Ormskirk & District Amateur Snooker League - |
Administrator - Barry Adlington | baisie147@hotmail.com | | ||||
League |
| Fixtures & Results
| Player Rankings
| Player Aggregates
| Player Stats (All Seasons)
| Highest Breaks
| Breaks (All Divisions & Cups)
| Breaks (All Seasons)
| Head to Head
| Clubs
| Pictures
| Roll of Honour
| News
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Cups |
Anon Trophy (Pairs Handicap)
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Rules |
1. Constitution and Name (a)The League shall be called “The Ormskirk & District Amateur Snooker League”. (b) The League will consist of a maximum of 48 teams, the divisions and number of teams will be placed by the executive committee on entries received each season. 2.Conditions of Entry (a) Tables in each club shall be available for individual matches, town team matches and semi-finals and finals of league competitions as appointed by the Executive Committee. (b) All games are to be played according to the up-to-date rules of the “EPSB” as supplied by the league and to be displayed in the Clubs. (c) Clubs may enter more than four teams in the league at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The extra team will only be allowed if there are sufficient vacancies and no fixture difficulties arise from their admittance. Such extra teams must be withdrawn should applications be made by new member clubs. (d) New member clubs shall pay a deposit as set by the Executive Committee prior to the start of their first season. The said deposit will be repayable/deductible from the annual account if the same is settled prior to the closing date. (e) All members must abide by the rules of the club they are visiting, particularly regarding dress and behaviour, or a restriction on age is imposed. Any club who wishes to complain or protest must do so, in writing, within ten days of the event, and must be in duplicate. One copy to be forwarded to the league Secretary, and one copy to the representative of the club concerned, both by registered letter or email. Correspondence between clubs to be produced by a representative of each club at a meeting at which the protest or complaint will be considered. Evidence of telephone communications will not be considered. Except for evidence reasons, no member of the committee shall sit at the enquiry should his club be involved. 3.Committee and Management (a) The Executive Committee of the League to consist of three members, plus the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Results Secretary, who shall meet when deemed necessary by the Committee at 7.45 p.m. Further members may be co-opted to the Executive Committee. (b) Each club shall nominate their own representative who will be a member of the General Committee of the League. He will be required to administrate all transactions between his club and the League. The said nominee shall supply the League with a copy of his address and it is conditional that he MUST have a contact telephone number and access to an email address. (c) The Executive Committee have the power to suspend or expel any member or team for wilful breach of the rules, or for conduct which in their judgement is detrimental or injurious to the League, and their decision shall be final in such matters. (d) The members of the League to carry out the foregoing rules. Any matter not provided for by the rules, the Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with, and their decision shall be final. (e) Correspondence to be addressed to the relevant officials, i.e. Results Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer. (f) The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date selected by the Executive Committee, and at that meeting each club shall have one vote on any matters requiring a voting system. (g) Any club who is not represented at the A.G.M. shall be fined the sum of £25.00. (h) No rule may be amended other than at an A.G.M. of the League Committee. 4.Subscriptions and Finances Registration - included in annual team fee Home Match Levies - included in annual team fee League Entrance - £16.00 per team* Kenney Cup -£16.00 per team* Le-rose Cup - £16.00 per team* Individual Championships - included in annual team fee Individual Handicap - included in annual team fee Pairs Handicap - included in annual team fee JF Wills Handicap - included in annual team fee *payable at AGM (a)The financial year end of the league shall be on 30th June each year (b) All monies owing to the league must be paid to the treasurer by 31st January, otherwise a fine of £10 or 10% of the total bill shall be made, whichever is the greater. FAILURE TO PAY BY THE 28TH FEBRUARY WILL MEAN EXPULSION FROM THE LEAGUE IMMEDIATELY. (c) Monies drawn for Charity or Benevolence to be allotted at the Executive Committees discretion. (d) All League Entrance, Kenney Cup and Le-Rose Cup entry fees must be paid at the A.G.M. held prior to the start of each season. Failure to pay the said fees will result in exclusion for the forthcoming season. 5.Teams and Players (a) A team to consist of six players. Alternate pairings to be used in all league matches and Kenney Cup group matches. Home captain to provide the first name followed by the away captain providing two names. At least two players to be present at 8pm to commence the match. The match must not be delayed if any table is vacant for play (2 tables maximum). After the completion of two frames or at 8.30pm whichever is the latter a third name to be nominated by the home captain followed by two names from the away captain. At the conclusion of these frames or 9pm, whichever is the latter, the fifth name to be nominated by the home captain followed by the last two players from the away captain. All players must be present by 9pm. The home captain shall have preference of tables. If a team is a player or players short captains MUST INFORM THE OPPOSING CAPTAIN BEFORE THE MATCH COMMENCES and mark scorebook as ABSENT from position 6 and consecutively in reverse order thereafter. Ensure that all players registered to play for your club are listed on the club Notice Board. Team captains MUST keep a record of all league and cup matches played home and away in special results books provided by the league. This is to assist the Result Secretary with any queries that may arise. (b) Each player to be a bona fide member at the time of his registration. He must sign a registration form stating the name of the club, together with his full name and address. Each player to be registered three days before competing in any match. No player to sign more than one registration form. Closing dates for registrations is 31st December or later at the discretion of the Executive Committee. A player will be permitted to represent any other team within their own club. No player may play for more than one team in one fixture week under any circumstances. Professionals shall not be allowed to compete in any team or individual competition run by the League other than a sponsored Pro/Am tournament. Any player formerly holding a professional ranking wishing to register in the league may do so by letter of application and a subsequent appearance before the Executive Committee, who shall inform all member clubs of their decision appertaining to this rule. (c) League matches in Division 1 to be played on Tuesday evening and Division 2 on Thursday evening commencing at 8.00 p.m. prompt. At any one table club, matches shall commence at 7.30pm prompt. Matches may be re-arranged by mutual agreement and not interfere with any other fixtures. Any team failing to fulfil a league fixture without giving a minimum of 48 hours notice to their opponents, will have 6 points deducted from their league points total and a fine of £3.00 per player imposed. Should the match be of a “cup” category, the offending team will be scratched from the competition and a fine of £3.00 per player imposed. Any team offending in this manner on more than one occasion during a current season, will be suspended for the remainder of the season and all points previously gained, or cup placing, will be cancelled. In all cases, the Results Secretary must be informed of any re-arranged matches at least 48 hours prior to the original match date (d) If at any time during a match either captain is unable to provide a player to commence a frame, then the team failing to do so shall forfeit one point. There is no time limit allowed for the match to continue. For each player short, one point shall be awarded to the opposing side and a fine of £1.00 per player shall be imposed. In the case of a league match, any team playing an ineligible player, whatever the reason, shall forfeit the frame point to the opposing team, and a fine of £5.00 per player will be imposed. A further point will be deducted from the total league points accrued by the offending team. In the case of a cup match, the offending team will be scratched from the competition, and the match awarded to the opposing team. A fine of £5.00 will also be imposed. Should an attempt be made to falsify the result book in any manner whatsoever, both teams shall forfeit 5 points for each breach of the rules (e) Each captain must verify the names of players and the match result, by adding his signature to both his own and his opponents result record book and both captains to be responsible for ensuring their books are fully completed and accurate. The home captain is responsible for uploading the match result via the snooker league website to be completed no later than 12 noon on the Thursday for the 1st Division and 12 noon on the Saturday for the 2nd Division following the matches. FINES FOR LATE RESULTS - First late result shall receive a £5 fine and a 3 point deduction. All subsequent late results shall receive a £10 fine and a 5 point deduction . Home captains must be able to provide the Results Secretary with complete details of the match should there be any outstanding results, failure to do so will results in a £10 fine. (f) The home player, regardless of result, must offer his opponent a drink. In cup matches, the winning player must offer his opponent a drink. (g) The Graham Fairclough trophy for the highest ranked player across both divisions will be awarded to the player with the highest win percentage, who has played at least 75% of the league games for his team. This is to allow for the difference in the number of league games per division. (h) In the event of a “tie” on points for division positions, this will be determined by firstly the number of wins recorded, then drawn matches will determine the division placement. Should teams still be tied play-offs will be organised on neutral tables. Promotion and relegation shall take place between all divisions on a two up two down basis; however the Executive Committee reserves the right to formulate the divisions in the best interest of the league. (i) ALL team, league & cup fixtures are to be played off handicaps. The handicaps will be updated at the halfway point of the season and published to the website. (j) It is the responsibility of BOTH team captains to ensure that all players start their frames off the correct handicap. No complaints after the fact whatsoever will be entertained by the league Committee. It is IMPERATIVE that both captains have the latest, up-to-date handicap spreadsheet at their disposal at the commencement of each match. 6. Individual, Team, Pairs Competition Contact Rules (a) In individual, team, or pairs competitions where matches are to be arranged by mutual agreement, both “parties” are requested to make contact with each other within seven days after the publication of the circular letter notifying them of the draw. The home team or player/s must provide at least two alternative dates and shall be expected to reach mutual agreement in the matter. Failure to do this will result in disqualification of both “parties”. Claims will only be accepted by letter or email and no other form. Individual, team, or pairs semi-finalists or finalists must advise the Executive Committee of any dates they are unable to play in these matches. This must be done prior to the meeting where the draws and dates shall be determined, otherwise all dates will be strictly adhered to. 7. Individual Competition Rules (a) Winner to hold appropriate trophy to the competition entered. (See Rule 8). (b) Any number of players from any club may enter providing they are registered players of the league. All individual & pairs entrants MUST show a personal telephone number for each player. NO NUMBER-NO ENTRY. (c) All rounds to be played at the club of the first named player. Semi-finals and Finals to be played on neutral tables with a neutral marker and referee. Match balls supplied by host club to be used at all times including finals (d) All rounds up to semi-finals to be best frames out of three, except Pairs and Billiards. (i) Individual Championship Semi-Finals:Best frames out of five. Final:Best frames out of seven. (ii) Individual 2nd Division Championship, Handicap & J.F.Wills Handicap Semi-Finals:Best frames out of three. Final:Best frames out of five. (iii) Pairs Handicap Best aggregate score completed over two frames in all rounds up to and including semi-finals. The final will be played aggregate over three frames (handicaps to be adjusted to reflect the longer format). Order of play shall be the same in both frames. Players must not discuss with their partners or advise them of the shot they should play once they attend the table. A miss can be called during the first frame (or second frame in the final) even when snookers are required in that frame as the match is classed as one continuous frame and therefore snookers may not be required to win the match. A re-spotted black can only occur at the end of the final frame of the match.. (e) Players must mutually agree on a date and time of each heat in which they are concerned. Half an hour will be allowed for the commencement of play. The visiting player to have choice of marker/referee. (f) Any outstanding result not to hand by the appointed closing date of any round, both players shall be scratched unless an explanation deemed to be satisfactory by the Executive Committee is given. (g) The winner of each round must notify the Results Secretary by text, voicemail, telephone conversation or email. All results must be registered by 12 noon on the Saturday preceding the next draw date. (h) The Executive Committee shall have the power to run preliminary rounds if necessary. 8.(a) Presentation Night, Trophies and Cups (a) The following trophies and cups shall be held for a period not exceeding twelve months by the winners (including runners-up) in the league division competition. All trophies and cups must be kept in a good and clean condition and returned to the league by 1st March. Division 1 The Richardson Cup Runners-Up The Parker Cup Division 2 Billiards Supplies Shield Runner-Up The Lyon Cup Team Handicap Competitions The Kenney Cup The Le-Rose Trophy Individual Championship The Biro Cup Individual 2nd Division Championship The Pye/Whittington Cup Individual Handicap The Mac Trophy Pairs Handicap The Anon Trophy Seniors J F Wills Memorial Trophy Most League Wins in a Season Graham Fairclough Memorial Trophy Any League Century Compiled The Centurion Club Plaque Highest Ranked Player in each Division will be awarded a Trophy (b) League Presentation Night to be held on the last Tuesday in May where the Individual Championship final takes place at league headquarters, Aughton Institute. Hot food provided on the evening. 9.Kenney Cup Rules Format for Group Stages (a) Matches are played in exactly the same format as league games (i.e. alternate pairings throughout the match).. (b) All frames should be played down to the black regardless of snookers needed etc. Losing player is allowed to concede at any time but the winning player should receive the remaining points on his score. These points may be used as a tie-breaker in the event of two or more teams finishing level on points at the end of the group stage. (c) Winning team to be awarded 2 points. In the event of a draw, each team receives 1 point. (d) No play-off frames to be played. (e) Photo of scorecard to be sent to Results Secretary by home captain by 12pm Thursday/Saturday depending on match night. (f) Both captains should record the frame scores in their handbooks – these may be required in the event of a dispute over scores. (g) Home player should offer his opponent a drink after the frame. The home player competing in the final frames(s) of the night mustoffer his opponent a drink before the frame commences. (h) There will be three groups of six teams. The top two teams in each group, along with the best two third placed teams from each group, will go through to quarter finals. a. In the event of two or more teams being tied, the positions will be decided as follows: i. Most individual frames won ii. Match result(s) between the teams iii. Frame scores in the matches between the teams iv. Frame scores over all the matches v. In the unlikely event that teams are still tied, a best of three match between a nominated player from each team at a neutral venue will be arranged by the committee. (i) Group winners and the second placed team with the most points or frames won will be drawn at home against runners-up and third placed teams from another group. Format for Knockout Stages (a) Matches to be played in traditional cup format (i.e. coin toss to decide who puts the first name down, then alternate names to be added) (b) First to four points wins. No need to play down to the black. (c) In the event of a tie, both team captains should nominate one of their players to compete in a play-off frame. Any of their registeted players can be nominated, even if they have not competed in the match so far. (d) Winning captain to send a photo of the match card to the Results Secretary by 12pm on Thursday/Saturday depending on match night. (e) Both captains should record the scores in their handbooks. (f) Winner to buy the loser a drink. (g) Semi-finals and final to be held at neutral venues as usual. General Rules (a) Teams to consist of six from any registered players for that team from the league website (unlike in league games, teams may not borrow players from other teams in their club) (b) Any team playing an unregistered player will lose that match 6-0 regardless of the actual score or whether that player won or lost. (c) All cup fixtures should be played on the dates scheduled by the committee, however if this is not possible, at the very latest they MUST be played before the start of the next round of cup fixtures. a. Any captain wishing to postpone a game must contact the opposing captain at least 48 hours before the match is scheduled to be played. A new date should be arranged as soon as possible. b. Only one rearrangement of any cup fixture is allowed (i.e. once it has been rearranged it cannot be cancelled again by either team) c. The Results Secretary MUST be informed of any changes to cup fixture dates immediately and provided with the newly arranged date as soon as it is agreed between the teams. (d) Captains to ensure that all breaks over 30 by 1st division players and all breaks over 20 by 2nd division players are recorded on the match card. (e) All teams MUST fulfil all fixtures, even if they cannot qualify for the knock-out stages. (f) If a team cannot field 6 players on the night, the captain must inform the opposing captain at the start of the night. Failure to do so will result in a penalty being applied (see below) . Any absent players must be recorded as ABSENT on the scorecard before the match commences starting with position six and consecutively in reverse order thereafter. (g) The winners of the Kenney Cup Competition to hold the cup for a period of twelve months. Prizes to be decided by the Executive Committee. Penalties (a) Failure to play a fixture within the allowed dates – 2 cup points deduction against the team who cancelled. 2 points awarded to the other team. If the offending team are already incapable of qualifying for the knockout stages (i.e. the 2 point deduction has no effect), then a further penalty of 3 league points deduction will be applied. (b) Failure to submit the result within the allotted time – 1 cup point deduction against the home team. (c) Failure to inform the opposing captain of not having a full team – 1 cup point deduction per missing player. 10. Le-Rose Cup Rules (a) Teams to consist of six from any registered players for that team from the league website (unlike in league games, teams may not borrow from other teams in their club). (b) In all games played in the competition, including semi-finals and final, the toss of a coin shall determine which captain nominates his player first. (c) Any team playing an unregistered player will incur disqualification. Captains to nominate players alternately for each frame. If a team is a player or players short, team captains must inform the opposing captain before any pairing takes place and absent players marked as ABSENT on the scorecard before the match commences starting from position six and consecutively in reverse order thereafter. (d) Matches will be played on a “knock-out” basis, luck of the draw determining the home side. Semi-finals and Final will be played on neutral tables. Winning captains to be responsible for sending a photo of the Result Card to the Result Secretary which must arrive no later than 12 noon on the Saturday preceding the next draw date for the following rounds. Any late photos of result cards shall incur a fine of £5. (e) One point for each frame won. Most wins on aggregate to decide the match. In the event of a tie, both team captains should nominate one if their players to compete in a play-off frame. Any if their registered players can be nominated, even if they have not competed in the match so far. (f) The winners of the Le Rose Cup Competition to hold the cup for a period of twelve months. Prizes to be decided by the Executive Committee. (g) The winning team captain is responsible for sending the result to the Results Secretary immediately following matches.. 11. Matters Not Provided For Any matter not provided for in the aforesaid rules to be dealt with by the Executive Committee. 12. CLUB DECLARATION: Team and individual registrations to the League shall be deemed to be of the approval of the member club and all costs and fees shall be considered the responsibility of the member club, and will be charged accordingly by the League. Recovery of such charges from individuals or teams will be determined by club policy. Entry to the League shall be considered as acceptance of all Rules and Conditions outlined in the League Handbook. |