Fylde Private Clubs Snooker League - Wednesday -
Season = 13 September 2017 - 11 April 2018
Season = 12 September 2018 - 10 April 2019
Season = 04 September 2019 - 15 April 2020
Season = 08 September 2021 - 20 April 2022
Season = 07 September 2022 - 19 April 2023
Season = 06 September 2023 - 17 April 2024
Season = 11 September 2024 - 09 April 2025
Administrator - Roy McElhinney | roysnooker147@gmail.com | 07951391445
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Aggregates
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Divisions & Cups)
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Team Knock Out
Head to Head -
Alexander Ian
Allen Kevin
Altham **0 Bernard
Anderson ## Bernard
Anderton Jed
Andrews Trevor
Ansell ## **20 Bill
Anslow Barry
Apps **30 Dave
Archer Roy
Ashton Eddie
Ashworth Andy
Aspden **23 David
Aspinall ## George
Bailey Terry
Bailey Roy
Baker Graham
Barks ^4 Ken
Barnes **-27 Alan
Barnes Jim
Beaumont Steve
Beavers Craig
Beighton Horace
Bennett Bob
Bentley Arnie
Bird Phil
Birtwistle Roger
Birtwistle Paul
Boe (C) Joe
Bonnett Lee
Bradshaw Robert
Brewster **18 Alan
Brindle John
Brooks Mark
Brothwood Richard
Buckley Ray
Burgess Geoff
Burley **0 Mark
Burrows Trevor
Butler Alan
Campbell Mike
Carey Graham
Carruthers Robert
Castle +0 Ron
Christian +0 Kevin
Clarke Bob
Clarke **15 Neill
Clayton (C) Jim
Clift Nigel
Cohen Carl
Coleclough +0 Martin
Connor Mike
Cook Sid
Cook John
Cookney Dave
Cork Ken
Crossley Albert
Culshaw Les
Cummins Bill
Dalton **-15 Alan
Darbyshire Neil
Davies Steve
Davies John
Dekker Rod
Devlin Steve
Dickerson **-18 Roy
Dochery **18 Eric
Donegani Gary
Drake Graham
Drury Ken
Edmondson **15 George
Edmondson Ian
Entwistle Robert
Eunson Mike
Fenton (C) Dion
Ferrar Robert
Fielding Oliver
Firth Steve
Fisher Gordon
Fitzgerald ^-30 Dave
Flanagan Jim
Ford Rick
Fortune Alan
Fyall ##**-6 George
Gleeson Bob
Gorton Ged
Greenaway **10 Martin
Gregson Stuart
Griffiths **23 Arthur
Hackett Len
Hale Justin
Hall Darryl
Halliwell **5 Roy
Hallsworth Dave
Hamer Les
Hardwick Dave
Hargreaves Pat
Hargreaves (C) Ted
Harrold Jim
Haworth Jack
Hayes Ron
Hennessy Arther
Hill ++25 Trevor
Hindle Peter
Holden Paul
Holland Tom
Horn Ged
Howe ++-15 Bob
Hoyle Keith
Hubbert Steve
Hudson John
Hughes **0 Scott
Humphreys (C) Steve
Imeson +5 John
Ingle (C) Derek
Irwim **0 Keith
Jackson Gary
Jagger **0 Maurice
Jeffrey Allan
Jolly Dave
Jones Alan
Kane (C) **-26 Mike
Keleher Tom
Kerr Jim
Kitchen Graham
Kitching Craig
Kitchingman John
Knights Dave
Knights Alan
Lamkin (C) John
Lawenson Bill
Lawton Ken
Leemar Dave
Lloyd Emrys
Lockwood **25 Terry
Lycett Steve
Lythgoe Jack
MacDonald Victor
MacDonald Vic
Madden Collin
Marsden Brian
Marsh #14 Peter
Marshal Barry
Marshall **15 David
Martin Gerry
McAllin **22 Mike
McCleneghan Brian
McGeachy Gerry
McGill Peter
McMahon John
Melling **7 Steve
Mellor Ray
Middleton Barry
Middleton (C) Trevor
Midgley (c) Howard
Mohamed Yusef
Monk Ben
Morgan Walter
Morley Dave
Morrison (C) Tony
Moyes Eddy
Moyes **10 Alan
Mulhall Tom
Murray Frank
Nelson ^-28 Darren
Newbold Mike
Nixon Ray
Norman Fred
O`Connell Noel
O`Neill Logan
O’Neill Logan
Oldham Brian
Openshaw Bert
Owen Derek
Parfitt Mick
Parker Eddie
Parker Jack
Parkin **8 Alec
Parkin **##14 Alec
Parsons ++0 Bernard
Pass +0 Walter
Pearson +-4 Mike
Pitt (C) Tony
Plumb ^-7 John
Porter ##++25 Dave
Porter Dave
Poulter Alan
Poulter ## Alan
Powell Ray
Powell (C) Glen
Poxon **-51 Tony
Prescott David
Pringle Paul
Purnell Richard
Rainbow Robert
Ramshaw Billy
Ratcliffe Alan
Rawstron David
Reader Derek
Reardon Ron
Reed Chris
Reid Graham
Reynolds Martin
Reynolds (C) Paul
Rhodes **23 Nigel
Rigg **25 Brian
Rinder Tony
Rogerson Dave
Ryder Maurice
Sabberton Brian
Schofield Arther
Scholey John
Scott (C) **-55 Carl
Seddon ++25 Greg
Shaw Les
Sheader ## Paul
Shepherd ## Adrian
Shirwen Pete
Simpson Tony
Slater Peter
Slater Peter
Smillie ++20 John
Smith Norman
Smith ^-15 Steve
Stansfield **##Jimmy
Statham Gerry
Stone Bob
Stringer Bob
Studholme Dennis
Stuttard David
Sweeting Mike
Taylor ++-6 Paul
Taylor Alan
Taylor ^-20 Alban
Terry +8 Elmes
Thornton Dave
Thornton **-5 Dave
Threllfall Harry
Tolley Bernard
Tompkins Raymond
Townsend Ian
Truelove Derek
Turrell John
Tweedy Douglas
Van Leevwen #-5 David
Vernon **-15 Charlie
Vickers Dave
Walderman Allan
Walderman Tom
Walderman Eric
Walker Tommy
Walker Roy
Walton Keith
Ward John
Ward **-10 Andy
Ward Martin
Warwick John
Welsh Clive
Wharton Phil
Whelan ^15 Paul
Whetton Brian
Whiteside John
Whittaker Pete
Wilde **-6 Mark
Williams Glynn
Willis Kim
Wilson Graham
Wilson Trevor
Wilson Trevor
Wilson David
Windridge (C) Les
Wolstencroft Steven
Wood Duncan
Wylie **-33 Geoff
Yarwood Mike
Young **10 Terence
Young Terence
Alexander Ian
Allen Kevin
Altham **0 Bernard
Anderson ## Bernard
Anderton Jed
Andrews Trevor
Ansell ## **20 Bill
Anslow Barry
Apps **30 Dave
Archer Roy
Ashton Eddie
Ashworth Andy
Aspden **23 David
Aspinall ## George
Bailey Terry
Bailey Roy
Baker Graham
Barks ^4 Ken
Barnes **-27 Alan
Barnes Jim
Beaumont Steve
Beavers Craig
Beighton Horace
Bennett Bob
Bentley Arnie
Bird Phil
Birtwistle Roger
Birtwistle Paul
Boe (C) Joe
Bonnett Lee
Bradshaw Robert
Brewster **18 Alan
Brindle John
Brooks Mark
Brothwood Richard
Buckley Ray
Burgess Geoff
Burley **0 Mark
Burrows Trevor
Butler Alan
Campbell Mike
Carey Graham
Carruthers Robert
Castle +0 Ron
Christian +0 Kevin
Clarke Bob
Clarke **15 Neill
Clayton (C) Jim
Clift Nigel
Cohen Carl
Coleclough +0 Martin
Connor Mike
Cook Sid
Cook John
Cookney Dave
Cork Ken
Crossley Albert
Culshaw Les
Cummins Bill
Dalton **-15 Alan
Darbyshire Neil
Davies Steve
Davies John
Dekker Rod
Devlin Steve
Dickerson **-18 Roy
Dochery **18 Eric
Donegani Gary
Drake Graham
Drury Ken
Edmondson **15 George
Edmondson Ian
Entwistle Robert
Eunson Mike
Fenton (C) Dion
Ferrar Robert
Fielding Oliver
Firth Steve
Fisher Gordon
Fitzgerald ^-30 Dave
Flanagan Jim
Ford Rick
Fortune Alan
Fyall ##**-6 George
Gleeson Bob
Gorton Ged
Greenaway **10 Martin
Gregson Stuart
Griffiths **23 Arthur
Hackett Len
Hale Justin
Hall Darryl
Halliwell **5 Roy
Hallsworth Dave
Hamer Les
Hardwick Dave
Hargreaves Pat
Hargreaves (C) Ted
Harrold Jim
Haworth Jack
Hayes Ron
Hennessy Arther
Hill ++25 Trevor
Hindle Peter
Holden Paul
Holland Tom
Horn Ged
Howe ++-15 Bob
Hoyle Keith
Hubbert Steve
Hudson John
Hughes **0 Scott
Humphreys (C) Steve
Imeson +5 John
Ingle (C) Derek
Irwim **0 Keith
Jackson Gary
Jagger **0 Maurice
Jeffrey Allan
Jolly Dave
Jones Alan
Kane (C) **-26 Mike
Keleher Tom
Kerr Jim
Kitchen Graham
Kitching Craig
Kitchingman John
Knights Dave
Knights Alan
Lamkin (C) John
Lawenson Bill
Lawton Ken
Leemar Dave
Lloyd Emrys
Lockwood **25 Terry
Lycett Steve
Lythgoe Jack
MacDonald Victor
MacDonald Vic
Madden Collin
Marsden Brian
Marsh #14 Peter
Marshal Barry
Marshall **15 David
Martin Gerry
McAllin **22 Mike
McCleneghan Brian
McGeachy Gerry
McGill Peter
McMahon John
Melling **7 Steve
Mellor Ray
Middleton Barry
Middleton (C) Trevor
Midgley (c) Howard
Mohamed Yusef
Monk Ben
Morgan Walter
Morley Dave
Morrison (C) Tony
Moyes Eddy
Moyes **10 Alan
Mulhall Tom
Murray Frank
Nelson ^-28 Darren
Newbold Mike
Nixon Ray
Norman Fred
O`Connell Noel
O`Neill Logan
O’Neill Logan
Oldham Brian
Openshaw Bert
Owen Derek
Parfitt Mick
Parker Eddie
Parker Jack
Parkin **8 Alec
Parkin **##14 Alec
Parsons ++0 Bernard
Pass +0 Walter
Pearson +-4 Mike
Pitt (C) Tony
Plumb ^-7 John
Porter ##++25 Dave
Porter Dave
Poulter Alan
Poulter ## Alan
Powell Ray
Powell (C) Glen
Poxon **-51 Tony
Prescott David
Pringle Paul
Purnell Richard
Rainbow Robert
Ramshaw Billy
Ratcliffe Alan
Rawstron David
Reader Derek
Reardon Ron
Reed Chris
Reid Graham
Reynolds Martin
Reynolds (C) Paul
Rhodes **23 Nigel
Rigg **25 Brian
Rinder Tony
Rogerson Dave
Ryder Maurice
Sabberton Brian
Schofield Arther
Scholey John
Scott (C) **-55 Carl
Seddon ++25 Greg
Shaw Les
Sheader ## Paul
Shepherd ## Adrian
Shirwen Pete
Simpson Tony
Slater Peter
Slater Peter
Smillie ++20 John
Smith Norman
Smith ^-15 Steve
Stansfield **##Jimmy
Statham Gerry
Stone Bob
Stringer Bob
Studholme Dennis
Stuttard David
Sweeting Mike
Taylor ++-6 Paul
Taylor Alan
Taylor ^-20 Alban
Terry +8 Elmes
Thornton Dave
Thornton **-5 Dave
Threllfall Harry
Tolley Bernard
Tompkins Raymond
Townsend Ian
Truelove Derek
Turrell John
Tweedy Douglas
Van Leevwen #-5 David
Vernon **-15 Charlie
Vickers Dave
Walderman Allan
Walderman Tom
Walderman Eric
Walker Tommy
Walker Roy
Walton Keith
Ward John
Ward **-10 Andy
Ward Martin
Warwick John
Welsh Clive
Wharton Phil
Whelan ^15 Paul
Whetton Brian
Whiteside John
Whittaker Pete
Wilde **-6 Mark
Williams Glynn
Willis Kim
Wilson Graham
Wilson Trevor
Wilson Trevor
Wilson David
Windridge (C) Les
Wolstencroft Steven
Wood Duncan
Wylie **-33 Geoff
Yarwood Mike
Young **10 Terence
Young Terence
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player