Widnes & District Snooker League -
Season = 01 September 2021 - 01 July 2022
Season = 01 September 2022 - 10 July 2023
Season = 01 September 2023 - 31 July 2024
Season = 01 September 2024 - 31 July 2025
Administrator - Phill Whitehead | paclunch@yahoo.com | 07931348331
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Aggregates
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Divisions & Cups)
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Snooker 6 Reds
Snooker Championship
Snooker Division 1 Handicap
Snooker Division 2 Handicap
Snooker Handicap
Snooker Over 50's
Snooker Pairs
Snooker Team Shield
Head to Head -
Abbott Andy
Achilles Chris
Achilles A
Achilles Dave
Adamson Brian
Albiston (NEW UR) Lewis
Allen Kevin
Anderson Paul
Antrobus Paul
Appleton Rodger
Ashby Paul
Aspey Joe
Aspey John
Atkin A
Atkinson Mark
Atwood Daz
Austin Neil
Bailey A
Baker D
Bargh Stu
Barlow M
Barry Danny
Barry (UR) John
Barton (JNR) Iain
Barton (SNR) Iain
Bate Ste
Bate John
Batty Jordan
Batty Mike
Beamish Liam
Beddows (UR) Danny
Beesley Norman
Bentham T
Berrisford Simon
Bethell Darren
Bingham Mark
Binmunda (NEW UR) B
Birch Ash
Blackmore Gary
Bolton Keith
Bourke Terry
Bowden Davis (NEW UR) S
Bowman James
Bradburn Paul
Bradley (UR) Tyler
Brady Paul
Brindley (NEW UR) Rhys
Bromilow (UR) Colin
Buckley-Mellor (UR) Steve
Burns Tony
Byrne J
Byrne Jordan
Carew Mick
Carey Josh
Carman G
Carr Tommy
Carr (UR) Chris
Carter G
Cartwright Terry
Chamberlain (UR) Brian
Chapman Chris
Chapman R
Chapman Ryan
China Dave
Chisnall Ian
Clarke Matty
Clarke Anthony
Coffy B
Collier Mark
Condron Adam
Condron Ryan
Connolly Brian
Connolly Billy
Connor (UR) Martin
Cook J
Cookson Geoff
Cookson Tom
Cookson Ryan
Cooney Lee
Cooper (UR) Liam
Coram Dave
Corby Eddie
Corby T
Corby R
Corns Peter
Cosgrove (UR) Shaun
Cotterill Andy
Coughlin Paul
Cowley Steven
Crank P
Crossland Carl
Dale John
Dandy (UR) K
Daniels Jordy
Daniels (UR) Matthew
Davenport John
Davies Nigel
Davies (UR) Martin
Dennett Kian
Dennett Mike
Dicks C
Dickson Eddie
Dobson Pete
Donnelly H
Doyle Nathan
Doyle Joe
Dunlop Eoin
Dunn Alan
Dunn Jimmy
Dunn P
Duong Brian
Dutton Ray
Dutton B
Dyer Lee
Edwards Andy
Ellison Dave
Ellison M
Ellison (UR) Mike
Evans Jeff
Evans M
Evans Dave
Fairfield Eric
Fallon Martin
Farrington Kyle
Farrington J
Fenlon (NEW UR) Craig
Fenlow P
Fenney (UR) Ellis
Findlater Andy
Floyd George
Forshaw Carl
Foster Peter
Fox Al
Francis K
Freeman Mark
Fretwell Robin
Gallagher J
Gallagher Connor
Gallaway R
Gallaway (UR) R
Galloway Tom
Gerrard Mike
Gibson Mark
Gilinsky Brian
Gill (UR) Rob
Gilmore (NEW UR) Danny
Golledge Leigh
Gough Ian
Goulden Tom
Goulden Paul
Grady Gareth
Grady Mark
Gray Tommy
Greer Tony
Grice (UR) Ethan
Grimes Dale
Groome Roger
Haliday Gary
Hallsworth John
Harris Bob
Harrison Michael
Hartley Mike
Haslam Matthew
Haste ur Simon
Haughton Darren
Hayes Jimmy
Henderson Phil
Henderson Peter
Hendry Arthur
Heyburn M
Heyburn Bob
Heyburn Nathan
Heyburn (UR) Lewis
Higginson S
Hill Tony
Hilton Paul
Hindley Rob
Hoey P
Holland John
Holland Barry
Holland (UR) Lee
Hope John
Hope (NEW UR) John
Horne Phil
Horne Pat
Hosking Leon
Hough Brian
Houghton Ben
Hudson (UR) Danny
Hughes Ashley
Hughes John
Hughes M
Hughes Scott
Hulme Derek
Humphries Colin
Hunt N
Hunter Jamie
Illidge Geoff
Illidge Dave
Ireland S
Jackson Matty
James Barry
James (NEW UR) T
Jevons Graham
Johnson Kev
Johnson Liam
Johnson Paul
Johnson Olie
Johnson (UR) Mark
Jones John
Jones D
Jones Colin
Jones A
Jones Levi
Jones (UR) Dave
Jordan Mark
Joyce Gary
Joyce G
Kays Paul
Keegan Scott
Kennedy Bryan
Kenny P
Kettey Tyler
Kilshaw Jason
Kilshaw Ken
King Jay
King Mark
Kinsella Paul
Knight (UR) G
Knowles Dave
Lane Barrie
Langley Andy
Laughton Tommy
Lawrenson (NEW UR) Rob
Lawton I
Lea Tony
Leadbetter Ste
Leather T
Leather P
Leather Joe
Leather Tony
Leather (UR) Rob
Lee (NEW UR) Tony
Lee (UR) George
Leigh Rampling A
Lewin Anthony
Llewellyn Ste
Llewellyn Ethan
Locke (JNR) Norman
Locke (NEW UR) Rico
Locke (SNR) Norman
Lomas Mike
Lord Jack
Loseby Dave
Lott Eddie
Loveridge Tony
Lowe Ian
Lowe A
Lucas S
Lund Luke
Lyons Rob
Magee Danny
Malloy Callum
Marsh Kevin
Marsh R
Marsh D
Marsh (UR) Ronnie
Matthews Phil
McCarthy Colin
McCurdy Barry
McCurdy J
McDonnell Anthony
McGuiness Ste
McGuiness (UR) Neil
McGuinness (NEW UR) Lee
McKeown I
McPartland Peter
McQuillan Matthew
McQuillan Peter
McWhinnie John
Mercer (NEW UR) John
Millington Alex
Millington Ste
Milne Leo
Molloy Graham
Molyneux C
Molyneux Lee
Molyneux (JNR) Dave
Molyneux (SNR) Dave
Moore Dave
Moores (NEW UR) Luke
Morrison Tony
Morton Dave
Moss A
Murmann Roly
Murphy (UR) Tommy
Murphy (UR) Myles
Myler Tommy
Naughton Danny
Newall Ste
Nicholson Jacob
Nuttie Billy
Nuttie Kyle
O'Brien G
O'Connor Aidy
O'Connor Ste
O'Docherty B
O'Hare Ste
O'Hare Alan
Parle Rob
Parr M
Parry Joe
Parsons Liam
Payne Sid
Peach Derek
Peach Mark
Pendleton Kieran
Pennington Frank
Pennington M
Peters (NEW UR) Alex
Picton Dale
Pierce Ray
Pinnington J
Player Deregistered
Plumpton Danny
Prescott Tommy
Price John
Price Scott
Price J
Priestley J
Priestley (ur) John
Quirk Dave
Randles Bob
Ratcliffe John
Ratcliffe Ste
Rawlinson Tony
Rawlinson Ste
Reay George
Relph Andy
Riccio Tony
Riccio Paul
Rigby Paul
Rimmer Clive
Roberts John
Roberts Dale
Roberts G
Roberts Jono
Roberts (NEW UR) Glyn
Roberts (UR) Shaune
Roberts (UR) Jono
Robertson Robbie
Robertson Thomas
Robinson Dave
Robinson Jim
Rogers Dave
Roswell Rio
Rowe Ste
Rowlands Dave
Rowlands (UR) Graham
Royle Lee
Ruane K
Rush Phil
Ryan Ciara
Ryan T
Ryan Jake
Sadler Adam
Sambrookes Gareth
Sambrookes Richie
Sandison T
Sandison (UR) Billy
Seddon G
Selwyn T
Sharples Ian
Shaw John
Shaw Jordan
Sheehy Martin
Sheehy Tom
Sheehy Mike
Shone Ian
Shone (NEW UR) Sam
Short (UR) Ste
Simcock Denis
Simmons M
Slavin P
Smart Chris
Smith Mark
Smith Paul
Soul G
Speakman Kelvin
Spencer Ste
Spencer Freddie
Staniford Gary
Staniford S
Staniford A
Sunderland ur Mike
Swanson (NEW UR) S
Swift S
Tarpey Alex
Taylor K
Taylor Rob
Taylor Fran
Taylor Derek
Taylor Paul
Taylor (UR) Paul
Thomas Lee
Thompson Adam
Thomson (NEW UR) Paul
Tiernan K
Tighe John
Timmis Dave
Tollitt John
Tollitt Jack
Tootill Duncan
Tudor (UR) Paul
Turner Neil
Turner Josh
Turner Stuart
Turton Wez
Twist John
Tyrell D
Watson Stu
Watson Alex
Watt Duncan
Welding (NEW UR) Maty
Whelan Neil
Wherley Ken
White Ian
Whitehead Phill
Whitfield Chris
Whitfield A
Whittle Peter
Whittle Richie
Wignell John
Wilding Peter
Williams Ste
Williams Leroy
Williams Paul
Williams (NEW UR) T
Williamson (UR) Luke
Wills Liam
Win Absent
Wood Lee
Woodcock (NEW UR) A
Woodrow Brian
Woolley Danny
Worth Paul
Abbott Andy
Achilles Chris
Achilles A
Achilles Dave
Adamson Brian
Albiston (NEW UR) Lewis
Allen Kevin
Anderson Paul
Antrobus Paul
Appleton Rodger
Ashby Paul
Aspey Joe
Aspey John
Atkin A
Atkinson Mark
Atwood Daz
Austin Neil
Bailey A
Baker D
Bargh Stu
Barlow M
Barry Danny
Barry (UR) John
Barton (JNR) Iain
Barton (SNR) Iain
Bate Ste
Bate John
Batty Jordan
Batty Mike
Beamish Liam
Beddows (UR) Danny
Beesley Norman
Bentham T
Berrisford Simon
Bethell Darren
Bingham Mark
Binmunda (NEW UR) B
Birch Ash
Blackmore Gary
Bolton Keith
Bourke Terry
Bowden Davis (NEW UR) S
Bowman James
Bradburn Paul
Bradley (UR) Tyler
Brady Paul
Brindley (NEW UR) Rhys
Bromilow (UR) Colin
Buckley-Mellor (UR) Steve
Burns Tony
Byrne J
Byrne Jordan
Carew Mick
Carey Josh
Carman G
Carr Tommy
Carr (UR) Chris
Carter G
Cartwright Terry
Chamberlain (UR) Brian
Chapman Chris
Chapman R
Chapman Ryan
China Dave
Chisnall Ian
Clarke Matty
Clarke Anthony
Coffy B
Collier Mark
Condron Adam
Condron Ryan
Connolly Brian
Connolly Billy
Connor (UR) Martin
Cook J
Cookson Geoff
Cookson Tom
Cookson Ryan
Cooney Lee
Cooper (UR) Liam
Coram Dave
Corby Eddie
Corby T
Corby R
Corns Peter
Cosgrove (UR) Shaun
Cotterill Andy
Coughlin Paul
Cowley Steven
Crank P
Crossland Carl
Dale John
Dandy (UR) K
Daniels Jordy
Daniels (UR) Matthew
Davenport John
Davies Nigel
Davies (UR) Martin
Dennett Kian
Dennett Mike
Dicks C
Dickson Eddie
Dobson Pete
Donnelly H
Doyle Nathan
Doyle Joe
Dunlop Eoin
Dunn Alan
Dunn Jimmy
Dunn P
Duong Brian
Dutton Ray
Dutton B
Dyer Lee
Edwards Andy
Ellison Dave
Ellison M
Ellison (UR) Mike
Evans Jeff
Evans M
Evans Dave
Fairfield Eric
Fallon Martin
Farrington Kyle
Farrington J
Fenlon (NEW UR) Craig
Fenlow P
Fenney (UR) Ellis
Findlater Andy
Floyd George
Forshaw Carl
Foster Peter
Fox Al
Francis K
Freeman Mark
Fretwell Robin
Gallagher J
Gallagher Connor
Gallaway R
Gallaway (UR) R
Galloway Tom
Gerrard Mike
Gibson Mark
Gilinsky Brian
Gill (UR) Rob
Gilmore (NEW UR) Danny
Golledge Leigh
Gough Ian
Goulden Tom
Goulden Paul
Grady Gareth
Grady Mark
Gray Tommy
Greer Tony
Grice (UR) Ethan
Grimes Dale
Groome Roger
Haliday Gary
Hallsworth John
Harris Bob
Harrison Michael
Hartley Mike
Haslam Matthew
Haste ur Simon
Haughton Darren
Hayes Jimmy
Henderson Phil
Henderson Peter
Hendry Arthur
Heyburn M
Heyburn Bob
Heyburn Nathan
Heyburn (UR) Lewis
Higginson S
Hill Tony
Hilton Paul
Hindley Rob
Hoey P
Holland John
Holland Barry
Holland (UR) Lee
Hope John
Hope (NEW UR) John
Horne Phil
Horne Pat
Hosking Leon
Hough Brian
Houghton Ben
Hudson (UR) Danny
Hughes Ashley
Hughes John
Hughes M
Hughes Scott
Hulme Derek
Humphries Colin
Hunt N
Hunter Jamie
Illidge Geoff
Illidge Dave
Ireland S
Jackson Matty
James Barry
James (NEW UR) T
Jevons Graham
Johnson Kev
Johnson Liam
Johnson Paul
Johnson Olie
Johnson (UR) Mark
Jones John
Jones D
Jones Colin
Jones A
Jones Levi
Jones (UR) Dave
Jordan Mark
Joyce Gary
Joyce G
Kays Paul
Keegan Scott
Kennedy Bryan
Kenny P
Kettey Tyler
Kilshaw Jason
Kilshaw Ken
King Jay
King Mark
Kinsella Paul
Knight (UR) G
Knowles Dave
Lane Barrie
Langley Andy
Laughton Tommy
Lawrenson (NEW UR) Rob
Lawton I
Lea Tony
Leadbetter Ste
Leather T
Leather P
Leather Joe
Leather Tony
Leather (UR) Rob
Lee (NEW UR) Tony
Lee (UR) George
Leigh Rampling A
Lewin Anthony
Llewellyn Ste
Llewellyn Ethan
Locke (JNR) Norman
Locke (NEW UR) Rico
Locke (SNR) Norman
Lomas Mike
Lord Jack
Loseby Dave
Lott Eddie
Loveridge Tony
Lowe Ian
Lowe A
Lucas S
Lund Luke
Lyons Rob
Magee Danny
Malloy Callum
Marsh Kevin
Marsh R
Marsh D
Marsh (UR) Ronnie
Matthews Phil
McCarthy Colin
McCurdy Barry
McCurdy J
McDonnell Anthony
McGuiness Ste
McGuiness (UR) Neil
McGuinness (NEW UR) Lee
McKeown I
McPartland Peter
McQuillan Matthew
McQuillan Peter
McWhinnie John
Mercer (NEW UR) John
Millington Alex
Millington Ste
Milne Leo
Molloy Graham
Molyneux C
Molyneux Lee
Molyneux (JNR) Dave
Molyneux (SNR) Dave
Moore Dave
Moores (NEW UR) Luke
Morrison Tony
Morton Dave
Moss A
Murmann Roly
Murphy (UR) Tommy
Murphy (UR) Myles
Myler Tommy
Naughton Danny
Newall Ste
Nicholson Jacob
Nuttie Billy
Nuttie Kyle
O'Brien G
O'Connor Aidy
O'Connor Ste
O'Docherty B
O'Hare Ste
O'Hare Alan
Parle Rob
Parr M
Parry Joe
Parsons Liam
Payne Sid
Peach Derek
Peach Mark
Pendleton Kieran
Pennington Frank
Pennington M
Peters (NEW UR) Alex
Picton Dale
Pierce Ray
Pinnington J
Player Deregistered
Plumpton Danny
Prescott Tommy
Price John
Price Scott
Price J
Priestley J
Priestley (ur) John
Quirk Dave
Randles Bob
Ratcliffe John
Ratcliffe Ste
Rawlinson Tony
Rawlinson Ste
Reay George
Relph Andy
Riccio Tony
Riccio Paul
Rigby Paul
Rimmer Clive
Roberts John
Roberts Dale
Roberts G
Roberts Jono
Roberts (NEW UR) Glyn
Roberts (UR) Shaune
Roberts (UR) Jono
Robertson Robbie
Robertson Thomas
Robinson Dave
Robinson Jim
Rogers Dave
Roswell Rio
Rowe Ste
Rowlands Dave
Rowlands (UR) Graham
Royle Lee
Ruane K
Rush Phil
Ryan Ciara
Ryan T
Ryan Jake
Sadler Adam
Sambrookes Gareth
Sambrookes Richie
Sandison T
Sandison (UR) Billy
Seddon G
Selwyn T
Sharples Ian
Shaw John
Shaw Jordan
Sheehy Martin
Sheehy Tom
Sheehy Mike
Shone Ian
Shone (NEW UR) Sam
Short (UR) Ste
Simcock Denis
Simmons M
Slavin P
Smart Chris
Smith Mark
Smith Paul
Soul G
Speakman Kelvin
Spencer Ste
Spencer Freddie
Staniford Gary
Staniford S
Staniford A
Sunderland ur Mike
Swanson (NEW UR) S
Swift S
Tarpey Alex
Taylor K
Taylor Rob
Taylor Fran
Taylor Derek
Taylor Paul
Taylor (UR) Paul
Thomas Lee
Thompson Adam
Thomson (NEW UR) Paul
Tiernan K
Tighe John
Timmis Dave
Tollitt John
Tollitt Jack
Tootill Duncan
Tudor (UR) Paul
Turner Neil
Turner Josh
Turner Stuart
Turton Wez
Twist John
Tyrell D
Watson Stu
Watson Alex
Watt Duncan
Welding (NEW UR) Maty
Whelan Neil
Wherley Ken
White Ian
Whitehead Phill
Whitfield Chris
Whitfield A
Whittle Peter
Whittle Richie
Wignell John
Wilding Peter
Williams Ste
Williams Leroy
Williams Paul
Williams (NEW UR) T
Williamson (UR) Luke
Wills Liam
Win Absent
Wood Lee
Woodcock (NEW UR) A
Woodrow Brian
Woolley Danny
Worth Paul
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player