Eccles & District Snooker League -
Administrator - Lee Austin | |
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Broster Cup | Gerry Ambrose Trophy | League Doubles Trophy | League Individuals Trophy | Neil Davenport Memorial Trophy |
Section A – Objects
1. The Association shall be called “The Eccles & District Snooker League”.
2. The object and duty of the Snooker League shall be to promote the welfare of the game of snooker or any other game, and to deal with all matters affecting such games and their players and taking such action thereon as maybe deemed expedient.

Section B – Management
1. The Officers of the Snooker League shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Handicap Secretary and Treasurer. The position of League President will be offered every five years at the AGM. His duties will be to act as the League’s figurehead and to represent the League at official functions. The office of Vice-President may be offered at AGM every five years to people whom the League feel worthy.
2. Four members of the League Committee and two Officers shall form a quorum.
3. Three members will be elected at the AGM to join the Officers for General Purposes Committee. The General Purposes Committee will deal with the general running and administration of the league.
4. The General Purposes Committee shall have the management of the Snooker League, including to right to interpret these rules and to give directions in cases not provided by them.
5. Ungentlemanly conduct will be subject to GPC ruling.
6. In the event of any disputes being unresolved by the goodwill of the teams involved, a ruling will be made by the GPC. Opposing Captains or team delegates shall be entitled to attend the GPC meeting.
7. All protests, claims and complaints must be in writing and two copies sent to the League Secretary within three days of the alleged offence. The League Secretary will thereupon notify all parties concerned and inform them when such protests will be heard and decided upon. A deposit of £5.00 shall accompany any complaint and will be forfeited in the event of the charge being considered frivolous or unsubstantiated.
8. Damage or loss of League trophies will be the responsibility of the holding club.

Section C – Meetings
1. A copy of these rules shall be available at every League Meeting and a printable version can also be found on the leagues website, under the documents section. They can also be viewed on the leagues website under the ‘rules’ section.
2. Every member of the Snooker League shall be bound to conform to these rules.
3. These rules shall not be repealed or altered except by resolution passed at AGM or EGM.
3. Every club should have a representative for each League Meeting, failure to do so will result in each team associated with the club to be deducted -2 points.
4. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the end of the season with each Team Captain being informed of the date at least 14 days before. The Secretary to notify Team Captains or Club Secretaries by letter not less than 14 days before the date thereof, this notice to include proposed new rules/amendments. All members of the Snooker League will be entitles to attend the AGM, but only delegates/representatives will be entitled to vote.
5. Any delegate of the Snooker League shall be at liberty to bring forward for discussion at the AGM any resolution provided that notice thereof shall have been given in writing to the Secretary not later than 21 days before such meetings.
6. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Snooker League at any time. Advance notice as for the AGM.
7. An entrance fee shall be determined at the AGM and paid before the season commences. Currently £130.00 per team.
8. Membership to the League must be in writing before the AGM and no prospective team shall attend a meeting before acceptance.
9. New teams will enter the League in the lower division (if multiple divisions are in affect).
10. Decisions made by the League Committee shall be reviewed at AGM for incorporating into rules.
11. All resolutions shall be by a show of hands unless the meeting decides a ballot shall be taken. No delegate will be entitled to vote unless monies are paid from his team.
12. In the case of an equality of votes on any resolution the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote in addition to his vote as a delegate.
13. The Secretary to record the minutes of all meetings and business transacted.

Section D – Teams
1. The League will consist of one division.
2. League Players can be of any gender, over the age of 14 years and non-professional. Players under the age of 18 play at the discretion of the club they are playing at and must be accompanied by the rest of their team at all times.
3. Stewards are eligible for match play.
4. A team shall be selected of five players and two reserves. No new players can be substituted once the game commences. If a player is absent at 9:45pm (in the event of a match having to stop for an absent player, the time limit is cancelled) only the two reserves are eligible to play. The respective captains will draw for pairing of players.
5. All matches to be played by teams of 5 players playing individual frames and the result of the match will be decided as follows:
A: 1 point for each frame won
B: 1 bonus point for league match won
6. No player to be allowed to play for two different teams on the same night, or more than 1 team in any competition.
7. Any player put on a team card will be deemed to have played in a cup match.
8. All playing members of the League are required to register for their club and on registration be allocated a handicap for review as per current rules. A full list to be given at the start of each season. Team Captains to update the list as instructed at League meetings. New players can be registered by contacting the League Handicap Secretary prior to the new player taking part in a match. There is no limit on how many players per team can have signed on.
9. The Snooker League to be run on a handicap basis:
A. Handicaps shall be subject to review at any time, but will be reviewed for each League Meeting as a matter of course based on results since the previous League
Meeting. 1 point to be deducted for each win, 1 point added for each loss. Players to play off the handicap given until the next League Meeting unless otherwise informed by the Handicap Secretary. There is no limit to the maximum gain or loss a player may experience in any one season apart from the agreed maximum and minimum handicaps of the League.
B. All new/unknown players (defined as a player who has not played in the League for 2 years or longer) to start on a handicap of +15 unless it is made known to the Handicap Secretary that the player is of a higher standard. Individual Captains are responsible for the fair interpretation of this rule.
C. Handicap limits shall be -40 to +35. Registered blind players shall play off +40. These players should not claim more than 25 points when adding to a break and not claim more than +25 handicap when playing in a doubles competition.
10. Any club failing to play the requisite number of players at snooker will forfeit 1 point per player absent.

Section E – Matches
1. All Matches shall be played in accordance with the rules as authorised by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Any matter in dispute regarding the game of Snooker can be submitted to the WPBSA for a ruling if the Committee deem necessary.
2. All matches to commence not later than 8:00pm. If less than 3 players are available the offending team shall forfeit 1 point. This point would be deducted at the end of the season.
3. Both teams shall be responsible for the return of match cards. Any break over 20 points to be put on the result card.
A. Results to be sent to the Handicap Secretary by message or email no later than 48 hours after the match has taken place. Failure to do so will result in a 1 point deduction, a second offence will result in a 2 point deduction, a third offence will result in a 3 point deduction with a further 3 points for every further offence thereafter. Match cards are also to be posted to the League Secretary.
4. Captains are responsible for the conduct of their team during any match.
A. Mobile phones to be turned to silent by players and officials for all matches, repeat offenders will be asked to appear before the GPC.
5. Postponed matches shall play off the handicap in force at the time of postponement. Only players registered at the postponement date shall be entitled to play.
A. With the exception of August League matches, snooker matches can only be re-arranged in exceptional circumstances with the approval of the League Secretary and must be played within 14 days or prior to the last round of League matches (whichever comes first).
B. If a team does not attend a League match without exceptional circumstances the opponents to be awarded 3 points and the team that does not attend to be deducted 3 points. No rematch to take place.
C. If the referee, marker, or players involved in a frame are unsure of, or disagree with the implementation of a rule, they can seek the assistance of one team member for their opinion. Following consultation, the referee’s decision is final.

League Matches – Guidance Notes
1. League matches to be drawn by Captains using playing cards prior to the start of the game.
A. Home Captain determines the order of play after the full draw has been made
B. Home player to break
C. Home team to referee
D. Away team to mark

Broster Cup – Guidance Notes
1. Broster Cup matches to be drawn by Captains using playing cards prior to the start of the game.
A. Played as drawn
B. Home player to break
C. Home team to referee
D. Away team to mark

Gerry Ambrose Trophy – Guidance Notes
1. Teams to consist of 6 players
2. Matches to be played as follows, 2 singles and 2 doubles, with neither singles nor doubles to be played consecutively
3. Players to play in 1 match only
4. The aggregate score to count
5. Handicaps apply, for doubles matches the average handicap to apply

Neil Davenport Memorial Trophy – Guidance Notes
1. The Neil Davenport Memorial Trophy will consist of a Group Stage and will be followed by a knockout from 1//4 finals onwards.
A. All matches to be drawn by Captains using playing cards prior to the start of the game
B. Played as drawn
C. Toss for break

Individuals / Doubles Trophy – Guidance Notes
1. Competition entrants are only accepted with appropriate fee on entry, currently £2.00 per person.
2. In the Individuals & Doubles knockout competitions, matches will consist of 1 frame until the Quarter Finals & Semi-Finals (best of 3 frames) with the Finals being (best of 5 Frames)

In the event of a tie in divisions or competitions the most number of matches (5 frames) won will decide. This shall be reported monthly at the League meeting. Should the number of wins in the Neil Davenport Memorial Trophy Group Stage be equal, the result of the match of the tied teams will decide.