St. Helens & District (Thurs.) Snooker League -
Administrator - Dave O'Dowd | |
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Sponsors | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Alan Crosby Memorial Cup (Individual H'Cap) | Alan Hill Memorial Trophy (Pairs) | Bert Harris Memorial Cup (Under 25's) | Frank Owen Trophy (Over 50's) | Jimmy Rigby Cup (Three Man Team) | K.W.T. Bowl | K.W.T. Cup | O'Dowd/Ormiston Trophy (Scratch Individual) |
Hello All

Firstly, I have to start with some disappointing news.

Outstanding Fees

Currently, the League has over £800 (Yes, EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS) of unpaid League, Player and Competition Fees across Wednesday and Thursday Leagues.As you can appreciate, this is just not acceptable and payments don't seen to be forthcoming despite repeated requests.

Therefore, those that owe fees now have 28 DAYS (until Monday 6th January 2025) to pay any fees that are owed, or fixtures will be suspended and players scratched from any tournaments they have not paid for, and potentially de-registered from their teams.

Running Leagues is hard enough without having to chase teams and clubs for their fees and there will be a clear instruction for 2025/2026 onwards of "no pay no play".

If you are unsure of you owe any fees, then please get in touch ASAP and we can sort it from there.

Handicap Reviews

As we approach the halfway stage in the League competitions, the handicap reviews will be looked at over the Xmas break.

However, we have been discussing whether it is now better to adjust handicaps for ALL players at this point rather than just a select few.

We are considering implementing this for the upcoming review so all players are adjusted going into the second half of the season.

If your team has any objections to this, please let us know ASAP as we will use this as a de-facto vote on the change ahead of the next AGM.




David O'Dowd

General Secretary & Treasurer

St. Helens & District Snooker Leagues

T: 07984 309268
