Cambridge & District Billiards League

Administrator - Matt Burton | |
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Cups Muratti | The Tony French Billiards Championship |

GENERAL RULES 1 The League shall be called the Cambridge and District Billiards and Snooker League and membership shall be restricted to Clubs approved by the Committee. The League's name may be prefaced by a Company or similar name as requested by any sponsor.
2 The objects of the League are to foster and improve the games of Billiards and Snooker.
3 The entrance fee for each team shall be £35 per season and shall include 2 handbooks and necessary addressed match record cards.

3a Website player registration fee £6-50 per team, or other as provided by web provider.

4 All players must be registered for the club in which he/she is to play.

5 Any team playing an ineligible player at snooker will be fined £5 and 2 frames awarded to the opposing team. In the case of billiards, the points won by the ineligible player will be deleted and the same fine of £5 imposed.

6 Players may be added to the register at any time. New applications and renewals of existing teams must be made on or before the date specified on the entry form. Forms for this purpose will be sent to existing Clubs by the Honorary Records Secretary not later than 1st July in each year. Completed forms with appropriate fees shall be sent to the Honorary Treasurer.

7 All new teams shall be elected by the Management Committee.

8 The Management of the League shall be invested in a Committee consisting of the Executive Officers, namely the Chairman, Vice - Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Records Secretary plus one delegate from each affiliated Club and any Honorary Life Members.

8a The day-to-day running of the League will be carried out by the Record Secretary, General Secretary and Treasurer, and accountable to the Chairman and Management Committee at the AGM and quarterly meetings.

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10 Each Committee member being entitled to one vote, excepting the Chairman. The Chairman will vote in the event of a tied decision.

11 The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees as it may deem necessary. It shall have full power to deal with any offending Club or Player, and with any infringement of the League rules, or any matter not covered by the rules. The Management Committee's decision on all matters shall be final.

12 In the event of any office becoming vacant the Committee shall have the power to appoint a successor until the Annual General meeting.

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14 The duties of the Honorary Secretaries shall be to keep a record of all the business transacted at meetings of the League, its Committees and Management Committee, including the keeping of records relative to all games played in the various competitions, and shall carry out all other duties in accordance with the decisions and directions of the League, its Committees and Management Committee.

15 Any monies received by the Secretaries on behalf of the League must be transmitted to the Honorary Treasurer without delay.
16 The Honorary Secretaries shall submit to the Annual General Meeting of the League a report of the proceedings of the League since the previous Annual Meeting.
17 The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the League, and shall make all payments, and shall act in accordance with the decisions and directions of the League and its Committees.
18 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep and render to the Annual Meeting a precise account of the receipts and expenditure for the past year, such account to be audited and signed by the duly appointed auditors.
19 The Billiards and Snooker League shall be run in as many divisions as the Management Committee shall deem necessary.
20 The number of teams in each division, promotion and relegation shall be decided by the Management Committee normally at the August monthly meeting and will normally mean 2 up, 2 down whilst maintaining an even number of teams in each division where possible.
21 The Home Club shall be responsible for their teams and shall arrange for the proper marking of all games.
A Club failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £5.
22 The match record card will be signed by a member of the Home Club and countersigned by a member of the visiting Club before submitting by photograph to the Hon. Record Secretary before midnight on the night of completion of the match. The Record Cards are then to be retained in a secure place by the Home Club until the start of the following season.

23 The Home Club shall be responsible for submitting the result to the Records Secretary on the evening of the match, before MIDNIGHT.
24 Any offending club failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £5.
25 Any registered player who has played 3 or more games for one team may not play for any other team without permission from the Records Secretary.
26 Only one player per team may change teams in any one week.
27 No player may represent more than one Club in a season without having the Player Transfer Application Form signed by the two Clubs concerned and passed to the Hon. Records Secretary.
28 The teams shall play home and away matches with each of the other teams in their respective Divisions.
The games shall commence not later than 7.45pm or earlier if desired and shall be continued without cessation. Where the Home Club has two tables, play shall be without break on both tables unless by agreement of both teams.
29 The home team shall nominate its team first.
30 All fixtures shall be made by the League at the beginning of the season and shall be approved by the Management Committee.

31 Matches not re-arranged shall be dealt with by the Management Committee.
32 In the event of any tie (a tie means equal on points, wins, draws and losses) affecting the final placings in the Billiards and Snooker Leagues, a play-off will be arranged by the Honorary Record Secretary. Breaks made in play-off games will count as highest breaks. If a neutral table cannot be found, teams will toss for home advantage.
33 The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with all disputes and to impose fines as deemed necessary.
34 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of June (or other approved).

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36 Voting shall be as in Rule 10.
37 Executive officers shall be re-elected 'en bloc' unless there are nominations for any posts.
38 Each Club entering a team MUST send a delegate to the AGM. Failure to attend will incur a fine of £25.
39 A Special General Meeting may be called at the request of not less than six Clubs but any decision taken cannot reverse a decision taken at the AGM.
40 The Challenge Trophies shall be vested in the Committee and shall be presented to their respective winners at the end of the season. They will be insured by the club or individual holding them.
41 The Clubs or players holding trophies shall be responsible for their safe custody, and shall return them in good condition on or before such a date as shall be determined by the Management Committee.
42 Alterations, additions or revisions of the General Rules, or Rules covering the Billiards & Snooker Leagues, Ranjitsinhji Bowl and Amateur Championships, shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of any proposed alterations must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the General Meeting, which shall be determined before 31st March. The Honorary Secretary will send out the notice and agenda for the AGM 14 days before the meeting together with details of any proposed rule changes and the minutes of the previous AGM.
43 Any fines unpaid at the date shown on the first fine letter shall be increased by £2 for fines less than £10 and by £5 for other fines when the second letter is sent out.
44 The Cambridge and District Billiards and Snooker League will affiliate to other governing bodies if deemed necessary for the benefit of the league.
45 All matches in all competitions shall commence at or before 7:45pm unless otherwise stated.
46 The officers of the League are empowered to make immediate decisions to ensure the smooth running of the League.
47 Captains to supply their contact phone numbers to the Honorary Record Secretary on the understanding they will only be passed on by mutual agreement.
48 Anybody found to be misusing the WhatsApp groups other than for their intended purpose i.e. reporting match results, rearranging matches and advertising fixtures etc., will be removed from the group if deemed necessary by the elected officials of the League.

Rules & Equipment 1 All games shall be played on a standard full size English Billiards table.
2 All games shall be played with full size (2 1/16 inch – 52.5mm) Aramith Tournament Champion balls, of equal size and weight.
3 All games shall be played under the rules of Billiards and Snooker as laid down by the World Professional Billiards & Snooker Association (WPBSA) and as ratified by the International Billiards & Snooker Federation (IBSF) and as adopted by the English Association for Snooker & Billiards (EASB) - published September 1995.
4 SNOOKER – This includes the ‘Miss’ rule, see page 22 rule 13.
5 BILLIARDS – This includes the following additions to the rules in line with current WPBSA guidelines: i) All matches to be played with Red, Yellow, and White balls. ii) Running a Coup (playing the cue ball directly into a pocket from hand’) is now a foul.
Standards of Dress 1 A minimum standard of dress will be enforced throughout certain competitions and during the final stages of other competitions i.e. SHIRT, TROUSERS and SHOES.
2 Players will not be allowed to play in T-shirts, jeans, tracksuits or trainers.

3 Players/Teams not suitably dressed will be fined £10 and disqualified from playing the following season in the competition in which the rule was transgressed.
Definitions – Amateur & Professional 1 Snooker – An amateur player (as defined by the EASB) is considered to be any person who is not a current playing member of the World Snooker Association Main Tour. A professional is a current playing member of this tour.
2 Billiards – An amateur player is considered to be any person who is not a current paid up member of the World Billiards Association. A professional is a current member of this association.

1 Games in Division 1 and Division 2 shall be of 1 hour’s duration, and the individual scores at the end of play will be added together. Each week’s team scores will be totalled to determine League positions.
a) Should any player require a comfort break, it should be taken as quickly as possible as the clock will not be stopped.
b) In the event of 3 players turning up for a match, the non offender will be awarded their average score from the previous season. The offender will receive nothing.
c) Should anybody’s equipment fail (i.e. tip falling off) they will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes to put it right. The time taken to be added on at the end of normal play.

2 Each Billiards team shall consist of four players who shall be bona fide club members.
3 Billiards League matches will normally be played on Tuesday. Matches to be played on other than Tuesday will be published on the Fixture List.
4 Any club with three or more Billiards teams may elect to play their third and subsequent team matches on the previous evening, subject to the approval of the Management Committee.
5 All games shall be played on the evening appointed, with the exception of the Home Club having only one table, when two of the games may be played on the previous evening if so required by both teams. In the latter case the Home Team having only one table wishing to play two of their games on the previous evening, it shall be the responsibility of the Home Club to contact the Away Club well prior to any dates laid down.
6 Players to string for start. Home team will be marked in spot position and play with the yellow ball.
7 No player shall play for more than one team in any one week's fixtures as on the Fixture List.

8 For all Billiards League matches, 3 members of both teams should be in attendance at the normal starting time. If only 3 players are playing, the players must play in order 1 to 3. In cases where it is not known if a player will turn up until after the match is in progress, and the playing order is affected then the match, or the affected game(s) may be ordered to be replayed, at the discretion of the committee. Any Club which offends this rule shall be fined £10.
8a Where less than 3 players are available, matches can be played over 2 nights with their opponents’ approval without incurring any penalty.

9 If less than 3 players from either side attend a billiards match, the match will be deemed void and must be rearranged. The offending team will be fined and points deducted in accordance with rule 10.
10 Except under extenuating circumstances, any team failing to appear for a billiards match will be fined £10 and deducted 50% from the total points scored. (If the match is not postponed before 6.00pm on the night it will be classed as a "no show" and the team will be fined on the same basis as failing to appear).

Failure to play within 21 days will result in another £10 fine and a further 30% of the total points scored. Any match having to be re-arranged due to default shall be the responsibility of the defaulting team to contact the
non-offending team within 7 days. The Records Secretary is permitted to arrange matches not played. In any event, all matches not played must be played before the last match dates in each half.

These penalties are subject to appeal by personal representation at the next League meeting following the incident. Any team re-arranging a match before the date shown on the website will not be penalised.

The Record Secretary must be kept informed at all times.

The following are guidelines and remedies available to teams who have the need to postpone a match:-

• Re-arrange the match before the scheduled fixture date.
• 3 players at Billiards constitutes a team, and the match could therefore go ahead on the correct date.
• Spread the match over 2 nights, preferably 2 and 2 at Billiards to help with marking duties.
• In all cases when contacting the other team to postpone a match, please give available dates for the re-arrangement.

11 Billiards Professionals and Snooker Professionals will be allowed to play in Division 1 only. Only one professional player whether Billiards or Snooker will be allowed per team, per match, and must play at number 1.

• See ‘Definitions – Amateur & Professional’.
12 Each team shall be credited at the end of each match with their aggregate score and the team having the highest aggregate in each Division at the conclusion of the season shall be the Divisional Champions.
13 See also General Rules.
14 The Management of the League will appoint a Handicap Committee of 3 persons to set the handicaps of our players in our League and Cup competitions.

15 As the format of play and its rules change annually, each team will be given an update with handicaps.

SNOOKER LEAGUE RULES 1 Each Club shall be responsible for its own team and each player shall play two frames. One point shall be scored for each frame won. In the event of a frame or frames not being played, one point shall be scored by the non-defaulter for each frame not so played.
2 Each Snooker team shall consist of five players who shall be bona fide club members.
3 Snooker League matches will be played on Friday, but clubs can elect to play home fixtures on Thursday provided that such election is made when entering the league. Matches to be played on other than Friday will be published on the Fixture List.
4 Any club with three or more Snooker teams may elect to play their third and subsequent team matches on the previous evening, subject to the approval of the Committee.
5 All games shall be played on the evening appointed, with the exception of the Home Club having only one table, when two of the games may be played on the previous evening if so required by both teams. In the latter case the Home Team having only one table wishing to play two of their games on the previous evening it shall be the responsibility of the Home Club to contact the Away Club well prior to any dates laid down.
6 The home team shall be marked in spot position.
7 No player shall play for more than one team in any one week's fixtures as printed on the Fixture List.
8 For all Snooker League matches, 4 members of both teams should be in attendance at the normal starting time. If only 4 players are playing, the players must play in order 1 to 4. In cases where it is not known if a player will turn up until after the match is in progress, and the playing order is affected, then the match or the affected game(s) may be ordered to be replayed, at the discretion of the Committee. Any Club which offends this rule shall be fined £10.

9 If less than 4 players from either side attend a snooker match the match will be deemed void and must be rearranged. The offending team will be fined and frames deducted in accordance with rule 10.
9a Where less than 4 players are available, matches can be played over 2 nights with their opponents’ approval without incurring any penalty.

10 The cancellation of matches is not permitted. Teams must be in attendance with at least 2 players by 7.45pm to play their matches. Should any team be more than 30 minutes late, then that team will forfeit the match and be fined £20-00; the non-offending team will be awarded a 6-0 win. Providing at least 2 games have been played on or before the match due date, teams can play the remaining 3 games no later than 14 days after the original match date. A date for the remaining fixtures must be agreed before the original fixture date and the Record Secretary must be informed of any changes. Failure to do this will result in the non-offending team being awarded a 6-0 win. All games not played will be awarded to the non-offending team.

Cancellation of matches: Holidays and work commitments will not be regarded as exceptional circumstances. Only sudden adverse weather conditions or mechanical breakdowns on the way to the match will be permitted to fall under this heading and a cancellation of a match.

The Record Secretary must be kept advised of any postponed/cancelled matches immediately, which are due to adverse weather conditions or mechanical breakdown on the way to the match. Postponed/cancelled matches must be played within 28 days, or in the case of the last 28 days of the season, must be played before the last week of the season at the discretion of the Record Secretary. No team shall go into the last week of the season with games in hand.

Matches may be played before the scheduled date without penalty and in accordance with Rule 9a.

The Record Secretary and Captains must be kept advised at all times.

11 Snooker Professionals and Billiards Professionals will be allowed to play in Division 1 only. Only one Professional player whether Snooker or Billiards will be allowed per team per match and must play at number 1.
See ‘Definitions – Amateur & Professional’.
12 See also General Rules.
13 A Miss is: a) when the cue ball fails to first contact a ball on or b) when a free ball has been nominated, the cue ball fails to first hit the nominated free ball or that ball simultaneously with a ball on. This rule is subject to 3 misses only to be called. After the 4th shot, if contact with the ball on is not made, then a foul will be called.

MURATTI CUP and CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS CUP RULES 1 The Individual Billiards Championship for the 'Muratti Cup' and the Individual Snooker Championship for the 'Cambridge Daily News Cup' shall be competed for annually by amateur players playing in Clubs covered in General Rules 1, who have played at least 3 matches in the current season in the Cambridge and District Billiards and Snooker League at commencement of the competitions, or players who have been previous winners.
2 The Trophies for the Winners and Runners-up in both competitions shall not be won outright.

3 Entrance fee to be £4 per player per competition.
4 The semi-finals of the Cambridge Daily News Cup and the Muratti Cup will be subject to a draw to decide who plays at home and who plays away. The finals to take place at venues decided by the Management Committee as and when deemed necessary as the season progresses.

5 The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.
6 The Home player shall arrange for the game to be properly refereed, except in the stages of the competition where referee and marker are appointed by the Management Committee. In the Muratti Cup, players may referee their own games up to the semi-final stage.
7 Any home player failing to provide a referee shall forfeit the match and shall be fined £5, unless otherwise agreed by mutual consent between the participating players.
8 The Winner of each game shall telephone the result to the Honorary Records Secretary on the evening of the match. A player failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £2.
9 Any person failing to turn up for a match without prior notification shall be fined £10 and shall be eliminated.
10 Clubs shall be responsible for the entry of individuals. If a player is fined for non-attendance and doesn't pay the fine by the date shown on the first fine letter, he shall not be allowed to play in any league match until it is paid. If payment is not made by the date specified on the first fine letter, the fine will be increased by £2 for the second fine letter.
11 Except under extenuating circumstances they will not be allowed to enter the competition in any subsequent year until the fine is paid.
12 Snooker - Player not at match table:-
• at start time - one frame forfeited.
• 15 minutes after start time - one further frame forfeited.
• 30 minutes after start time - match forfeited.
13 Billiards - Player not at match table:-
• 30 minutes after start time - match forfeited.
14 Snooker matches with the exception of the Final shall be the best of 5 frames, the Final to be the best of 7 frames. An interval will normally be taken after 3 frames.
15 Billiards matches shall be the first player to 350 points. The Final to be to 600 points. An interval will normally be taken at 300 points - if a player is in the middle of a break at 300 points the interval will be taken at the end of the break.
16 Dress rules apply from semi-final onwards. See General Rules ‘Standards of Dress’.
17 See also General Rules.
16 Dress rules apply from semi-final onwards. See General Rules ‘Standards of Dress’.
17 See also General Rules.

1 The Bert Charge Memorial Trophy is an individual handicapped billiards competition, to be played on a Sunday at Cambridge Snooker Centre usually during September/October following the commencement of the season.
2 It is open to any local amateur billiards players residing in or playing for clubs in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk.
3 Entry fee will be £10 for all players and £5 for juniors or other, as agreed by the Management Committee.
4 Handicaps to be decided by the Management Committee.
5 All matches will be of 1 hour’s duration, all players to play 2 qualifying matches before progressing to the knockout stages of the main competition and Plate competition, thus guaranteeing 3 matches for all players.
6 Players to string for start with the winner having the choice of ball and whether to start.
7 Prize money of £350 to be guaranteed by our league and sponsor(s), with 20% being donated to a charity of the winner’s choice. Trophies for the winners and runners-up in both competitions shall be won outright. Cups are not to be taken outside of the Cambridge League Area.
8 Dress rules apply throughout – see General Rules ‘Standards of Dress’.
9 See also General Rules

The Cambridge League reserves the right to change the rules at short notice for the benefit of the smooth running of the competition.
1 Teams to be of four players, each to play for 1 hour. The team to consist of recognised members of the Club in the League. No player can represent more than one team.
2 All teams playing in the Billiards League are eligible to enter.
3 The competition to be run on a League basis over however many weeks it takes to complete, following the finish of the Billiards League.
4 Teams shall be handicapped by the Handicap Committee.

5 Names of five players on entry form to be submitted to the Honorary Records Secretary
6 Entrance fee to be £10 per team.
7 The Management Team to decide dates of matches and any point not covered by the Rules of the League in the Handbook.
8 Team handicap is divided equally between the four players and added to the scoreboard at the commencement of each game.
9 Handicap of an absent player counts in score.
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11 Deleted - 2016

12 Marking of the games shall be shared and notification of results shall be as laid down in the General Rules.
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14 Deleted - 2016

15 See also General Rules.

1 The Individual Snooker Championship for the "Tony Mitchell Cup” shall be competed for annually by amateur players playing in Clubs covered in General
Rules 1, who have played at least 3 matches in the current season in the
Cambridge and District Billiards and Snooker League at commencement of the competitions.

2 The Trophies for the Winners and Runners-up in both competitions shall not be won outright.
3 Entrance fee to be £4 per player.
4 The venue for the semi-finals to be decided by a draw to determine who will play at home and who will play away. The venue for the final will be decided by the Officers of the League.

5 We would not normally expect any player who can consistently make breaks over 50 to enter. Previous winners will be allowed to enter. All entries will be vetted by the Management Committee and the League reserves the right to refuse entry and return the entrance fee.

6 The Home player shall arrange for the game to be properly refereed, except in the stages of the competition where referee and marker are appointed by the Management Committee.
7 Any home player failing to provide a referee shall forfeit the match and shall be fined £5, unless otherwise agreed by mutual consent between the participating players.
8 The Winner of each game shall telephone the result to the Honorary Records Secretary on the evening of the match. A player failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £2.
9 Any person failing to turn up for a match without prior notification shall be fined £10 and shall be eliminated.
10 Clubs shall be responsible for the entry of individuals. If a player is fined for non-attendance and doesn't pay the fine by the date shown on the first fine letter, he shall not be allowed to play in any league match until it is paid. If payment is not made by the date specified on the first fine letter, the fine will be increased by £2 for the second fine letter.
11 Except under extenuating circumstances they will not be allowed to enter the competition in any subsequent year until the fine is paid.
12 Dress rules apply from semi final onwards. See General Rules 'Standards of Dress’.
13 Matches shall be the best of 3 frames, the semi-finals and final to be the best of 5 frames.
14 Player not at match table:-
• at start time - one frame forfeited (all rounds)
• 15 mins after start time - one further frame forfeited (FINAL and SEMI-FINAL only)
• 30 mins after start time - match forfeited (FINAL and SEMI FINAL only)
• 15 mins after start time - match forfeited. (All other rounds)

15 The Competition will be run in parallel with the Cambridge Daily News Cup and players could enter for both.
16 See also General Rules.


1 This competition is open to all first match losers in the Cambridge Daily News and Tony Mitchell Snooker Cup competitions {any player entering both competitions and only loses in 1 first round match will not be eligible}

2 It will be competed for annually; entry is free and players will be handicapped.

3 The trophies for the winners and runners-up shall not be won outright.

4 The venue for the semi-finals to be decided by a draw to determine who will play at home and who will play away. The venue for the final will be decided by the Officers of the League.

5 The home player shall arrange for the game to be properly refereed unless otherwise mutually agreed between the participating players.

6 Winner to advise the Record Secretary within 24 hours of completion of match.

7 Any player failing to turn up for a match without prior notification will be eliminated and not allowed to enter the following year in either the Cambridge Daily News or Tony Mitchell competitions.

8 Dress rules apply for semi-final and final.

9 Matches to be the best of 3 frames; the semi-finals and finals the best of 5.

10 Player not at match table: -
• at start time - 1 frame forfeited
• 15 mins after start time - one further frame forfeited
(FINAL and SEMI-FINAL only; all other rounds match forfeited].
• 30 mins after start time match forfeited. ( FINAL and SEMI FINAL only)

11 The competition to run in parallel with the Cambridge Daily News and Tony Mitchell competitions and the official start time is 7.45pm.

12 See also General Rules.

1 The NCI Centenary Cup is open to all teams playing in the Cambridge and District Billiards and Snooker League.
2 Teams to consist of 5 named players, who must have played at least 5 games each in the League, plus up to 3 named reserves who have played at least 1 game in the League..
3 Each player to play a single frame until all five players have played, and then a further frame to be played by each player. In case of a draw at the end of the match the team captain will nominate a player to play a deciding frame.
4 The handicap shall be PER PLAYER PER FRAME, maximum 56 per player, and shall be added to the scoreboard at the commencement of each frame.

5 Home team shall nominate their team first except for Semi-Finals and Final where teams nominate their playing order independently and order of play to be drawn.
6 Results to be phoned in to the RECORD SECRETARY on the evening of the match.
7 The venue for the semi-finals to be decided by a draw to determine who will play at home and who will play away. The venue for the final will be decided by the Officers of the League.
. 8 There will be a Winners Cup and a cash prize for the WINNING TEAM.
9 There will be a Runners-up Cup and a cash prize for the RUNNERS-UP.
10 Competition to start after the season has finished - usually at the end of April and will continue on a weekly basis until complete.
11 ENTRY FEE £10 per team.
12 Dress rules apply from semi-final onwards. See General Rules ‘Standards of Dress’.
13 See also General Rules.

THE TONY FRENCH BILLIARDS CHAMPIONSHIP RULES 1 The Individual Billiards Knockout Championship for the ‘Tony French Trophy’ shall be competed for annually by amateur players playing in clubs covered in General Rules 1 who have played at least 1 match in the current season in the Cambridge League at either Billiards or Snooker.
2 The Championship is open to all those players, who will be handicapped.
3 Entrance fee to be £4 per player.
4 Trophies for both Winner and Runners-up shall be won outright.
5 All matches shall be played for 1 hour; semi-final and final will take place at venues decided by the Management Committee.
6 No referee has to be provided, both players are to referee and mark the match; at the semi-final and final stages a referee will be appointed by the League.
7 Dates of play will be scheduled by the Hon Records Secretary,

8 The winner of each game shall telephone the result to the Honorary Records Secretary on the evening of the match. A player failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £2.
9 If a player fails to turn up after the date has been mutually agreed by both players, the offending player shall be eliminated and fined £10.
10 Clubs shall be responsible for the entry of individuals. If a player is fined for non-attendance and doesn’t pay the fine by the date shown on the first fine letter, he shall not be allowed to play in any league match until it is paid. If payment is not made by the date specified on the first fine letter, the fine will be increased by £2 for the second fine letter. Except under extenuating circumstances, they will not be allowed to enter the competition in any subsequent year until the fine is paid.
11 Player not at match table 30 minutes after start time, match forfeited.
12 Dress rules apply from semi-final onwards. See General Rules ‘Standards of Dress’.
13 The Championship will run in parallel with all League competitions and players can enter if eligible in all competitions.
14 See also General Rules.
15 As the playing format and rules change yearly, please refer to the minutes of the Billiards AGM.

The only meeting that club delegates are required to attend is our AGM, which is on Monday 9 June 2025 at 8.00pm - the venue will be advised at a later date.