Liver (Pool) League -
Administrator - Tony Cook | | 07850030916
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Clubs Location (Click to view club location) Telephone
Black Horse Pub
L13 5XD  0151 228 1328 
Brambles Sports Bar
L13 5SB  0151 220 5100 
Deans House
Farmers Arms
L13 9BL  0151 256 9172 
Fogerty’s Bar
L18 1EH  0151 734 3906 
George Scotts Snooker Club
L13 6QA  0151 228 5864 
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
L8 8DX  0151 727 1463 
Sefton Arms
L12 7HX  0151 226 2055 
St Paul’s
L12 8SJ  07968474774 
Stanley Arms
L36 4HF  01514801681 
The Boundary
The Clifton Arms
L6 4ED   
The Clock
The Globe
L8 6SH  0151 709 1128 
The Jolly Miller
L12 7JF  0151 228 2338 
The Oak Tree
L36 3RN  0151 482 1337 
The Picton Pub
L15 4NN   
The Wellington
L15 4LP   
Vagabonds Social Club
L13 0DQ  0151 228 7132