY team may nominate only ONE player for the final games but MUST have 6 players present and shown on the result card. 13. No player to compete for more than one club during the season. 14. A player can only play in one division if he plays twice in one week. 15. Matches cannot be postponed except in extenuating circumstances which may be accepted by the Secretary and Executive Committee, if not excepted match points are to be awarded to the non-defaulting team. Postponed matches must be played before either the last league match before any due handicap meeting or the final league fixture. 16. The Captain or his deputy of the home team shall provide and complete the score card which must be signed by either the captain or his deputy of both teams. This card must be sent to the Secretary of the League within 72 hours of the completion of the match by the winning team. Failure to do so will entail a penalty of TWO points to be deducted from the team’s record. 17. Any players signing after the handicapping date must wait until the next sitting of the Committee before being allowed to play and (Team maybe subject to a points deduction at the discretion of the Committee) only after his registration has been sanctioned may he compete. 18. No player to play under a nom-de-plume, unless sanctioned by the Committee. 19. Protests must be in writing or email by the protesting team and received by the Association Secretary within seven days of the game or match protest is against. The protest to be considered at the next meeting of the Executive. Protests cannot be withdrawn. 20. The visiting team or player has free use of the table(s) for a League or Cup snooker match. 21. One break prize shall be awarded to each division, the break to finish at the conclusion of the game. Breaks recorded in a play-off for the championship will not count. Breaks recorded in the Wallasey Championship will not count. 22. The first and second in each division will receive prizes. Winners of each division shall be awarded suitable cups and the runners-up shields, which they will hold until the following season. Members of winning teams and one other shall be awarded presentations at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may at its discretion arrange a system of promotion and relegation. 23. That the winners or runners-up of any League trophy are responsible for the insurance and safe keeping of the trophy in their possession and their return one week before the Championship Week Match of the following season in good condition. 24. That all matches be played with competition balls. The home team shall be responsible for providing two sets of match balls. 25. No Club can play more than one team of the same name in one division. 26. These rules should be brought forward for consideration and amendment, if necessary, at the AGM of the Association each year upon a date decided by the Committee, with voting on ANY motions or proposals limited to ONE vote per eligible registered person per team, present at the meeting. 27. Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be left to the discretion of the Committee. 28. Playing non-registered Players – any player not registered with the league shall be deemed ineligible and any team playing an ineligible player shall forfeit the points if they are the winning side and also be penalized TWO further points which will be deducted from the offending team’s record 29. Players under 18 years of age can be registered with the League, but can only play at: Great Float, Wallasey Central Conservative Club, Potshots, Century. 30. The League shall be run at the discretion of the Committee either from scratch or handicap system. All clubs must put forward a full team of players plus reserves, this to be done before commencement of handicapping. The Committee or Handicap Committee shall allocate teams / players Handicap points, upon the registration lists being submitted. 31. Handicapping and re-handicapping will be by using a system as if playing off your handicap to be adjusted by 3,6,9,12 points depending on win rate by the Secretary.Re-handicapping to take place after around 9 and 18 matches. 32. Each team shall play at least one home and one away match with other clubs entered in their division. Counting TWO points for the highest aggregate match score and ONE point each for a draw. In the event of teams being unable to complete their fixtures and withdrawing from the League, all points gained against the defaulting teams during the season are null and void. The team at the close of the season having the most points shall hold the championship of the League for one year. In the event of a tie for either First or runners-up a playoff or play offs will take place to determine an outright winner, arranged by the Secretary. 33 That in EVERY League match the HOME teams to supply the referees, failure to do so for each frame will entail a ONE point penalty deducted from the teams league record. (The referee may consult with players or observers about a decision but his ruling shall be final). 34 All fixtures must be played. (For the purpose of this rule a minimum number of players constituting a team shall be FOUR). Any team failing to complete their league fixtures or not notifying the Secretary and their opponents that they will not be able to attend on a match night, will have TWO points deducted from their record. Also, be liable to committee censure, the team and players league and individual competition status may be in doubt. 35 The top two teams in division two may be promoted to the higher division. The bottom two teams in division one may be relegated to the lower division. 36 Any team not paying first half levies by due date, will be penalized FOUR points from first half of season. Second half non-payment of levies would mean deletion from league status until paid and the first half levies will be paid at the commencement of the new season and the second half levies paid half way through that season. 37 Each snooker TEAM will send a bona fide club member to every monthly meeting, who may represent ONE team only. Failure to do so will result in the team losing TWO points . 38. A Veterans competition will be run for players of 55 years of age and over on a home/away basis (first out of the hat at home) down to the semi-finals, which will be on neutral tables and the final played in championship week. All matches over TWO frames aggregate score, off Individual Handicap. 39. A Secretary’s / Team Captains Handicap Competition will be run, handicapped by the Committee (best of THREE frames)on a home/away basis (first out of the hat at home). Secretaries and Officers of the Committee can only enter if they have attended 33% or more of the League’s monthly meetings in the previous season. New Secretaries can also enter. 40 A Pair’s Competition will be run, only pairs from the same club registered with the League shall enter. Matches over TWO frames aggregate score. Off Individual Handicap. Entry Fee £6.00 per pair. 41 An Individual Handicap Competition will run. Best of THREE frames usual rules. See Wallasey Individual Snooker Championship. Entrance Fee £4.00. 42 Results or requests for Postponement of all Cup Competitions (Team, Pairs, Individual) to be given to the Competition Secretary by phone or text 43 Unless you attend prize night you do not receive a trophy or monies. 44 Dress code must be observed during Championship Week – No Jeans or Trainers 45 Any Team or Individual(s) who owe money to the Association will not receive prizes or be able to propose or second motions at the AGM. 46. Players and Referees are not to use mobile phones while participating in a snooker match failure to comply will result in a points deduction as decided by the committee. 47. Teams not having 6 players. Both teams shall total up ONLY the handicaps of the players who will be playing an opponent, then the non- defaulting team shall add 150 points only to their points total for each player the defaulting team have missing. TEAM KNOCKOUT COMPETITION RULES 1. This is a One table competition but may be played on any combination of One or Two tables if the club and both captains agree, with a 7.15pm start. 2. Players can only play for one team in the cup. Any infringement will mean disqualification for the offending team. 3. Games to consist of one frame per player with half the normal team league handicap being added to the final match result. 4. Alternative nomination of players by Captains with the break off being decided with the tossing of a coin alternatively. 5. Referees supplied by teams alternatively, whose decision must be final. 6. No match to end in a draw. The black to be re-spotted to determine the winning team. 7. Any teams unable to play on the night arranged by the Secretary must at once inform their opponents and arrange a future date to play the match and inform the Secretary of the action taken. 8. The Competition Secretary must be informed of the result of the match as soon as possible and in any case within 72 hours. 9. The draw for the rounds of the competition will be drawn at the League Committee meetings. Rounds up to the Semi-Final’s will be on a home and away basis, first out of the hat has the home draw, semi-final’s and the final will be played on neutral tables. WALLASEY INDIVIDUAL & PAIRS SNOOKER COMPETITIONS 1. Only registered players of the Wallasey Snooker Association allowed to compete. 2. Merits Entrance Fee £5.00 must accompany entry forms. 3. Each player will be notified of his opponent in each round, the venue and time of play. Any player not starting his game within 15 minutes of the notified time will be scratched, if the table is available for play. 4. It will be obligatory for the winner to notify the Competition Secretary as soon as possible of the result and in any case within 72 hours or will be scratched. 5. No markers will be supplied by the league other than the semi-finals and the final. 6. No game to be a draw, the black ball to be re-spotted. 7. Any player who enters and has not paid his entrance fee - his name will not be put into the draw. 8. Players cannot postpone their matches on the day of the match, except in extenuating circumstances which will be decided by the Committee and must always notify the Competition Secretary. 9. New Registrations must have played 50% of League Matches by the Semi-Final stage or will be scratched |