Norwich & District Handicap League -
Administrator - Darryl Newman | | 07906549642
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
1. The League shall be called the NDBSL (Norwich & District Billiards & Snooker League) and its administrative area is
Norwich and the immediate surrounding area. Any club or team wishing to enter into the NDBSL should in the first
instance contact the General Secretary as all clubs must be of sufficient standard to allow matches to be undertaken
and as such will need to be approved by the Executive Officers.
2. All matches shall be played in accordance with the rules of snooker and billiards as set out by the WPBSA & EPSB. These
are deemed the official rules of both snooker and billiards (with exception of the miss rule which is outlined further on
in these rules).
3. The object of the League shall be to promote and improve the standard of play in the games of billiards and snooker.
The Executive Officers shall decide the manner both the League and Competitions shall be run during the ensuing year.
The fees for both team, player, and competitions to be paid, shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
4. The management of the NDBSL shall be vested in its Executive Officers. These are the Chairman, General Secretary,
Treasurer, Results Secretary, Billiards Co-Ordinator, Tournament Secretary, Trophy Secretary, WEB page Administrator
and Welfare Officer. There will also be a selected additional Management Committee along with a President who shall
assist the Executive Officers. All of these shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to carry out their duties as
defined by the published Management Committee Roles & Responsibilities policy (available upon request). Any

business to be discussed by the Executive Officers at one of their regular meetings shall be submitted in writing or E-
Mail to the General Secretary, these will be discussed at the next available meeting. For items to be discussed at the

AGM, these must be sent at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting, any business submitted with less than 72 hours’
notice may, at the discretion of the Committee be deferred to the next AGM.
5. All games to be played with 2.1/1.6 inch regulatory balls.
6. Entry fees for 2021/2022 are £20 for Billiards team entry and £40 for each open and handicap snooker teams. All fees
MUST be submitted with entries on the date agreed upon at the Annual General Meeting. No entries will be accepted
after these dates.
7. Any team withdrawing from the league after the league programme has been drawn up will be fined a penalty of
£20.00. In the event of a team withdrawing from the league before the completion of its fixtures, all points gained or
lost, by that team shall be discounted.
8. Any team having, in the opinion of the Executive Officers, an excessive number of walkovers given against them may be
fined a penalty of £20.00 and / or expelled from the League. In the eyes of the Executive Officers, an excessive number
of walkovers is deemed to be 4 games.
9. Any team & its nominated captain fined under rules 7/8 shall not be eligible to further participate in the league until
such fine has been paid.
10. Any club, team or individual disciplined or fined under these rules shall have a right of appeal to the Executive Officers
who subject to the nature of the issue may refer it to an Annual or Special General Meeting of the league called in
accordance with present rule 19.
11. All disputes shall be settled by the Executive Officers in accordance with these rules laid down in this, the NDBSL rules
publication, and where possible in accordance with the WPBSA & EPSB official rules. The Executive Officers decision in
any matter shall be deemed final.

12. All players must be registered with the NDBSL and for each open / handicap snooker and billiards Leagues before being
eligible to play. NOTE - There are separate registrations for both open and handicap snooker and billiards. Each
registration is normally accompanied by a registration fee, however this season we chose to accommodate this within
the team registration fee. Players under the age of 18 as of January 1st of the current League season need not pay
league or tournament fees. This rule may be altered at the discretion of the Executive Officers where necessary.
13. A player may be registered for only one club in any one competition i.e. billiards, open snooker or handicap snooker,
but may register with one club for billiards and with one other club for snooker. It will also be permissible for a player
to play in open and handicap leagues, in both billiards and snooker. In the event of a player wishing to play for another
club during the season, his original registration must first be cancelled with the General Secretary, failure to do this will
render the transfer void. No transfer will be permitted after 30th November in each year, except by special sanction of
the Executive Officers.
14. The Executive Officers reserve the right to numerically adjust team composition of all league divisions dependent upon
the number of team entries received, or when circumstances require.
15. All fixtures shall be made by the Executive Officers prior to the beginning of each season, with all matches to be played
on an evening appointed by each club. Any team/player unable to meet an engagement shall give notice to both the
opponents’ team captain and the Results Secretary by 12 noon on the match day. A re-arranged date should be
confirmed and notified to the Results Secretary ASAP. Any match postponed during the first half of the season must be
completed by January 1st, however, should a match be called off during the last week of this first period it MUST be
played within one week. All matches during the second half of the season MUST be played by the Friday of the final
league playing week. Failure to complete any match within the specified times will result in the entire fixture being
deemed a void.
16. In all league matches the home team shall see that the result card is available before the match commences with the
card completed in full, with all players names and handicaps (where applicable). After the match, the home team must
ensure that the result card is signed and sent* to the Results Secretary within 36 hours of the match taking place. If the
cards are not received by the Results Secretary by Tuesday of the week following the match, the games and points
involved may, at the discretion of the Executive Officers be awarded to the visiting team. *Can be sent by post, photo,
or e-mail.
17. All trophies shall be the property of the NDBSL and shall be cared for by the Executive Officers. They shall be competed
for annually and presented to the winners at the conclusion of each season at an Annual Presentation. From
01/01/2022 no perpetual trophies will be allowed to be taken away by the winners, for the time being they will remain
within the premises of Spireites and under the supervision of Chairman Ray Levers.
18. Any alterations or additions to these rules shall be at the discretion of the Executive Officers or at an Annual or Special
General Meeting. Notice of any proposed alterations or additions must be in the hands of the General Secretary in
writing 14 days prior to a meeting.
19. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Officers at the request of not less than three clubs. This
request must be made in writing or e-mail to the General Secretary.
20. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the last week in July when reports will be received, audited
accounts for the preceding year adopted and any other business transacted of which 14 days prior notice shall have
been given to the General Secretary. 28 days’ notice of such meeting shall be given. Every team wishing to enter into
the forthcoming season should have their captain or a representative in attendance, failure to attend will result in a fine
of £10.00 being imposed, to be paid before the team is allowed to play the ensuing season. One delegate from each
team shall be allowed to vote at this meeting. All the finances of the NDBSL shall be paid into one common fund
through the Treasurer. All accounts as far as possible shall be paid by the Treasurer with all cheques to be signed by a
minimum of 2 different members from the Executive Officers. The Executive Officers shall ensure that the accounts of
the NDBSL are audited at the end of each financial year, which shall be June 30th.
21. Clubs must ensure that tables, equipment, and general conditions shall be of a satisfactory standard as approved by the
Executive Officers.

Trophy for annual competition is the Pinebanks Trophy, donated by Norwich Union
1. Each club secretary or captain shall be responsible for their own team, which shall consist of two players. Each 2-man
team will play the other 7 teams in the league once at home and once away.
2. The championship of the league shall be decided by the team obtaining the highest number of points during the
season. The method of awarding points shall be one point for each winning player. Teams will be penalised one point
from their points total for each walk-over awarded against them. However, this will be avoided if at all possible with the
two captains taking responsibility to communicate on the weekend prior to the match.
3. In the event of two or more sides involved at the top of the table having equal points at the end of the season, the
team with the most wins shall be the winner. If still equal a deciding match shall be played at a venue to be decided by
the Executive Officers. One player will be selected by each team captain to play this game.
4. All games shall be 250 up, which shall include the handicaps.
5. For the 21/22 season there will be more flexibility with the guest rule for players from their own club. A player will be
able to guest up to 3 times for a team from the same club.
6. A number of designated free weeks are provided to help with fixture congestion with the snooker. Please use these to
rearrange matches where there are clashes
7. All players must hold a current billiards registration with a handicap issued by the Executive Officers and entered onto a
player’s registration card. This handicap will be adjusted after each league match in accordance with the following
formula and the revised handicap entered by the player on the registration card. The winning player will deduct 5 and
the losing player will add 5 to their respective handicaps. The maximum receive handicap will be 125. Handicaps are
NOT to be adjusted after tournament matches or for walkover of forfeited games in League matches.
All players should be aware that the MISS RULE is part of the general rules of snooker in the amateur game. However, in the
interest of fair play and in the absence of independent referees at league matches, the Executive Officers has decided that this
rule should not apply.
In the final stages only of tournaments, i.e., Semi-finals and Finals, where referees have been appointed to officiate, the miss
rule shall be applied.
It shall remain the individual players responsibility to understand the miss rule. A simplified explanation of the miss rule has
been included for your guidance. (SEE BELOW)
1. If the striker has a clear shot in a straight line at any ball on or part ball on and fails to make contact with the first
impact of the cue-ball with any ball on, a MISS shall be called. (Unless either player required snookers before or as a
result of this stroke).
2. If the striker can see and hit any ball on FULL BALL in a straight line and plays a MISS on three successive occasions from
the same position of the cue ball, the frame shall be awarded to his opponent. When considering such a step the
referee must advise the striker after TWO MISSES of the consequences.
3. All other MISSES to be called at the discretion of the referee and the referee’s decision shall be final.

4. After a MISS all balls shall be replaced to the best ability of the referee and in consultation with both players, at this
point the referees decision will be final. Under no circumstances whatsoever must either player touch a ball.
Trophies for annual competition are the Ames Cup Donated by Mr C Zelley, the Open Snooker Div. II Donated by Mr S Bell, the J
Olivier Memorial Cup Donated by Mr S Bell, the Boundary Park Cup, the Burwatt Shield, and the Div. II Shield donated by Mr A
1. In the handicap league each club secretary or captain shall be responsible for their own team, a maximum of 8 players
can be registered for any team. Each match shall consist of four players, who shall play in two sections, two at home
and two away. It is permissible for any players to play any number of matches at home or away.
2. In the open league each club secretary or captain shall be responsible for their own team, a maximum of 6 players can
be registered for any team. Each match shall consist of three players, who shall play at the same club as per the
3. The championship of the leagues shall be decided by the team obtaining the highest number of points during the
season. The method of awarding points being: - one point for each frame won. Teams will be penalised two points from
their points total for each walk-over awarded against them.
4. In the event of two or more sides involved in either promotion or relegation having equal points at the end of the
season, the team with the most wins shall be the winner. If still equal a deciding match shall be played at a venue to be
decided by the Executive Officers. If this match should result in each team winning an equal number of games captains
shall select one player each to play a deciding game.
5. At the end of the playing season if there is more than one division a two up and two down system of promotion and
relegation will generally apply. The Executive Officers shall have the power to make such arrangements as are
necessary to comply with general rule 14 or to cater for teams withdrawing from the league.
6. All games in open League shall consist of three frames per player with the match to commerce not later than 7pm for
the first game, 8pm for the second game and 9pm for the third game. A period of 15 minutes is allowed after each time
stated before the three frames are forfeited.
7. All games in the handicap league shall consist of three frames per player with the match to commence not later than
7.15pm for the first game, one frame shall be forfeited if not present by 7.30pm. The other two frames may be played if
present by 7.45pm otherwise they too shall be forfeited. The second game should be arranged to commence not later
than 8.45pm. One frame shall be forfeited if not present by 9.00pm. The other two frames may be played if present by
9.15pm otherwise they too shall be forfeited.
8. A player after having completed three games will be considered a player for that team and will only be allowed to assist
with other teams on two occasions only within his club. Any team will be allowed only one guest player per match.
9. In the open league players registered in division one are not permitted to guest for teams in lower divisions.
10. In both open & handicap Leagues all players must hold a current registration, in the handicap league all players must
have a handicap issued by the Executive Officers and entered onto a player’s registration card. This handicap will be
adjusted after each league match in accordance with the following formula and the revised handicap entered by the
player on the registration card. After a 3-0 Win deduct 3, after a 2-1 win deduct 1. After a 0-3 loss add 3, after a 1-2 loss
add 1. Handicaps are NOT to be adjusted after tournament matches or for walkovers of forfeited games in league
In all competitions except for the Hethersett Cup, only players registered with the NDBSL are eligible for its tournaments. A
player must be registered for each individual league to enter the relevant competition (i.e., open snooker, handicap snooker or
All perpetual trophies are the property of the NDBSL, no trophy shall be won outright, and all shall be competed for on an
annual basis. Players will no longer be allowed to take trophies away as per general rule 17.

The dates, venues, and general conditions to be decided by the Executive Officers and they shall have the power to refuse entry
to any competition without giving a reason.
The player/pair/team, drawn first to have the choice of table/venue. It is the responsibility of BOTH players/pairs/teams to
arrange a mutually convenient date for each match. Failure to complete any match within the stated time periods will result in
BOTH players/pairs/teams being eliminated from competitions (including plate rounds). Any problems in arranging matches
must be reported to the Tournament Secretary without delay.
1. Players must have a current billiards registration card. Each game shall be 250 up- level start. The player drawn first to
have the choice of table and make arrangements for the tie to be played.
2. The Semi-final and Final rounds of the competition to be played on pre-arranged dates & tables to be set by the
Executive Officers. Semi-finals to be 350 up, and the Final to be 500 up. Entrance fee of £5.00 per player, each fee to be
submitted with entry.
3. All players not gaining entry to the second round of the competition will automatically be included into the draw for the
first round of the subsidiary competition with the exception of players removed for non-completion of matches.
1. Players must have a current billiards registration card and must play off their current handicap. (See also Billiards
League Rule 7 which also applies – handicaps not to be adjusted).
2. Each game shall be 250 up, on a handicap basis. The Semi-finals and Final to be played on pre-arranged dates & tables
to be arranged by the Executive Officers. Semi-finals 350 up, and Final 350 up, handicaps to be proportionate. Entrance
fee of £5.00 per player, to be submitted with entry.
1. Players must have a current open snooker registration card.
2. All matches up to and including Quarter-finals to be of five frames, Semi-finals to be of seven frames and Final to be of
nine frames. Entrance fee of £5.00 per player submitted with entry.
3. The Quarter-final, Semi-final and Final rounds of the competition to be played on pre-arranged dates & tables to be set
by the Executive Officers.
4. All players not gaining entry to the second round of the competition will automatically be included into the draw for the
first round of the subsidiary competition with the exception of players removed for non-completion of matches.
1. Players must have a current handicap snooker registration card and must play off their current handicap. (See also
snooker league rule 10 which also applies – handicaps must not be adjusted).
2. All matches up to and including Final to be of five frames. Semi-finals and Final to be played on pre-arranged dates &
tables set by the Executive Officers. Entrance fee of £5.00 to be submitted with entry.
3. All players not gaining entry to the second round of the competition will automatically be included into the draw for the
first round of the subsidiary cup competition with the exception of players removed for non-completion of matches.
1. Players must have a current open snooker registration card. Pairs shall remain unchanged throughout the competition
except by special permission of the Executive Officers.
2. An entrance fee of £5.00 per player, to be submitted with entry.

3. All matches up to and including Semi-finals to be of five frames. Final to be of seven frames. The Semi-finals and Final to
be played on pre-arranged dates & tables set by the Executive Officers.
4. It is not in order for a player to assist his partner by advising him on his stroke, or tactics, whilst his partner is AT the
5. Pairs should commence each frame alternatively, but in the first frame it should be decided by coin toss. The pair may
either break or instruct their opponents to do so.
6. The order of play may be changed if desired, but not while any frame is in progress. When a frame ends in a tie, the pair
who plays the first stroke have the choice as to which players play that stroke, the order of play must be maintained as
in the frame.
1. Players must have a current handicap snooker registration card and must play off their current handicap. (See also
snooker league rule 10 which also applies – handicaps not to be adjusted).
2. Each pair to play off the average of their two handicaps, pairs shall remain unchanged throughout the competition
except by special permission of the Executive Officers.
3. An entrance fee of £5.00 per player, to be submitted with entry.
4. All matches up to and including Semi-finals to be of five frames. Final to be of seven frames. The Semi-finals and Final to
be played on pre-arranged dates & tables set by the Executive Officers.
5. It is not in order for a player to assist his partner by advising him on his stroke, or tactics, whilst his partner is AT the
6. Pairs should commence each frame alternatively, but in the first frame it should be decided by coin toss. The pair may
either break or instruct their opponents to do so.
7. The order of play may be changed if desired, but not while any frame is in progress. When a frame ends in a tie, the pair
who plays the first stroke have the choice as to which players play that stroke, the order of play must be maintained as
in the frame.
1. This competition shall be open to all players who are under the age of 23 years as of 1st October of that current League
2. This competition will be a one-day event and will be played on a pre-arranged date & table to be set by the Executive
3. Entrance fee of £3.00 applies to players over 18, to be submitted with entry.
SNOOKER TEAM K/O SHIELDS - Open donated by Mr J Cadge, Handicap donated by Mr N Sendall
1. Teams will consist of four players, with only three players playing two frames on an aggregate basis in each match. Each
frame shall be played out, i.e., the first score of forfeit on the black shall end each frame, except in the final frame, if
the total aggregate scores are level, the black shall be spotted and cue ball played from hand, the first score or forfeit
on the black shall decide the match.
2. In the handicap tournament each player must have a current registration card and a handicap issued by the Executive
Officers, players must play off their current league handicap. (See also snooker league rule 10 which also applies –
handicaps not to be altered).
3. In the open tournament players must have a current open snooker registration card.
4. All registered players of the league will be able to play for their club, but will only be allowed for one team, and on that
team being defeated they will not be allowed to play for any other team.

5. The team captain to arrange matches by mutual agreement with their opponents, and by the dates given for each
6. All three players of each side must be present by the agreed starting time and a draw will take place to determine
opponents and order of play (i.e. No 1 of team A plays No 1 of team B, game 1; No 2 of team A plays No 2 of team B,
game 2; No 3 of team A plays No 3 of team B, game 3). Any player not present within 15 minutes of the starting time for
the match will be penalised two frames of 147 points. (In rounds up to the Final this rule may be amended by prior
agreement of both Captains but will be strictly enforced for the Final when the draw will be made by an appointed
7. The Final will be played on a pre-arranged date & table to be set by the Executive Officers.
8. The entrance fee for these competitions are included in the team league registration fees.
Open to all players who are aged 40 or over on the 1st October of that current League year.
1. Players must hold a current open snooker registration card.
2. All matches up to and including final to be of five frames, Entry fee of £5.00 per player to be submitted with entry.
3. The Semi-final and Final rounds of the competition to be played on pre-arranged dates & tables to be set by the
Executive Officers.
Open to all players who are aged 60 or over on the 1st October of that current League year.
1. Players must have a current open snooker registration card.
2. All matches up to and including final to be of five frames, Entry fee of £5.00 per player to be submitted with entry.
3. The Semi-final and Final rounds of the competition to be played on pre-arranged dates & tables to be set by the
Executive Officers.
Open to all players who are aged 40 or over on the 1st October of that current League year.
1. Players must have a current open snooker registration card. Pairs shall remain unchanged throughout the competition
except by special permission of the Executive Officers.
2. An entrance fee of £5.00 per player, to be submitted with entry.
3. All matches up to and including the final to be of five frames. The semi-finals and final to be played on pre-arranged
dates & tables set by the Executive Officers.
4. It is not in order for a player to assist his partner by advising him on his stroke, or tactics, whilst his partner is AT the
5. Pairs should commence each frame alternatively, but in the first frame it should be decided by coin toss. The pair may
either break or instruct their opponents to do so.
6. The order of play may be changed if desired, but not while any frame is in progress. When a frame ends in a tie, the pair
who plays the first stroke have the choice as to which players play that stroke, the order of play must be maintained as
in the frame.

Open to all players who are aged 60 or over on the 1st October of that current League year.
1. Players must have a current open snooker registration card. Pairs shall remain unchanged throughout the competition
except by special permission of the Executive Officers.
2. An entrance fee of £5.00 per player, to be submitted with entry.
3. All matches up to and including the final to be of five frames. The semi-finals and final to be played on pre-arranged
dates & tables to be set by the Executive Officers.
4. It is not in order for a player to assist his partner by advising him on his stroke, or tactics, whilst his partner is AT the
5. Pairs should commence each frame alternatively, but in the first frame it should be decided by coin toss. The pair may
either break or instruct their opponents to do so.
6. The order of play may be changed if desired, but not while any frame is in progress. When a frame ends in a tie, the pair
who plays the first stroke have the choice as to which players play that stroke, the order of play must be maintained as
in the frame.
OPEN SNOOKER LEAGUE - FRAMES CUPS - Division 1 donated by & Division 2 donated by Canary Cue Club on behalf of Mr G.
To be awarded to the player gaining the greatest number of frames during the season for one team, in each division of the open
snooker league.
To be awarded to the player having a minus handicap, making the highest break in normal Billiards League play during the
season. All breaks must be certified at the time by the opponent and marker.
To be awarded to the player having a plus handicap, making the highest break in normal Billiard play during the season. All
breaks must be certified at the time by the opponents and marker.
To be awarded to the player making the highest break in the normal open snooker league during the season. All breaks must be
certified at the time by the opponent and marker.
To be awarded to the player having a minus handicap, making the highest break in normal handicap snooker league play during
the season. All breaks must be certified at the time by the opponent and marker.
To be awarded to the player having a scratch or plus handicap, making the highest break in normal handicap snooker league
play during the season. All breaks must be certified at the time by the opponent and marker.
PLAYER UNDER 21 TROPHY - donated by Mr J.J Sandys-Winsch
Awarded to the most promising or most improved player under the age of 21 in either billiards or snooker. Nominations should
be made by club secretaries or team captains to the General Secretary. Final selection will be made by the Executive Officers.

Awarded to the player winning the most frames in both handicap snooker & billiards leagues combined in a season.
To be awarded to any individual that, in the eyes of the Executive Officers, has continually offered an outstanding contribution to
the NDBSL.