Cambridge & District Billiards League -
Administrator - Matt Burton | |
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Cups Muratti | The Tony French Billiards Championship |
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary
The above was held at Histon RBL on Monday 10th June 2024 and was attended by 35 delegates and players, Bob Burling presented the Cups and Trophies, recipients were asked to check them for any engraving errors and notify the General Secretary.

Apologies for absence were received from Andy Green, Russell Huxter, Gary Norman and Karl Bursford, only one Club WT’s was not represented.

2023 AGM Minutes were approved the only matter arising was that the Miss Rule should be clarified and will be amended in the coming seasons handbook.

The Treasurer distributed the Audited Profit and Loss Accounts, our Bank Accounts stand at £1529.59 in credit with no debtors. He did not propose any increase in the League Entry for the coming Season but highlighted the loss of our Sponsor and if one is not found we may need to in the future.

The General Secretary thanked Histon for the use of their Club and also thanked Curry’s our Cup and Trophy Suppliers who donated a New NCI Cup as the old one was beyond repair. The Handbook will continue to be printed. An appeal for people to come forward and give their time to referee matches as and when needed under our rules. New supplies of Record Cards were distributed to all clubs, further if and when needed can be obtained from either the Record or General Secretaries. League entry forms will be distributed during next 3 weeks.

There was no specific county business to report but thanks were given to all our Billiards players who turn out in their own time to fly the flag for Cambridge in National Team and Individual events all at their own expense.

The Record Secretary who has just completed his second season and still on a learning curve hoped all were happy with his work. He thanked the Billiards League for being virtually self- governing which makes his job a lot easier. He also thanked Whittlesford for accommodating Saffron Snooker when they found themselves without a home venue, losing teams is the last thing we require and also praised Newnham for hosting all four Snooker Finals.

Honoraria was agreed unanimously at £400 General Secretary, £400 Record Secretary and £300 Treasurer.

All Officers and Chairmen were elected en bloc as were the Auditors. There were no proposals for Life Members or Hon Life Members.

The Tony Mitchell Rule Change proposed by Andy Plumb was seconded by Matt Auker and carried by a Majority an amendment to it was that past winners could enter immediately.

In AOB the importance of finding a new Sponsor or joint Sponsors was reiterated. A number of clubs were not happy with the rules and format of the NCI Cup after a lot of discussion the Chairman asked for all ideas to be submitted to the General Secretary for consideration before the end of the year.

As an extension to our AGM a Billiards meeting will be held at Bottisham CSSC, 31 Downing Close, Bottisham CB259DD on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm any interested parties are welcome to attend and if enough interest is shown from new parties a workshop in respect of rules etc can be arranged.

Meeting Closed 8.36pm

Next AGM Monday 9th June 2025.

Peter L Johnson

Hon General Secretary