Gloucester Billiards League

Administrator - Ken Waite - GB&SL Admin | | 07968329313
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Cups Billiards Handicap | Billiards Open | Billiards Seniors (60 +) | Padmore Shield |



Last Revised August 2023 Ken Waite/Larry Wedley


A1 The League shall consist of Social Clubs, Snooker Centres & Institutions to be known as “The Gloucester Billiards & Snooker League” whose aim is to promote and organise competitive games of Billiards and Snooker between clubs and individual players in membership with the League. The League shall award trophies as may from time to time be determined. The winners of any such trophies shall collect them in person at the annual presentation evening and be responsible for returning them in the condition they were received and also for any cost incurred from loss or damage.

A2 The business of the League shall be conducted by a Management Committee, which shall comprise of elected Officers and one Representative from each club.

The Management Committee shall be empowered to deal with all matters related to the running and conduct of the League.

It is the responsibility of all clubs to have a representative present at each Management Committee monthly meeting, to be held at 7.30 pm on the last Tuesday of each month throughout the Billiards and Snooker season, unless previously agreed otherwise.

At these meetings, each club representative shall be empowered to vote on issues raised on a one-vote-per-club basis.

In addition, each elected Committee Officer shall be entitled to vote irrespective of club affiliation. Unless otherwise stipulated in the rules, a simple majority of votes cast shall decide the outcome of any motion. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.

An Emergency Committee comprising the elected officers of the League shall be empowered to deal with any urgent matters requiring attention between monthly meetings. The reason for calling and any decisions made at an Emergency Committee meeting shall be reported at the following Management Committee meeting.

A3 The Management Committee may elect, by unanimous vote, any person a Life Member of the League, in recognition of special services rendered or in any other special circumstances.

A4 An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year, at the earliest convenient date after the conclusion of the playing season, to be decided by the Management Committee.

The Secretary shall communicate notice to each member of the Management Committee of such a meeting at least fourteen days before the date appointed for the meeting.

At the Annual General Meeting the Chairman’s report, the League’s annual accounts and any other report seen to be appropriate shall be presented.

The meeting will deal with the election of Officers for the ensuing year and any business in line with item A5 of the General Rules.

All individual members attending the Annual General Meeting are allowed to vote.

A quorum will be formed for the Annual General Meeting if the elected Officers and five other members are in attendance. Unless otherwise stipulated in the rules, a simple majority of votes cast shall decide the outcome of any motion.
In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.

A Special or Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or by not less than six member clubs providing not less than seven days’ notice is given.

A5 Any member of the League wishing to have a motion discussed and voted on at the Annual General Meeting should set it out in writing, seconded, and delivered to the Secretary of the League at least fourteen days before the meeting. It should be noted that no motion would be heard unless the proposer and/or the seconder attends the meeting. No other business will be discussed at the Annual General Meeting

A6 A player shall not generally represent more than one Club in any one season except by the consent of the Management Committee who shall be allowed to carry this out up until the end of the first half of the season. A player is not allowed to represent his Club in more than one division of either Billiards or Snooker in the same week. If a player is found to have played twice, all frames/games played will be deemed void and the opponents awarded the points. A player who’s Club is playing only Snooker may register for another Club at Billiards (or vice versa) if additionally registered.

A7 All players wishing to take part should have their names registered with the League, in the division in which they intend to play, prior to playing their first match. Any player can play in a division higher than the one in which he/she is registered but after three matches, irrespective of results, is deemed to be a player from that higher division and cannot revert back.

A8 Professional and ex-professional players, defined as such by the World Snooker Association, shall be allowed to play in the League. Any Club having players in this category will be limited to registering only one per team. The Management Committee shall have the right to assess any of these players on merit and handicap them if necessary.

A9 The Management Committee shall set all fees payable to the League by Clubs and individual players and payable on a date set by the Treasurer. It should be noted that it is each Club’s responsibility, and not that of the League, to collect all monies due from players registering through that Club. Any Club or individual player in debt to the League may be refused future membership.

A10 Any player who plays in a League Match or Competition who has not duly registered with the League and paid their league fees will lose the points and further disciplinary action against the team concerned as the League Committee may deem fit.

A11 Fees payable for any player that is seventy years of age or over; will be half the full registration fee.

A12 Any player in arrears with his/her subscription to the Billiards and Snooker Section of any Club for the previous season may not play League Billiards or Snooker for any other Club and must be reported by the Secretary of the Club concerned to the League Secretary.

A13 Aramith balls shall be used in all League matches and Competitions. Match tables should be maintained in good condition and the balls regularly inspected for flaws.

A14 Any player or Club failing to comply with the rules of the League shall forfeit all games played at the discretion of the League.


B1 All matches shall be played on Mondays under the current rules of The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association, using Aramith balls if possible (Yellow, Red & White).

Teams shall consist of three players with each game being played off League Handicaps over a period

i: 1 hour and 10 minutes.

ii: Whenever one competing player has a handicap of 80 or over, the game is to be played to a 200 point finish.

If both players have a handicap of 80 or over, rule Bi applies

B2 One point will be awarded to the winner of each individual game (No aggregate point). Two games must be played to constitute a League fixture.

Players will be individually monitored by the Ph system, with capping of +100 and the minimum being -50. “Individual exceptions to the above, will be set by the handicap committee”.

Handicaps will be revised after each match the basis of 3-Points + or –3 on match.

Players that are new to Billiards but who already plays Snooker will be handicapped according to their standard of Snooker i.e. - Prem. +40, Div. 1 +50, Div. 2 +60 and Div. 3 +70.

Any player returning to Billiards after an absence shall play off +40, they are reassessed at the discretion of the committee.

Any team who cancels two matches may be expelled from the League.

B3 The attendance times for the games are as follows:-
• 7.00 pm First player
• 8.10 pm Second player
• 9.20 pm Third player

A player can claim the game if an opponent is not present and ready at the stated time or at the conclusion of the present game whichever is the later.

The home team must declare their player to the visiting captain before the commencement of each game

B5 All matches are to be played in accordance with the fixture list on the dates stated or before. Any team that cancels a match will be deducted one point. Any cancelled match is to be rearranged and played within five weeks or by the declared final playing day of the season whichever is the sooner. Any such match not played within these limits will be declared void with the offending team being deducted a further one point and the non-offending team being awarded two points. In applying this rule due account will be taken of any unforeseen circumstances providing a representative from the offending team attends the following League meeting to give an explanation of their actions. Failure to do this will result in the point’s deduction system being applied automatically.

B6 A player shall not represent more than one team in any one season except by consent of the management committee.

B7 All frames should have a referee, provided by the home team where possible, if other Team members are readily available and able to provide them……. “This is the Leagues preferred way that we should play our matches . The League definition of “readily available” is being on the premises and not playing a match themselves. Players can referee their own games and it is optional if the home team or players wish to appoint a referee. Refereeing decisions should be accepted, although notification of an appeal must be given on the relevant result card, duly signed by a representative of both teams. The players and referee may be required to attend the management committee meeting at which the dispute will be discussed. Either a replay will be arranged or points for the match will be awarded as decided by the management committee.

B8 The result of any league game should be made known to the Match Secretary, at the latest, by 12.00 am on the Sunday of that week by way of a score card delivered to the secretary, a computer email, or a Picture sent by a Phone’s camera, Scanner or Web Form.
It is now the responsibility of “both teams” to provide the result of all league games.
Failure to carry out the above will result in any defaulting team being deducted one point for not abiding by this ruling. In the event that both teams default, both teams will have point’s deducted.

B9 The League winner and runner up shall be the teams scoring the highest and second highest number of points respectively. In the event of a tie in either of these positions the final table will be determined by the following order:
a) The number of matches won
b) The number of matches drawn
c) If both teams are still level, the Management Committee shall arrange a play off on a neutral table.


C1 Billiard individual competitions, all of which will be decided by playing 200 up, and Final 300 up; shall be held annually for
• Billiards Division
• Billiards Handicap
• Billiards Open
• Combined Cue Sport (Up to 64)
• Combined Cue Sport (64+)

C2 In the Billiards Open all players will play from scratch throughout including the Final.

C3 In the Billiards Division and Billiards Handicap all players will play from their current handicaps. Handicaps in the semi-finals and final of both these competitions will be adjusted at the monthly League meeting, to take account of these matches being played at 200 up and 300 up respectively.

C4 Entry to all these competitions shall be made on the registration forms provided at the start of the season.

C5 All rounds of the competitions will have a date by which the matches must be completed. It is the responsibility of the winner of the round to send the completed result card, duly signed by his/her opponent, to the Competition Secretary within two days of the closing date for the round. Failure to do so will result in both players being eliminated from the competition.

C6 It is the responsibility of home player to arrange a date for the competition match, which must be done at least seven days before the closing date and giving the away player a choice of at least two dates. If the home player fails to contact the away player before the start of competition week, it is the away player’s responsibility to claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by a result card. Failure to do this will result in both players being scratched from the competition. In the event of the home player not being able to contact the away player direct, he/she must inform the away player’s representative giving at least two dates on which he/she is available to play. It is then up to the away player to contact the home player to make the final arrangements.

C7 If, after following the above procedure (Rule C6), the home player received no acknowledgement from the away player he/she must claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by result card, prior to the closing date. Likewise, if the away player received no communication from the home player direct, or via his/her representative he/she must claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by result card, prior to the closing date.

C8 The home player (the first named in each round draw) is expected to play at the Club where he/she is registered unless mutually agreed by both contestants.
Finalists in the competition are obliged to be available on the date, time and venue arranged by the League. Players arriving late for the final will be penalised as follows: - 15 minutes late –75 points, 30 minutes late – match forfeited. A semi-finalist, who foresees a difficulty in appearing in finals week, must inform the Competition Secretary immediately his/her quarter final tie is won, to enable consideration to be given to arranging an alternative date for the final.

C9 Failure to participate in the final will result in disqualification, forfeiture of the runner-up prize and at the discretion of the League the offender may not be permitted to enter the competition the following season.

C10 Entry to this competition shall be regarded as acceptance of these rules.


D1 The Padmore Shield is competed for annually in a team knockout competition comprising three players per team with each game being played over a period of 1 hour off League Handicaps.

D2 Teams with only two players concede the match.

D3 Clubs entering teams shall play under existing League rules and handicaps.

D4 Players may not represent more than one team in the competition.

D5 The home team must declare their team card to the visiting captain before the commencement of the match, except in the final, when both captains will declare their teams to the referee in order of play.

D6 Both result cards must be sent to the Competition Secretary immediately after game is finished.

D7 The final will be played on a neutral table on a date set by the Management Committee.


E 1.0

All matches shall be played under the current rules of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker of Association with the exception of the “miss rule” which shall be played as follows:

1. If a player can hit the centre of the object ball on, the frame will be immediately awarded to the opposing player after 3 consecutive misses.
2. If a player can partially hit the object ball on (without swerving the cue ball), it must be called a miss and the cue ball must be returned to the original position by the Referee, if requested by the non-offending player.
3. The miss rule does not apply if a player needs to use a cushion to hit the object ball on due to a full or partial Snooker.

E 1.1

The following rules apply to all divisions:

1. All matches must commence no later than 19.00 hrs.
2. There is no official start or finish time specified for each frame throughout the match.
3. However, if a team does not field a player at the start of the match (19.00 hrs), the opposing team can
immediately claim the first frame followed by one frame every 30 minutes thereafter.
4. Once the match starts, any team that does not field a player at the start of each frame will forfeit the frame.
5. All frames must commence immediately after the previous frame has finished.
6. The home team must declare all their players to the away team before the commencement of the match but do not need to declare the order in which they will play.
7. The order in which players play, can be changed at any time throughout the match by both teams.
8. To be clear, there is no requirement for players to play in any order at any time.
9. The home team will provide a Referee for every frame played and their decision is final in all matters.

E 1.2

The following rules apply to the Premier Division only:

1. Each match will consist of nine frames.
2. A maximum of nine players can be played in a match by both teams.
3. No player can play more than three frames.
4. Five frames must be played to constitute a match.

E 1.3

The following rules apply to Division One only:

1. Each match will consist of seven frames.
2. A maximum of six players can be played in a match by both teams.
3. No player can play more than three frames.
4. Four frames must be played to constitute a match.

E 1.4

The following rules apply to Division Two only:

5. Each match will consist of six frames.
6. A maximum of six players can be played in a match by both teams.
7. No player can play more than two frames.
8. Three frames must be played to constitute a match.

E2 All matches are to be played in accordance with the fixture list on the dates stated or before. A minimum of 72 hours’ notice should be given of a match postponement, otherwise the game must be played and any frames that can’t be played must be forfeited.
Any team cancelling a match will be deducted three points (Premier Div.) or two points (Div. 1 and below). Any cancelled match is to be rearranged and played within five weeks or by the declared final playing day of the season whichever is the sooner. Any such match not played within these limits will be declared void, with the offending team being deducted a further three points (Premier Div.) or two points (Div.1 and below). Also, if a match has been declared void the non- offending team will be awarded six points (Premier Div.) or four points (Div.1 and below).

In applying this rule due account will be taken of any unforeseen circumstances, providing a representative from the offending team attends the following League meeting to give an explanation of their actions. Failure to do this will result in the point’s deduction system being applied automatically.

E3 No player shall represent more than one team in any given week. If a player is found to have played twice, all frames played will be deemed void and the opponents awarded the points.

E4 A player may play in a higher division than he/she is registered. After three games in a higher division, irrespective of results, he/she will become that divisional player and not allowed to revert back.

E5 Professional and ex-professional players are allowed to play in the League but may be handicapped at the discretion of the management committee. Only one professional or ex-professional player can be registered for any one team.

E6 The result of any league game should be made known to the Match Secretary, at the latest, by 12.00 am on the Sunday of that week by way of a score card delivered to the secretary, computer email, or a Picture taken & sent by a Phone, Scanner or Web Form.
It is now the responsibility of “Both Teams” to provide the result of all league games.
Failure to carry out the above will result in any defaulting team being deducted one penalty point). In the event that both teams default, both teams will have points deducted.

E7 All frames should have a referee, provided by the home team where possible, if other Team members are readily available and able to provide them……. “This is the Leagues preferred way that we should play our matches ~ The League definition of “readily available” is a being on the premises and not playing a match themselves.
Players may referee their own matches… however, where a Referee is appointed, his decision should be accepted, although notification of an appeal must be given on the relevant result card, duly signed by a representative from both teams. The players and referee may be required to attend the management committee meeting at which the dispute will be discussed. Either a replay will be arranged or points for the match will be awarded as decided by the management committee.

E8 Promotion and relegation will be as set out by the management committee prior to the start of each season.

E9 The Division winner and runner-up shall be the teams scoring the highest and second highest number of points respectively, based on Frame wins. In the event of a tie in either of these positions the final table will be determined by the following order:
a) The number of matches won
b) The number of matches drawn
c) If both teams are still level, the Management committee shall arrange a play off on a neutral table. The format for this will be that each of the three man team will play one frame against an opposing team member. The team captains shall declare their order of play prior to frame one.

E10 Personal Handicapping applies to all players throughout the League.
With Personal Handicapping it allows players of all standards to compete in the same teams. With the Personal Handicapping in place it will mean that the past handicapping structure for the League is now redundant.
All new players on joining the League will have a Personal Handicapping assigned which will be continually monitored and assessed on their current abilities.
For competitions, the following Handicapping applies:
1. Fleckner Open ~ Combined Veterans all players’ will play off scratch
2. Vaughton Shield ~ all players will play using the Inter League Competition Personal Handicap updated each round
3. Team Pairs ~ the Handicapping of players will be by applying half the combined Inter League Handicaps of the two players’.
E.g. Two Premier players with a –40 PH and –12 PH playing a 3rd Division pair with a 20 PH and 28 PH the Handicap would be the joint Premier PH –26 with the 3rd Division +24.
4. Division Pairs ~ the Handicapping of players will be by applying half the combined Personal Handicaps of the two player’s using their current Personal Handicaps achieved before the start of each match

E11 For all other competitions, players will play using their Personal Handicaps.

The Personal Handicap system is managed by the Match Secretary (based on computer formulae) and will be based on various factors i.e. frames won/lost, breaks; manual adjustments will be made for ex. Premier or High Break players playing in lower divisions.

E12 The Personal Handicap system has provided data for each player over a number of years and this allows for Ph stats including a divisional adjustment governed by a set of Rules: to be used in the Vaughton Shield and Team Pairs, Seniors & Veterans competitions; to be called Inter League Competition Ph with an update for each round

The new Personal Handicaps for these Inter League Competitions will be obtained from the stats, by using the average Ph from the last Six years (using uncapped data)
Players will be put into bands of uncapped Ph based on performance
Over the data collected period.
With the addition of; + Or – 7 points per Division difference.

The new Inter League Personal Handicap system will create a fairer system for all standards of players and give every Team a more balanced competition given the vast difference in player’s ability’s within the Teams & Divisions.

E13 When teams are promoted or relegated, Personal Handicaps will automatically be adjusted as follows:
• Promoted = +7
• Relegated = -7

E14 When new teams join the league, the capabilities of players will be assessed by the Match/Competitions Secretary and those teams/players will be placed into the appropriate division with suitable Personal Handicaps.


F2 Snooker individual competitions shall be held annually for the following:-
• Premier Division ~ The Harry Dee Shield
• Division 1 ~ The Brinkworth Shield
• Division 2 ~ The Jack Harris Shield
• Division 3 ~ The Ted Warner Shield
• Premier Pairs ~ Frank Pearce Shield
• Division 1 ~ Pairs Shield
• Division 2 ~ Pairs Shield
• Division 3 ~ Pairs Plaque
• Under 23 ~ The Derek Ayland Cup
• Seniors 50 Ken Waite Trophy (Players to use their Inter-League Ph.)
• Veterans ~ John Pearce Shield (Players to use their Inter-League Ph.)

All players to play their respective individual divisional competitions off their current Personal Handicap before the start of each match, with the exception of the following competitions which are “scratch”
• Snooker Open ~ Nigel Fleckner Trophy
• Combined Cue Sport (Up to 64)
• Combined Cue Sport (64+)

For Individual KO matches, the following format will apply:

Individual KO
Premier: Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 5 - final best of 7
Div 1 Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 5 - final best of 5
Div 2 Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 5 - final best of 5
Div 3 Best of 3 throughout the competition

Pairs KO
Premier: Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 5; final best of 5
Div 1 Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 5; final best of 5
Div 2 Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 3; final best of 5
Div 3 Best of 3-frames up to the semi-final; semi-final best of 3; final best of 5

When competing in Division Pairs the Handicapping of players will be by applying half the combined Personal Handicaps of the two player’s using their current Personal Handicaps achieved before the start of each match
In future these competitions may vary according to the number of teams entering the League and hence the number of divisions decided upon.

F3 Players may enter only one divisional competition, this can be in the division in which they are registered or one division higher. Normally players enter a divisional competition in the division in which they are registered, but if it is found that a player of a much higher standard has registered to play his/her snooker in a lower division and wants to enter the individual competition, the management committee may require him/her to enter a higher division competition. 

F4 It is the responsibility of the home player to arrange a date for the competition match, which must be done at least seven days before the closing date and giving the away player a choice of at least two dates. If the home player fails to contact the away player before the end of competition week, it is the away player’s responsibility to claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by result card. Failure to do this will result in both players being scratched from the competition. In the event of the home player not being able to contact the away player direct, he/she must inform the away player’s representative giving at least two dates on which he/she is available to play. It is then up to the away player to contact the home player to make final arrangements.

F5 If, after following the above procedure (Rule F3), the home player received no acknowledgement from the away player he/she must claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by result card, prior to the closing date. Likewise, if the away player received no communication from the home player direct, or via his/her representative he/she must claim the match by telephoning the Competition Secretary or by result card, prior to the closing date.

F6 All rounds of the competition will have a date by which the matches must be completed. It is the responsibility of the winner of the round to send the completed result card, duly signed by his/her opponent, to the Competition Secretary within two days of the closing date for the round. Failure to do so will result in both players being eliminated from the competition.

F7 The home player (the first named in each draw) is expected to play at the Club where he/she is registered unless mutually agreed by both contestants.

F8 Finalists in the competition are obliged to be available on the date, time and venue arranged by the League. Players arriving late for the final will be penalised as follows: - 15 minutes late – one frame forfeited, 30 minutes late – match forfeited. A semi-finalist, who foresees a difficulty in appearing in finals week, must inform the Competition Secretary immediately his/her quarterfinal tie is won, to enable consideration to be given to arranging an alternative date for the final.

F9 Failure to participate in a final will result in disqualification, forfeiture of the runner up prize and at the discretion of the League the offender may not be permitted to enter the competition the following season.

F10 Entry to this competition shall be regarded as acceptance of these rules.


G1 Players may only represent the team they are registered with. Any player found representing two teams would result in both teams being eliminated from the competition.

G2 The format of the competition is for teams of three to play on a knockout basis – ‘best of seven frames’. Any team arriving with only two players will concede the match. The home team must declare their playing order (i.e. who is player 1, 2 and 3) to the visiting captain before the commencement of the match, except in the final when both team captains will declare their playing order to the referee.

G3 The playing order for this competition is as follows: -

Player 1 - Play frames one and four
Player 2 - Play frames two and five
Player 3 - Play frames three and six

In the event of a tie, the captain of each team will nominate one player to play a one-frame decider.

G4 The attendance times for this competition are as follows: -

Home team 7.00 pm First player and marker
7.30 pm Third player

Away team 7.00 pm First player
7.15 pm Second player
7.30 pm Third player

A player can claim the frame if an opponent is not present and ready at the stated time or at the conclusion of the current frame whichever is the later.

G5 Because this competition is open to teams from all divisions, it is run using a Personal Handicap based on the Inter League Competition Ph system with adjustments made for division differences


H1 Players may only represent the team they are registered with. Any player found representing two teams would result in both teams being eliminated from the competition.

H2 The format of the competition is for teams of three to play on a knockout basis – ‘best of six frames’. Any team arriving with only two players will concede the match. The home team must declare their playing order (i.e. who is player 1, 2 and 3) to the visiting captain before the commencement of the match, except in the final, when both team captains will declare their playing order to the referee.

H3 The playing order for this competition is as follows:-

Frame 1 = Players 1 and 2, play players 1 and 2 from opposing team
Frame 2 = Players 2 and 3, play players 2 and 3 from opposing team
Frame 3 = Players 1 and 3, play players 1 and 3 from opposing team
Frame 4 = Players 1 and 2, play players 1 and 2 from opposing team
Frame 5 = Players 2 and 3, play players 2 and 3 from opposing team
Frame 6 = Players 1 and 3, play players 1 and 3 from opposing team

In the event of a tie, a deciding frame shall be played, both captains will decide which players, play the deciding frame.

H4 The attendance times for this competition are as follows:-

Home team 7.00 pm First and Second player, plus marker
7.15 pm Third player

Away team 7.00 pm First and Second player
7.15 pm Third player

A player can claim the frame if an opponent is not present and ready at the stated time or at the conclusion of the current frame whichever is the later.

H5 Because this competition is open to teams from all divisions, it is run using a Personal Handicap based on the Inter League Competition Ph system with adjustments made for division differences


J1 Matches comprise of two frames of Snooker, 200 up Billiards and two more frames of Snooker.

J2 Players play off Scratch

J3 Aggregate scores will determine the Winner.

J4 There will be no re-spotted black in any frames, and all frames of Snooker must be played to the final black unless you are conceding the match.

J5 In the result of a tie after all games have been played, a further game of Billiards will determine the winner

J6 Format to Final
• 1 frame Snooker up to the black
• 100 up Billiards
• 1 frame Snooker up to the black

50 up Billiards tie break if necessary

J7 Final Format
• 2 frames Snooker up to the black
• 200 up Billiards
• 2 frames Snooker up to the black

100 up Billiards tie break if necessary.


K1 Rules as Section J

K2 Open to all players aged 60 and above

K3 Format
• 1 frame Snooker
• 75 up Billiards
• 1 frame Snooker

50 up Billiards tie break if necessary