Wirral Amateur Billiard & Snooker League -
Season = 07 September 2022 - 13 April 2023
Season = 30 August 2023 - 17 April 2024
Administrator - Felix Borg | tenallmakes@hotmail.com |
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Aggregates
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Head to Head -
. No Opponent
. No Player
. No Opponent
.. No Player
Allen Dave
Barker M
Barker ( L
Beattie (24)(27) Joe
Blease (24) A
Boothroyd (24)(21) R
Borg (Sec) Felix
Borg (-9) Felix
Bradshaw Steve
Bradshaw. Steve
Brown Scr A D
Buckley (Scr)(-3) D
Butler P
Carty (scr) Mike
Clarke (Scr) Gary
Clepham (-21) (-27) C
Cody S
Collier Ross
Cooper (24) Kenny
Courtney (Capitan) (-18) Rob
Crawford Danny
Daugherty (-27) Mark
Daugherty (-39) Marc
Devine Will
Devine. W
Dobbins S
Docherty M
Doyle J
Eagles M
Eagles. M
Eeles Anthony
Ferris G
Fisher (9) (6) Andy
Fitzmaurice (-6) J
Fletcher Ian
Foote (36) Dave
Fredrick G
Gallagher F
Galley (-6) A
Gibson Scr Peter
Girbin Mark
Golding P
Goulding P
Green Chris
Green Daniel
Green (21) (18)(15) Martin
Gretton M
Griffiths P
Griffiths (-12) Lev
Griffiths (-3) Dave
Griffiths* A
Hagen Steve
Hanna John
Hannah John
Harvey Cory
Hendrie (-18) Stephen
Hesketh Chris
Hesketh Simon
Hinton (27) Tony
Hodgson (15) B
Hoijord (27) M
Hoijord.. M
Holt Lance
Howel Phil
Hughes J
Hughes S
Hughes A
Hullock (-15) Dave
Humphries Clayton
Innes M
Isherwood R
James Paul
Jardine Ritchie
Jardine J
Jardine Richie
Jardine Jamie
Johnstone Gary
Johnstone (Capitan)(-33) Craig
Jones Jamie
Jones R
Jones John
Jones.. John
Kearney L
Keates.. B
Kelington Zoe
Kelly (24) Paul
Killen D
Kirwan Chase
Kwan D
Lamb I
Lappin Mike
Lau (Capitan) John
Leece John
Lindsay Ste
Lindsay.. Ste
Lott Eddie
Lowry R
Lowry J
Mansell D
Mansell Simon
Mason Barry
Mason Jordan
McAdam S
McAdam (-15) Terry
McCabe M
McCabe Phil
McCabe.(21) Mally
McCulloch (-18) Paul
McDonnell (-15) Sean
McDonnell (-9) Sean
McDonough I
McElvogue J
McKeown (-9) Brian
McLaughlin Neil
McNabb. L
McNamara Pat
McTigue (21) Connor
Meadows Robbie
Milne G
Mohammed (18) Islam
Morris N
Morris Tony
Morris Sean
Morris.. D
Mullineux Scr Dave
Murphy Danny
Murphy 9 Steve
Murphy (-27) Ricky
Myddelton G
Nelson (-12) Kevin
Noonan (-3) Adam
Noonan (Sec) Adam
Nowell Tony
O'Brien Paul
O'Leary Jonathan
O'Neill Tony
Opponent No
Opponent No.
Parker (Capitan) Mike
Pengelly I
Pengelly (27) I
Philips Paul
Pilkington (15) Phil
Player No
Player No.
Player . No
Quinn Martin
Radford Anthony
Ravencroft Eddie
Ravenscroft Paul
Ravenscroft (9) R
Reid Paul
Rice (21) B
Richards (-6) Scott
Rigby M
Rigby. M
Rigby.. M
Riley Tony
Riley (21) A
Risnes K
Roberts M
Robertson (Deregistered) Steve
Rogan Paul
Rookie J
Routledge MBE Mike
Scott D
Scott. Dave
Sefton Gary
Sefton (Capitan) Steve
Short Mike
Smith Barry
Smith (-24) Alan J
Southworth Josh
Spicer (-3) Mal
Stanley Peter
Stanley Rob
Stanley (-9) Brian
Thomas (-3) Jake
Thompsom Jnr Jamie
Thompson Snr (-3) James
Toner P
Toner J
Toner.. J
Toner.. P
Traynor Peter
Tucker Ben
Tucker Trevor
Tyrell Adam
Tyrell (Scr) Marc
Upton (-12)(-15) Mike
Veaney W
Watson (27) N
Watson (30) Neil
Westlake Andy
Wharton Liam
Willett Les
Willett (18) L
Williams Leroy
Williams (-12) Luke
Wilson (33) D
Wolf Andy
Wolfe (18) Steve
Wolfe (18) Colin
Wolfe (21) Steve
Wolfe (-9) Andrew
Wolfe (Cap) Colin
Woodworth (-6) S
Woodworth. S
Woodworth. (-9)(-6) D
Wragg (24) (21) (18) (15)(12) Graham
Wright C
Wright B
Wright. B
Yates (-18) Steve
. No Opponent
. No Player
. No Opponent
.. No Player
Allen Dave
Barker M
Barker ( L
Beattie (24)(27) Joe
Blease (24) A
Boothroyd (24)(21) R
Borg (Sec) Felix
Borg (-9) Felix
Bradshaw Steve
Bradshaw. Steve
Brown Scr A D
Buckley (Scr)(-3) D
Butler P
Carty (scr) Mike
Clarke (Scr) Gary
Clepham (-21) (-27) C
Cody S
Collier Ross
Cooper (24) Kenny
Courtney (Capitan) (-18) Rob
Crawford Danny
Daugherty (-27) Mark
Daugherty (-39) Marc
Devine Will
Devine. W
Dobbins S
Docherty M
Doyle J
Eagles M
Eagles. M
Eeles Anthony
Ferris G
Fisher (9) (6) Andy
Fitzmaurice (-6) J
Fletcher Ian
Foote (36) Dave
Fredrick G
Gallagher F
Galley (-6) A
Gibson Scr Peter
Girbin Mark
Golding P
Goulding P
Green Chris
Green Daniel
Green (21) (18)(15) Martin
Gretton M
Griffiths P
Griffiths (-12) Lev
Griffiths (-3) Dave
Griffiths* A
Hagen Steve
Hanna John
Hannah John
Harvey Cory
Hendrie (-18) Stephen
Hesketh Chris
Hesketh Simon
Hinton (27) Tony
Hodgson (15) B
Hoijord (27) M
Hoijord.. M
Holt Lance
Howel Phil
Hughes J
Hughes S
Hughes A
Hullock (-15) Dave
Humphries Clayton
Innes M
Isherwood R
James Paul
Jardine Ritchie
Jardine J
Jardine Richie
Jardine Jamie
Johnstone Gary
Johnstone (Capitan)(-33) Craig
Jones Jamie
Jones R
Jones John
Jones.. John
Kearney L
Keates.. B
Kelington Zoe
Kelly (24) Paul
Killen D
Kirwan Chase
Kwan D
Lamb I
Lappin Mike
Lau (Capitan) John
Leece John
Lindsay Ste
Lindsay.. Ste
Lott Eddie
Lowry R
Lowry J
Mansell D
Mansell Simon
Mason Barry
Mason Jordan
McAdam S
McAdam (-15) Terry
McCabe M
McCabe Phil
McCabe.(21) Mally
McCulloch (-18) Paul
McDonnell (-15) Sean
McDonnell (-9) Sean
McDonough I
McElvogue J
McKeown (-9) Brian
McLaughlin Neil
McNabb. L
McNamara Pat
McTigue (21) Connor
Meadows Robbie
Milne G
Mohammed (18) Islam
Morris N
Morris Tony
Morris Sean
Morris.. D
Mullineux Scr Dave
Murphy Danny
Murphy 9 Steve
Murphy (-27) Ricky
Myddelton G
Nelson (-12) Kevin
Noonan (-3) Adam
Noonan (Sec) Adam
Nowell Tony
O'Brien Paul
O'Leary Jonathan
O'Neill Tony
Opponent No
Opponent No.
Parker (Capitan) Mike
Pengelly I
Pengelly (27) I
Philips Paul
Pilkington (15) Phil
Player No
Player No.
Player . No
Quinn Martin
Radford Anthony
Ravencroft Eddie
Ravenscroft Paul
Ravenscroft (9) R
Reid Paul
Rice (21) B
Richards (-6) Scott
Rigby M
Rigby. M
Rigby.. M
Riley Tony
Riley (21) A
Risnes K
Roberts M
Robertson (Deregistered) Steve
Rogan Paul
Rookie J
Routledge MBE Mike
Scott D
Scott. Dave
Sefton Gary
Sefton (Capitan) Steve
Short Mike
Smith Barry
Smith (-24) Alan J
Southworth Josh
Spicer (-3) Mal
Stanley Peter
Stanley Rob
Stanley (-9) Brian
Thomas (-3) Jake
Thompsom Jnr Jamie
Thompson Snr (-3) James
Toner P
Toner J
Toner.. J
Toner.. P
Traynor Peter
Tucker Ben
Tucker Trevor
Tyrell Adam
Tyrell (Scr) Marc
Upton (-12)(-15) Mike
Veaney W
Watson (27) N
Watson (30) Neil
Westlake Andy
Wharton Liam
Willett Les
Willett (18) L
Williams Leroy
Williams (-12) Luke
Wilson (33) D
Wolf Andy
Wolfe (18) Steve
Wolfe (18) Colin
Wolfe (21) Steve
Wolfe (-9) Andrew
Wolfe (Cap) Colin
Woodworth (-6) S
Woodworth. S
Woodworth. (-9)(-6) D
Wragg (24) (21) (18) (15)(12) Graham
Wright C
Wright B
Wright. B
Yates (-18) Steve
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player