Stourbridge & District Snooker League - |
Administrator - Tony Kidd | | 01562 67416 | ||||
League | Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe | |||
Cups |
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Rules |
RULES 1. The amalgamation of Clubs shall be called “The Stourbridge & District Snooker League”, who hereby agree to fulfill the fixtures arranged and abide by the Rules set down. Any alteration to these Rules must be proposed in writing to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 2. Each Club shall be allowed two representatives; one of whom shall be entitled to vote, and together with the Officials shall form the Management Committee. Three Clubs must be present to form a quorum. One Officer from the Stourbridge & District S.R.A. shall be allowed to attend and vote. 3. Clubs must send at least one delegate to each League Management Meeting. Any Club defaulting will be fined £5.00. One apology per season allowed. 4. The Management Committee of the League shall be empowered to decide on any matters NOT provided for in these Rules. 5. The working expenses of the League shall be a charge upon the funds of the League. 6. Clubs must be affiliated to the Governing body through the League at the current rate for the season. 7. The League subscription shall be £20.00 for each team, and 75p to be contributed by each player for every League frame played. All teams entering the League will pay a fixture guarantee fee of £10.00, which will be set against end of season fees. This fee to be paid to the Secretary by the second League Management Meeting of the season. 8. All players must be registered with the League and be bona-fide members of the Club for which they play. Players can be Registered up to the commencement of the relevant match (until the end of the first half of the season). Any infringement of this Rule will result in three points being deducted from each frame played by the offending player or players, and the said player or players shall be suspended from further play for such period as the Committee in its discretion thinks fit. A £3.00 fine will also be imposed. 9. No player shall be allowed to play for more than one Club in this League in any one season, except by special consent of the Committee. 10. The best five players in a Club are eligible for the ‘A’ team only. Matches to commence at 8.00 p.m. latest in Clubs with two or more tables and at 7.30 p.m. latest in Clubs with one table only. Teams to have at least three players ready to commence play at that time, and to play as listed on the card, in that order of play. Any team not having three members present and not commencing the first frame of their match by the time stated in this Rule shall forfeit the first frame, 15 minutes later the second frame, and 30 minutes later, the match. In such events, the end(s) given away shall be from player(s) not present at the said declared time. PLEASE NOTE - Amblecote Institute will often have 2 matches on one night which will necessitate 7.30pm starts. See Fixture Lists for details. 11. Each team is to consist of five players, each frame to count as one point, with a further one point awarded to the team winning the most number of frames in the match. Each player must be prepared to play his own frame before 9.00pm, failing which a substitute must be found and registered on the Result Card, or the game be forfeited. All frames must be played on the same match night. The first four frames are to be played in two pairs simultaneously for Clubs with more than one table, with the final frame being played at the Home Captain’s choice on either of the tables previously used. In the event of a power failure/event preventing completion of match, any unfinished frame(s) must be replayed on the same table, between the same players, at the earliest possible date. 12. A Club found guilty of playing players, including substitutes, who have not been registered or not drawn on the Result Card shall be brought before the League Management Committee for an explanation, and the Committee shall decide whether the offending Club shall lose the points gained or replay the game or games, and also be in a position to fine the offending Club an amount of £3.00. 13. All League and Team K.O. matches shall be played on the dates fixed by the Committee unless postponed by mutual consent. Do not agree to a match re-arrangement unless you can fix a date within 28 days. If any match is cancelled by mutual consent, it is the responsibility of the cancelling team to give a selection of dates within 48 hrs of the date of cancellation. This new date MUST be played within 28 days of the original fixture. Failure TO DO SO will result in a decision being made by the L.M.C. Under no circumstances can cancelled matches be played after the final week of the league season. All cancellations of matches must be confirmed with the relevant match secretary immediately, giving reasons for cancellation. Any re-arranged dates must be made known to the relevant match secretary a.s.a.p. Matches may be rearranged to a date earlier than the original fixture. 14. In cases of default, the team in attendance may claim the match and receive six points. A player visiting a Club to re-arrange a fixture must make himself known to a responsible person willing to pass on any message; this also applying to telephone calls. All Clubs to have a representative with his name and telephone number in the League Handbook as a contact for cancellations, etc. 15. The Home Captain of each match must provide the Match Secretary with a correct Result Card, showing the names of players with frame scores and breaks, by first post on Tuesday of the following week. Result Cards must be signed by both Home and Visiting Captains, failure to do so resulting in a £2.00 fine for the home team. Captains must check frame scores before signing. 16. Any dispute regarding matches shall be settled by the League Management Committee, and notice of any dispute must be sent to the Secretary, in writing, within three days of the disputed match. 17. Matches shall be played under the current Rules as laid down by the Governing body. The Referee (Marker) is in sole charge of the game and players will abide by his decisions. Spectators shall NOT interfere with the progress of a game unless invited by the Referee for an opinion. Players must play with the same sets of balls with which the match commenced. 18. No player is to play for more than one team in the same fixture week. In the case of re-arranged fixtures, this Rule applies to the original and revised fixture dates. No player who has completed three frames for a team is allowed to play in another team from the same Club in a lower division unless previously sanctioned by the League Management Committee. Where a Club has two or more teams in the same division, a player may play for only one of these teams in any one season, unless previously sanctioned by the League Management Committee. 19. In the event of two or more teams finishing level on points and being concerned in the prizes, a ‘play off’ on a neutral table shall be arranged to decide the ultimate winner. A maximum of two prizes will be awarded in the event of a tie in respect of averages or break winners. 20. Promotion and relegation to apply on a two up, two down principle, subject to confirmation by the Secretary when the composition of Divisions for the forthcoming season is known. 21. Generally, Premier and First Division matches to be played on Wednesday evenings only and Second Division matches to be played on Thursday evenings only, the exceptions being a Club with more than two teams where this would not be possible, in which case the ‘C’ or ‘D’ teams would play their home fixtures on a Thursday evening in the Premier and First Divisions and on a Wednesday evening in the Second Division. (This is subject to clubs’ stated preferences.) 22. The semi-finals and finals of all competitions to be played in neutral tables, unless otherwise decided by the League Management Committee, and to have an Official Referee from the Referee’s Association payable by the League. 23. Handicap points for the Team, Foursomes and Three-a-side Competitions will be determined by theLeague Management Handicap Committee. 24. Entrants for the Singles, Foursomes and Three-aside Competitions must register from the Club for whom they would play League matches and will be expected to play at that Club when drawn at Home, unless the entry form for the competition clearly states another League Club as the venue for Home ties. 25. A team or individual arriving for a K.O. fixture on the date fixed by the Competition Organisers, shall in the case of non-attendance by their opponents claim the match unless the date has been re-arranged by mutual consent, giving the maximum of notice possible. Venues may also be changed by mutual consent again giving the maximum notice possible. 26. Latest time for attendance at K.O. matches is 8.15 p.m. excepting for the Team K.O. where normal League times will apply (Rule 10) N.B.-See Rule 36. 27. The winning team or individual must notify the Competition Organisers of the result within seven days. Failure to notify the result within the stipulated time will incur a fine of £4.00, and could result in elimination. 28. In the case of matches being decided on aggregate scores, the black will only be re-spotted if the scores are level at the end of the final frame. 29. Players winning the toss to have choice of strike in the first and alternative frames. 30. All disputes must be referred to the Competition Organisers for settlement. 31. All prizes awarded will be cash amounts in addition to the League Trophies presented. Players individual momentos are the receiving Club’s responsibility and will be financed from winning prize money. Any League Trophy returned in a state requiring repair or cleaning will incur the cost of restoration on the returning Club. No prize will be given if a Club’s League Fees have not been fully paid. 32. All prizes must be collected at the presentation evening by the winning parties or by proxy. Any uncollected money will be repaid into league funds. 33. Prizes will be distributed at the League Presentation Evening. Any unclaimed prizes may be collected from the Secretary for up to two weeks afterwards, following which the prizes will be returned to League Funds. 34. No Player under the age of 16 years shall play for any Club unless accompanied by a supervising adult, who shall be responsible for that person. INDIVIDUAL COMPETITIONS 35. Decided over the best of three frames and the final over the best of five frames, on the same table. (No aggregate scores). Premier Division all matches best of 5, final best of 7, both 7.30 p.m. starts. Individuals may enter for their own division and higher divisions if they wish. The over 45 and over 65 singles will be handicapped. Start times - best of 3 frames 8.00 p.m., 5 or 7 frames 7.30 p.m. Entrance Fee - £3.00 per player/£5.00 Premier per player, payable on entry. FOURSOMES COMPETITIONS 36. Decided on the aggregate scores over two frames played on the same table after the handicap has been taken into account. Once a frame has commenced, the order of play shall remain the same throughout that frame. Following a foul stroke, if called upon to play again, the player who committed the foul stroke shall play again. Entrance Fee - £5.00 per pair, payable on entry. 3-A-SIDE ALAN HARPER COMPETITION 36. Three players shall constitute a team and each player shall play one frame on the same table. The winners shall be declared from the aggregate score of the three frames after taking the handicap into account. In the event of a tie on aggregate after the third frame, the last two players shall play a re-spotted black to decide the winners. Players to play in the order as drawn. A substitute player to the original entrants may be allowed at the discretion of the Competition Organisers; who will need to know prior to the match taking place in order to make any necessary adjustment to the handicap allowance. Entrance Fee - £6.00 per team, payable on entry. 5-A-SIDE TEAM COMPETITION 37. Decided on aggregate scores over five frames after taking the handicap into account with all divisions of the League included. Players taking part must be bona-fide members of that team applying the same Rules as those adopted for League matches (Rule 18). Players to play as drawn with the Captain losing the toss to have choice of play in the first and third frames and the Captain winning the toss, the second and fourth frames. In Clubs with two or more tables, the first four frames shall be played simultaneously with the Home Captain having the choice of tables, followed by one single frame to be played on one of the tables already used, again at the Home Captains choice. All five team players must be present at the time stipulated for commencement of play. Entrance Fee - £10.00 per team. ADDITIONAL RULES 38. Members of the W.P.B.S.A. may play in all events, excluding those ranked in the Top 96, who will give 21 points, but may not play in Handicap events. 39. Should players in Knock-out events find it impossible to play on the stipulated dates, they should consult with opponents and mutually arrange another date. From Quarter Finals onward, all matches will be played on prearranged dates. Players must notify the Assistant Secretary of any rearranging of Knock-out matches. All matches to be played and results received by the Assistant Secretary before the following month’s meeting. 40. Non-attendance without notification to opponents or the Match Secretary will result in a £4.00 fine and may result in the offending team or player(s) being refused entry in the following season’s competition. 41. All Knock-out fees to be paid at October meeting along with receipt of entry forms. Under no circumstances will players be entered into draws for competitions without payment. 42. Provisional dates for semi-finals and finals of Knockout competitions to be set beginning of season, and advertised in the fixture booklet if at all possible. 43. Each club to supply the League with ‘phone numbers of captains of each team. Also, when registering players please supply phone numbers for each player where possible. 44. All 5 regular players will be required to have a fixture booklet. 45. Each club to supply the League with ‘phone numbers of captains of each team. Also, when registering players please supply ‘phone numbers for each player where possible. IMPORTANT NOTES Players are reminded that they should dress and conduct themselves in a reasonable manner, at all times, at all Clubs, especially when playing in Representative Matches and Semi-Finals and Finals, where no denims, corded trousers or training shoes are allowed: Proper shirts (preferably long-sleeved) please, no polo shirts. A SIMPLE GUIDELINE TO THE MISS RULE A MISS SHALL BE CALLED WHEN: * FAILING TO HIT A BALL ON WHEN NOT SNOOKERED. * HITTING THE SNOOKERING BALL/S WHEN ATTEMPTING A SWERVE SHOT. * NOT PLAYING THE SUFFICIENT WEIGHT TO REACH THE INTENDED TARGET. * NOT CHOOSING THE EASIEST ESCAPE ROUTE WHEN SNOOKERED, FOR FEAR OF LEAVING THE OPPONENT IN (ie. COMING OFF SEVERAL CUSHIONS INSTEAD OF ONE, OR AIMING FOR A SMALLER TARGET AREA INSTEAD OF THE EASIER LARGER ONE). THE REFEREE MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE ABILITY OF THE PLAYER PLAYING THE SHOT. THE S.D.S.L. HOPE THAT THESE GUIDELINES WILL HELP ALL PLAYERS AND REFEREES IN THEIR DECISION MAKING. |