Torbay & District Summer League -
Season = 16 May 2013 - 17 October 2013
Season = 22 May 2014 - 25 September 2014
Season = 07 May 2015 - 10 September 2015
Season = 05 May 2016 - 06 October 2016
Season = 27 April 2017 - 14 September 2017
Season = 26 April 2018 - 13 September 2018
Season = 09 May 2019 - 19 September 2019
Season = 07 April 2022 - 28 July 2022
Season = 25 May 2023 - 28 September 2023
Season = 23 May 2024 - 26 September 2024
Administrator - Paul Lewis | pauld_lewis@yahoo.co.uk | 07801232718
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Aggregates
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Divisions & Cups)
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Alec Astin Cup
Dennis Andrews Cup
Lee Mcarthur Cup
Les Jennings Cup
Pete Lewis Cup
Head to Head -
Alberici -5 John
Alvey +30 Lee
Ambrose +5 Elliot
Ambrose Scr* Elliott
Anstead +5 Mark
Anthony +35 Ryan
Antrobus Scr* Matt
Armitage -20 Ed
Astin -25 Andy
Attwood -12 Shaun
Avery Glynn
Bartlett +20 Mike
Barton -15 Luke
Baxter Joe
Beale Jack
Bedford Robert
Beech +35 Joe
Beer -10 Steve
Beresford +20* Mark
Bicknell -10 Pete
Blackmore -40 Ritchie
Blagdon Dave
Bolton Callum
Bolton +15 Callum
Booth +15 Ian
Booth +20 Terry
Boundy Ollie
Boustead Scr Dave
Bowden +30 Ben
Bowen Paul
Bowen +30 Paul
Boyd -10 Jim
Bracey Simon
Breslin -20 Ian
Brett (Captain) +30 Ed
Brett +10* Tom
Brooks +20 Tony
Brown +25 Andy
Brown +30 Travis
Butcher Simon
Callard (Captain) +10 Justin
Camplin-Broom Scr Jacob
Carpenter +15 Mark
Carter +20 Malcolm
Chalk Vince
Chalk +5 Chris
Charles (Captain) +25 Leigh
Cholerton +15 Phil
Chown Scr Tony
Clark +35 (Captain) 07981 289643 Gary
Clarke +10 Tony
Clayton Scr* Simon
Cleave +20 Connor
Clements Anthony
Cleur +40 Ray
Coats +25 Jason
Cocks +10 Andy
Colclough (Captain) +30 Jerry
Colclough -10 Lewis
Corner Dan
Cose +25 John
Coysh +25 Paul
Crosscombe Stuart
Crosscombe S
Cuthbertson +15 Norman
Dale Scr* Matt
Dart Steve
Dart +20 Steve
Dart +40 Jim
Davey +20 Ben
Delbecque +30 Eric
Dempsey Scr Dave
Dorman (Captain) Tommy
Douglas +30 Steve
Drake +20 Jerry
Drew Anthony
Drew (Captain) +15 Stan
Dunn +10 Ryan
Dwyer +40 Barry
Edmonds Noel
Edwards (Captain) +10 Richard
Ellingworth -10 Brian
Elliott M
Elliott +20 Mike
Elliott -5 Ritchie
Evans Jamie
Farley Scr Des
Ferren +25 Bryan
Finch Nathan
Fitzgerald -15 Andy
Foloni Al
Foote -5 Bill
Ford +35 Kevin
Francis (Captain) +30 Alan
Francis -7 (07530 527428) Ben
Fuller Ben
Garbutt +25 Terry
Gardener +20 Kevin
Gardner Mike
Gardner +10 Simon
Gaulden +20* Steve
Gay +10 Kieron
Gayler -20 Craig
Gerrard Scr* Dan
Gibson +30 Rob
Gibson -45 Ryan
Giffard +25 Colin
Gosling +30 Leonard
Greenwood Kevin
Greenwood +15 Kevin
Gregg -5 Andy
Griffiths +40 Phil
Grimwood +30 Chris
Hallam Nick
Hallett Dave
Halliwell -40 John
Halloran +25 Crespin
Hamlet Mark
Harper (Captain) Scr (07854 114717) Leighton
Harris (Captain) +40 01803 556247 Russell
Harris +40 Alan
Harris Scr Doug
Harris Scr* Mark
Harris Snr +40 Doug
Harrison +10* (07490 957707) Mark
Harrop +5 Dave
Harvey +25 Bob
Hawkins Scr Craig
Hawkshaw +30 Phil
Hawkshaw Scr Paul
Hawley Jerry
Hayden Ralph
Heather John
Helley +25 Matt
Helliwell Connor
Higston C
Hill +30 Craig
Hill +5 Christian
Hill -35 Andy
Hill Scr Paul
Hines +30 S
Hines +40 Steve
Hisloc +30 Rob
Hitchcock -10 Pete
Hobson -10 Chris
Hocking A
Hodge Brett
Hogg +30 Kevin
Holland Scr Tom
Hopkins (Captain) +15 Martyn
Hopkins +5 Adrian
Horsfall +20 Danny
Houldsworth +15 Dan
Houldsworth +30 Dave
Hruza +30 Mike
Hyde +20 Nick
Ireland +10 Jan
Irons Craig
J. Clements A
James -25 Lee
Jarrett Chris
Johns -5 Nick
Johns Scr Nic
Jones +10 Dean
Jones +30 Julian
Keates +25 Paul
Kelly +30 Daniel
Kemp +10 Brett
Kenney +30 Scott
Kenney Scr* Bradley
Kerry +20* Geoff
Kitchen (Captain) Scr Ben
Knapman (Captain) Scr Nick
Knight Simon
Langdon +25 Brian
last player no
Law +25 John
Lee -45 James
Lee -5 Jim
Lethbridge Peter
Lewis (Captain) +5 Jason
Lewis +30 Paul
Lewis +30 Adam
Lewis -10 Pete
Lewis -10 Dan
Lidster +30 Nigel
Lightfoot +30 Dave
Lincoln +20 Stuart
Little -10 Ray
Littlejohns +30 Terry
Lock +30 Simon
Locke Scr Steve
Lofthouse +5 Paul
Lomax +40 Dave
Luis Jose
Lumsdon +5 Lewis
Lye Jon
Lye Stephen
Lye Dave
Mager +25 Gary
Makinen -10 Martin
Martin +10 Andy
Mascilo +20 Andy
Maskrey Lee
Matthews -20 Jason
Mc Arthur snr -5 Lee
McArthur Jnr -30 Lee
McCaughan (Captain) +15 Luke
McCaughan +25 Warren
McIntyre +30 John
McKenner +30 Duncan
McKnight +30 Scott
McMahon +30 George
Mearns -25 Chay
Meatheral +35 Charlie
Melsome +30 Ben
Milden Terry
Milden -10 Brian
Miles +40 Les
Miles -10 Jason
Milichip +30 Colin
Millard-Smith -35 Darren
Mills +10 Robert
Mills -15 Nigel
Mitchell +5 Simon
Moloney Scr Con
Moore -5 Matt
Moore Scr* Iain
Morales -5 Roger
Morris +5 John
Morrison Jim
Morrison +5 Andy
Mould Scr* Tony
Mucklow -15 Tony
Mucklow -30 Dave
Mucklow -45 Alex
Murray +25 Sam
Nash Julian
Neck -45 Andy
Newman +20 Jim
Nicholls -10 Darren
Nicholls -15 Robin
Noel Bill
Northcott +25 Sam
Nugent (Captain) -5 John
O Donovan Kevin
O’Donavan +30 Kevin
O’Sullivan +30 Pete
Ogbourne Jon
O'Neal L
Ottaway -10 Mel
Otto +30 Dave
Otto -5 Charlie
Owen +15 Gary
Parker -5 Neil
Parvin +20 Thomas
Passmore -20 Jerry
Paul Jon
Peach Jake
Pearce (Captain) Scr Lee
Pearse Jamie
Perkins +5 John
Perkins -20 Rob
Peters StJohn
Peters Sam
Peters +30 John
Peters -15 (07715 337228) Shaun
Peters -20 Wes
Phillips -20 Matt
Pierce -5 (Scr Comps) Stephen
Pitts -10 Ben
Platt +15 Dave
Plummer -15 Simon
Porter +30 Terry
Potter +10 Luke
Powell Scr Rod
Price Scr Cristian
Pritchard Haydn
Pritchard Ralph
Pullin James
Radcliffe Roger
Radcliffe Robert
Raddon Michael
Rainbird Paul
Randall-Pybus Scr* Lee
Randell Scr* Lee
Rawlings Jeremy
Redman +10 Phil
Redstone Lee
Reeman Scr Chris
Reeves +15 Stewart
Reeves +5 Jordan
Reeves -15 Stewart
Rendle Richard
Ridley +30 Adrian
Ritson (Captain) +5 Cliff
Roberts Mike
Rodgers (Captain) +15 Luke
Roughani Scr Mo
Rudling +40 Gordon
Sampson +10* Dave
Sampson +30 Neil
Sanders (Captain) +20 Richard
Sanderson +30 Clive
Savage +30* Gary
Scales +10 Chris
Scholes +30 Steve
Seymour +10 Christopher
Shead +15 Tony
Shelley Scr John
Shelley Scr* Ellis
Sheriff +20 Paul
Sherman -10 Dean
Short +20 Jim
Sinclair +5 Mike
Slade Scr Steve
Smith +10 Dan
Smith +20* Andy
Smith +30 Kevin
Smith +30 Phil
Smith +30 Phil.S.
Smith +30 (07767 803048) Phil
Smythe Scr Andy
Snell John
Snook -10 (Scr Comps) William
Snowden -5 Phil
Sousa +20 Dinis
Spiller Geoff
spillor jeff
Squires Scr* Jamie
Stabb +15 Paul
Stafford +15 Peirs
Stapleton Scr Tim
Stickley +30 Liam
Stickley +30 Darren
Stocker John
Stockman +15 Dale
Stockman +30 (07980 174182) Mike
Strange Scr Steve
Street +25 Richard
Strickland Nigel
Styler Scott
Sutherland John
Sutton -5 (Captain) Vince
Swan +30 Mike
Swann +30 Mike
Sweeney +10* Paul
Symonds (Captain) Kasim
Tanner +30 Ralf
Tapster (Captain) +35 Gary
Taylor Keith
Taylor +20 Martin
Taylor +30 Wayne
Taylor +30 Ben
Tehrani Scr (Captain) Ali
Tehrani +20 AJ
Thomas Clive
Thomas Dan
Thomas Owen
Thomas +30 Owen
Thompson +30 Ian
Thompson -5 Ian
Thorne +40 Dennis
Timms +20* Chris
Tocknell (Captain) -25 Adrian
Tolley +15 Clive
Tovoglari Scr* Luigi
Tozer (Captain) +20 George
Tozer +30 David
Tsigarides +10 John
Tsigarides +30 Fil
Tunney -45 Alan
Turner -5 Euan
Tyrell Ollie
Tyrrell +30 Leonard
Tyrrell +30 Ben
Vercoe +25 Steve
Vercoe +40 Gary
Vincent +30 Chris
W Harris +40 Doug
Wall +20 Trevor
Walters Ian
Ward (Captain) Scr Dan
Ward +10 Marcus
Waring +30 Carl
Warren +30 Graham
Warry +15 Adam
Watts C
Webber (Captain) +30 Nick
Webber +30 Nick
Webster Scr Andrew
Westcott +5 Yannis
Westerman Ken
Whaley -7 Aidan
Wheatley -5 Alan
White Alex
White +5 Neil
Whitehouse +30 Neil
Whittaker +20 Richard
Whittaker +40 (07814 568071) Alan
Whittaker -45 Jason
Whitting Joe
Whittle+15 Marcus
Whyte Scr Brindley
Wilkes Tony
Williams (Captain) -5 07909 637606 Shaun
Williams +25 Keith
Williams +30 Wilf
Williams -10 Ken
Williams -5 Mike
Williams -5 Mike
Wills +10 Mark
Wilson +30 Stu
Wood +10 Frank
Wood +15 Brian
Woods -10 Simon
Wright +10* Malcolm
Wright +20 Robert
Wyatt Willy
Yeates Paul
Alberici -5 John
Alvey +30 Lee
Ambrose +5 Elliot
Ambrose Scr* Elliott
Anstead +5 Mark
Anthony +35 Ryan
Antrobus Scr* Matt
Armitage -20 Ed
Astin -25 Andy
Attwood -12 Shaun
Avery Glynn
Bartlett +20 Mike
Barton -15 Luke
Baxter Joe
Beale Jack
Bedford Robert
Beech +35 Joe
Beer -10 Steve
Beresford +20* Mark
Bicknell -10 Pete
Blackmore -40 Ritchie
Blagdon Dave
Bolton Callum
Bolton +15 Callum
Booth +15 Ian
Booth +20 Terry
Boundy Ollie
Boustead Scr Dave
Bowden +30 Ben
Bowen Paul
Bowen +30 Paul
Boyd -10 Jim
Bracey Simon
Breslin -20 Ian
Brett (Captain) +30 Ed
Brett +10* Tom
Brooks +20 Tony
Brown +25 Andy
Brown +30 Travis
Butcher Simon
Callard (Captain) +10 Justin
Camplin-Broom Scr Jacob
Carpenter +15 Mark
Carter +20 Malcolm
Chalk Vince
Chalk +5 Chris
Charles (Captain) +25 Leigh
Cholerton +15 Phil
Chown Scr Tony
Clark +35 (Captain) 07981 289643 Gary
Clarke +10 Tony
Clayton Scr* Simon
Cleave +20 Connor
Clements Anthony
Cleur +40 Ray
Coats +25 Jason
Cocks +10 Andy
Colclough (Captain) +30 Jerry
Colclough -10 Lewis
Corner Dan
Cose +25 John
Coysh +25 Paul
Crosscombe Stuart
Crosscombe S
Cuthbertson +15 Norman
Dale Scr* Matt
Dart Steve
Dart +20 Steve
Dart +40 Jim
Davey +20 Ben
Delbecque +30 Eric
Dempsey Scr Dave
Dorman (Captain) Tommy
Douglas +30 Steve
Drake +20 Jerry
Drew Anthony
Drew (Captain) +15 Stan
Dunn +10 Ryan
Dwyer +40 Barry
Edmonds Noel
Edwards (Captain) +10 Richard
Ellingworth -10 Brian
Elliott M
Elliott +20 Mike
Elliott -5 Ritchie
Evans Jamie
Farley Scr Des
Ferren +25 Bryan
Finch Nathan
Fitzgerald -15 Andy
Foloni Al
Foote -5 Bill
Ford +35 Kevin
Francis (Captain) +30 Alan
Francis -7 (07530 527428) Ben
Fuller Ben
Garbutt +25 Terry
Gardener +20 Kevin
Gardner Mike
Gardner +10 Simon
Gaulden +20* Steve
Gay +10 Kieron
Gayler -20 Craig
Gerrard Scr* Dan
Gibson +30 Rob
Gibson -45 Ryan
Giffard +25 Colin
Gosling +30 Leonard
Greenwood Kevin
Greenwood +15 Kevin
Gregg -5 Andy
Griffiths +40 Phil
Grimwood +30 Chris
Hallam Nick
Hallett Dave
Halliwell -40 John
Halloran +25 Crespin
Hamlet Mark
Harper (Captain) Scr (07854 114717) Leighton
Harris (Captain) +40 01803 556247 Russell
Harris +40 Alan
Harris Scr Doug
Harris Scr* Mark
Harris Snr +40 Doug
Harrison +10* (07490 957707) Mark
Harrop +5 Dave
Harvey +25 Bob
Hawkins Scr Craig
Hawkshaw +30 Phil
Hawkshaw Scr Paul
Hawley Jerry
Hayden Ralph
Heather John
Helley +25 Matt
Helliwell Connor
Higston C
Hill +30 Craig
Hill +5 Christian
Hill -35 Andy
Hill Scr Paul
Hines +30 S
Hines +40 Steve
Hisloc +30 Rob
Hitchcock -10 Pete
Hobson -10 Chris
Hocking A
Hodge Brett
Hogg +30 Kevin
Holland Scr Tom
Hopkins (Captain) +15 Martyn
Hopkins +5 Adrian
Horsfall +20 Danny
Houldsworth +15 Dan
Houldsworth +30 Dave
Hruza +30 Mike
Hyde +20 Nick
Ireland +10 Jan
Irons Craig
J. Clements A
James -25 Lee
Jarrett Chris
Johns -5 Nick
Johns Scr Nic
Jones +10 Dean
Jones +30 Julian
Keates +25 Paul
Kelly +30 Daniel
Kemp +10 Brett
Kenney +30 Scott
Kenney Scr* Bradley
Kerry +20* Geoff
Kitchen (Captain) Scr Ben
Knapman (Captain) Scr Nick
Knight Simon
Langdon +25 Brian
last player no
Law +25 John
Lee -45 James
Lee -5 Jim
Lethbridge Peter
Lewis (Captain) +5 Jason
Lewis +30 Paul
Lewis +30 Adam
Lewis -10 Pete
Lewis -10 Dan
Lidster +30 Nigel
Lightfoot +30 Dave
Lincoln +20 Stuart
Little -10 Ray
Littlejohns +30 Terry
Lock +30 Simon
Locke Scr Steve
Lofthouse +5 Paul
Lomax +40 Dave
Luis Jose
Lumsdon +5 Lewis
Lye Jon
Lye Stephen
Lye Dave
Mager +25 Gary
Makinen -10 Martin
Martin +10 Andy
Mascilo +20 Andy
Maskrey Lee
Matthews -20 Jason
Mc Arthur snr -5 Lee
McArthur Jnr -30 Lee
McCaughan (Captain) +15 Luke
McCaughan +25 Warren
McIntyre +30 John
McKenner +30 Duncan
McKnight +30 Scott
McMahon +30 George
Mearns -25 Chay
Meatheral +35 Charlie
Melsome +30 Ben
Milden Terry
Milden -10 Brian
Miles +40 Les
Miles -10 Jason
Milichip +30 Colin
Millard-Smith -35 Darren
Mills +10 Robert
Mills -15 Nigel
Mitchell +5 Simon
Moloney Scr Con
Moore -5 Matt
Moore Scr* Iain
Morales -5 Roger
Morris +5 John
Morrison Jim
Morrison +5 Andy
Mould Scr* Tony
Mucklow -15 Tony
Mucklow -30 Dave
Mucklow -45 Alex
Murray +25 Sam
Nash Julian
Neck -45 Andy
Newman +20 Jim
Nicholls -10 Darren
Nicholls -15 Robin
Noel Bill
Northcott +25 Sam
Nugent (Captain) -5 John
O Donovan Kevin
O’Donavan +30 Kevin
O’Sullivan +30 Pete
Ogbourne Jon
O'Neal L
Ottaway -10 Mel
Otto +30 Dave
Otto -5 Charlie
Owen +15 Gary
Parker -5 Neil
Parvin +20 Thomas
Passmore -20 Jerry
Paul Jon
Peach Jake
Pearce (Captain) Scr Lee
Pearse Jamie
Perkins +5 John
Perkins -20 Rob
Peters StJohn
Peters Sam
Peters +30 John
Peters -15 (07715 337228) Shaun
Peters -20 Wes
Phillips -20 Matt
Pierce -5 (Scr Comps) Stephen
Pitts -10 Ben
Platt +15 Dave
Plummer -15 Simon
Porter +30 Terry
Potter +10 Luke
Powell Scr Rod
Price Scr Cristian
Pritchard Haydn
Pritchard Ralph
Pullin James
Radcliffe Roger
Radcliffe Robert
Raddon Michael
Rainbird Paul
Randall-Pybus Scr* Lee
Randell Scr* Lee
Rawlings Jeremy
Redman +10 Phil
Redstone Lee
Reeman Scr Chris
Reeves +15 Stewart
Reeves +5 Jordan
Reeves -15 Stewart
Rendle Richard
Ridley +30 Adrian
Ritson (Captain) +5 Cliff
Roberts Mike
Rodgers (Captain) +15 Luke
Roughani Scr Mo
Rudling +40 Gordon
Sampson +10* Dave
Sampson +30 Neil
Sanders (Captain) +20 Richard
Sanderson +30 Clive
Savage +30* Gary
Scales +10 Chris
Scholes +30 Steve
Seymour +10 Christopher
Shead +15 Tony
Shelley Scr John
Shelley Scr* Ellis
Sheriff +20 Paul
Sherman -10 Dean
Short +20 Jim
Sinclair +5 Mike
Slade Scr Steve
Smith +10 Dan
Smith +20* Andy
Smith +30 Kevin
Smith +30 Phil
Smith +30 Phil.S.
Smith +30 (07767 803048) Phil
Smythe Scr Andy
Snell John
Snook -10 (Scr Comps) William
Snowden -5 Phil
Sousa +20 Dinis
Spiller Geoff
spillor jeff
Squires Scr* Jamie
Stabb +15 Paul
Stafford +15 Peirs
Stapleton Scr Tim
Stickley +30 Liam
Stickley +30 Darren
Stocker John
Stockman +15 Dale
Stockman +30 (07980 174182) Mike
Strange Scr Steve
Street +25 Richard
Strickland Nigel
Styler Scott
Sutherland John
Sutton -5 (Captain) Vince
Swan +30 Mike
Swann +30 Mike
Sweeney +10* Paul
Symonds (Captain) Kasim
Tanner +30 Ralf
Tapster (Captain) +35 Gary
Taylor Keith
Taylor +20 Martin
Taylor +30 Wayne
Taylor +30 Ben
Tehrani Scr (Captain) Ali
Tehrani +20 AJ
Thomas Clive
Thomas Dan
Thomas Owen
Thomas +30 Owen
Thompson +30 Ian
Thompson -5 Ian
Thorne +40 Dennis
Timms +20* Chris
Tocknell (Captain) -25 Adrian
Tolley +15 Clive
Tovoglari Scr* Luigi
Tozer (Captain) +20 George
Tozer +30 David
Tsigarides +10 John
Tsigarides +30 Fil
Tunney -45 Alan
Turner -5 Euan
Tyrell Ollie
Tyrrell +30 Leonard
Tyrrell +30 Ben
Vercoe +25 Steve
Vercoe +40 Gary
Vincent +30 Chris
W Harris +40 Doug
Wall +20 Trevor
Walters Ian
Ward (Captain) Scr Dan
Ward +10 Marcus
Waring +30 Carl
Warren +30 Graham
Warry +15 Adam
Watts C
Webber (Captain) +30 Nick
Webber +30 Nick
Webster Scr Andrew
Westcott +5 Yannis
Westerman Ken
Whaley -7 Aidan
Wheatley -5 Alan
White Alex
White +5 Neil
Whitehouse +30 Neil
Whittaker +20 Richard
Whittaker +40 (07814 568071) Alan
Whittaker -45 Jason
Whitting Joe
Whittle+15 Marcus
Whyte Scr Brindley
Wilkes Tony
Williams (Captain) -5 07909 637606 Shaun
Williams +25 Keith
Williams +30 Wilf
Williams -10 Ken
Williams -5 Mike
Williams -5 Mike
Wills +10 Mark
Wilson +30 Stu
Wood +10 Frank
Wood +15 Brian
Woods -10 Simon
Wright +10* Malcolm
Wright +20 Robert
Wyatt Willy
Yeates Paul
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player