Southport Summer Snooker League -
Administrator - John Gearie | | 07811235373
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Cups Bernard O'Malley Summer Cup | DANNY ADAMS CUP | J & J E GEARIE PAIRS CUP | Summer Cup | Tarleton embroidery Seniors Shield |
Southport Summer Snooker League.

1. All matches will start at 8.0pm where 2 tables are available and 7.30pm where only 1 table is available.

2. The format for the games is as follows, there are 6 games, and the order will be:
1. Singles
2. Doubles.
3. Singles.
4. Doubles.
5. Singles.
6. Singles.
There is 1 point per game, & a further point for the team with the highest aggregate. Seven points in all. In the event of a tie-on points, the last game to finish will play a re-spot black. Each team will referee 3 frames per match. Any team not fulfilling their share of the refereeing will be deducted 2 points per frame they have not refereed. Unless an arrangement has been made with the opposition captain. The results Sec must be informed of points deduction by the opposition, within 24 hours of the completion of the game.

3. Only under extreme circumstances may a game be postponed, any team considering this option must speak to John Gearie Jnr first. If it’s not classed as extreme, part of the penalty will be a serious points deduction will be made to the postponing team.

4. A minimum of 4 players must be used to play a match. In this case they would play 1 single and 1 pair’s game per match) NO PLAYER CAN PLAY MORE THAN 1 SINGLES & 1 DOUBLES GAME PER MATCH. In the event that this rule is broken, the last game played by the offending player will be marked as a loss, 91 – 0 and a further penalty point will be deducted.

5. Each player must be registered with the league prior to a game, and must have been issued a handicap, which will be CONFIRMED TO THE TEAM DELEGATES PRIOR TO A MATCH via the website. This is done only after £3.50 has been received for the player’s registrations.

6. The captains of both teams will toss a coin at the commencement of the match. The winner will have the choice of putting the first name down on the card or making the opposing captain put the first name down. Whoever puts the first name down the other captain will pair against it, and then that captain puts the first names of the pairs match down the original captain pairs that match then puts the name of the third match down, until all matches have been paired.
7. Handicaps. When working out the start a player receives, having added the player’s handicaps together, if the difference is greater than 65 points, the handicap will be limited to 65 points.

8. HANDICAP’S IN RELATION TO PAIRS MATCHES. Each player’s handicap will be ADDED TOGETHER, AND THEN HALVED. If that total then becomes for example 16.5 the handicap will be marked up to the next full point. So would become 17. That would then be THE HANDICAP USED FOR THAT PAIR to use in the doubles game. However, in the case it is a minus 16.5 then that would be adjusted to -16.

9. A Pair of players may only discuss the upcoming shot, before the player on, approaches the table. At that point it is then up to the player on, & only him to make the decision, on the shot to be played.

10. Player may be signed and added to your squads up until the 11.59pm on the 24 JULY 2024

11. The MISS RULE.

Will be used only as follow’s,

a. If a player can hit the centre of the ball on, but fails to do so 3 times, the game will be forfeited. On condition, that the referee warned the player after the second occurrence. Should he fail to hit the ball on the 3rd occasion, the frame will be awarded to the opponent and the score will be put down as 91 - 0.

b. A Miss will be called when a player can clearly hit the ball on but fails to do so.

c. Or if fails to hit the white ball with sufficient power to reach the nominated ball, whether it is a miscue or not, a miss will be called.

d. In the consideration of the referee,

1) the players does not make a genuine effort to hit the ball on.

2) The player decides to go for a more difficult ball, he fails to make contact. Again a miss will be called.

The referee’s decision is final.

12. All League results must be received by the Administrator by 10.00pm the day following the match. At 10.00 pm the first point will be deducted and for every 12 hours after that a further point will be deducted. The responsibility for the result being sent in lies with the home team.

13. It will be assumed that drinks will not be played for, unless the players in each game, make their own arrangements before the game is played.

14. THE ADJUSTMENT OF HANDICAPS. This will be done after every match, when the scorecard has been received. A Player who wins will see his handicap reduce by 3 points. Whereas a player who loses will see his handicap rise by 3 points. Any player playing twice will see his reduce by 6 points (if he wins both games) or rise by 6 points (if he wins both games) where a player loses 1 game and wins a game, his handicap will not change.

Some may think this is a bit harsh, but it is hoped that a player handicap will settle down quite quickly, and we hope it will give closer results. And make a fairer playing field.
The handicaps are automatically adjusted as the results are submitted on the web site. If you find or think there is a problem contact John on the email address provided on the Southport Summer Snooker League web page.

15. A team short of players will concede the frame and the point, and a score of 91 – 0 will be awarded to the team with the full complement of players. That will occur for every frame not played.


16. Dates must be mutually agreed by both teams during the week following the draw. Where a date of play is not issued.

Summer Cup Rules.

All Cup matches will be played on the lines of League Matches except the winning team is responsible for sending the result in full to the Administrator.

Bernard O’Malley Cup Rules.
This Cup is being played with 7 matches, 4 singles and 3 double matches. Ensuring continuous play is followed. The Captains will prepare their teams before the match starts, by writing their team down in the order they will play, bearing in mind the rules of the cup.
Players can only play one single and 1 double match. But 7 players must be used in the match. The exception is, if the match has been won, before the 7th frame (4th Single is played). then if the 7th player has not played, but was named to play the last frame that is ok.
The games in the Bernard O’Malley Summer Cup will be played in the following order.
Each captain is responsible to ensure the rules are followed to the letter.
At the beginning of the game, the captains will check with each other, to ensure that both are ready to start, then they will hand a copy of their teams playing order to the opposition Captain. They will then toss a coin, The winner can then decide which table the first match starts on.
Once the first two matches have commenced, the players who are to be played in match 3 should be told to be ready to go on the next table that becomes available. And this must continue through the match. Until a result has been achieved. If a player is unavailable at the time he is due to play then the frame is conceded
Handicaps for team cup matches are frozen at the time of the draw and only registered players at that time will be eligible to play in that round. Handicaps for the semi-final draw are frozen for the remainder of the competition and no additional players can be added to the squads for the that cup.

1. BOTH players are responsible to arrange the game and must be arranged to be played amicably during the first week after the round is drawn and must be arranged by the closing date for the round, have text evidence available, of the date arranged, in the event that the game does not get completed by the closing date of the round. In that event no extension to the closing date would be made, except in very exceptional circumstances. And a decision will be made as to which player goes through, if any.

2. Matches will be played best of three frames and handicaps are as per website at the time of playing the match.
3. Winning player to inform the Secretary after the game by text giving the score which is necessary for the website.
4. The Semi Finals & Final of the Individual and pairs Competitions will be played on a date issued before the start of the Competition, Finals normally the Monday & Tuesday the week of the presentation night.
5. The Summer Cup Final will be played on Presentation Night,
6. All Trophy’s, will be presented at the PRESENTATION NIGHT, which is held 1 week after the last league fixture has been played.
The Bernard O’Malley Cup being the only exception, that being presented following its final.
7. Major Trophy’s may be withheld in certain circumstance.