Reading & District Billiards & Snooker League
Season = 02 November 2009 - 30 April 2010
Season = 15 November 2010 - 16 May 2011
Season = 17 October 2011 - 09 April 2012
Season = 15 October 2012 - 01 April 2013
Season = 01 September 2013 - 31 May 2014
Season = 01 September 2014 - 31 May 2015
Season = 05 October 2015 - 03 May 2016
Season = 10 October 2016 - 15 May 2017
Season = 02 October 2017 - 20 June 2018
Season = 01 October 2018 - 30 June 2019
Season = 01 October 2019 - 01 July 2020
Season = 13 November 2023 - 29 April 2024
Season = 04 November 2024 - 01 October 2025
Administrator - Lyndon Paxford | lyndonpaxford@gmail.com |
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Over 50's handicap
The Handicap Singles
The League Doubles Competition
The Reading & District Championship
Head to Head -
Bye 1
Bye 2
Bye 3
Bye 4
Bye 5
! Walkover
, Walkover
, Walk over,
,. Walk Over
. Walkover
. BYE1
. BYE2
. Prelim Match 1
. Prelim Match 2
. Prelim Match 3
. Prelim Match 4
. prelim match 7
.,. Walkover
.. Walkover....
.. BYE
..... Walkover
: Walkover
\ Walkover
1 Prelim
2 Prelim
3 Prelim
4 Prelim
5 Prelim
Abbot T
Abery George
Acton Ashley
Adam Parker-Benham **
Adams Dan
Akram Rehan
Akram Umar
Alexander Mark
Ali Shahzaib
Ali Tariq Furqan
Allen Austen
Alsury P
Anderson Lindsey
Arding I
Armstrong D
Arnold Mark
Asif Atif
Asif Usama
Asif Usman
Asif ** A
Baker Neil
Ball Linda
Ball (Jnr) Chris
Ball (Snr) Chris
Banac Mario
Bark Colin
Barllett L
Barnes Ian
Bartram Dale
Bashir Assad
Bateman Paul
Beakhouse Dave
Beakhouse Ian
Beamish Steve
Benham N
Benham Neil
Benham Adam
Benning Tom
Bernie Nick
Bhatti Saqib
Biggs Steve
Birney Nick
Blackmore Richard
Blackwell Ian
Boden M
Bolter Andy
Bolter Phil
Bolter Alan
Bonner Joe
Bosher Dave
Bosher David
Bradley Jess
Brett Jeff
Broad Russell
Broadhurst Ben
Brooks C
Brooks Liam
Broome Paul
Brown Joe
Brown Dave
Brown Jody
Brunsden Lee
Brunsden Wayne
Bunce J
Bunker Stan
Burke Geoff
Butcher R
Byng Jason
Byng Norman
Cambell S
Campbell Steven
Campbell Richard
Careless John
Carlton Lee
Carmichael Steve
Carter Brett
Castle Billy
Castle Darren
Chance Perry
Chard Micheal
Clarke N
Clarke Leroy
Cleaver Rob
Clout Gareth
Colegate Steve
Collins Kevin
Collis Alan
Connors David
Cook C
Cooper A
Cooper M
Cordery Gary
Cordery Luke
Cowdrey Colin
Cowdrey Ken
Cox M
Cox Darren
Cox Justin
Cross L
Cross Darren
Crowther Leigh
Cruickshank ** Vinnie
Crutchley Paul
Curtis John
Davis Paul
Davis Junior
Davy Dan
Day Richard
Dezi Frank
Dhillon Parma
Dickson Lee
Didcott A
Dorrett Ian
Douglas Ollie
Doyle Peter
Dredge Jason
Driscoll Josh
Dunne ** Kyle
Duval Brian
Edwards James
Evered Jon
Ewing Doug
Fancy D
Faulkner Dan
Felix Laurence
Fenton S
Fisher Jim
Fisher ** Darnell
Flitter Lenny
Forbes ** Allan
Ford Matt
Forster J
Foster D
Foster Dave
Fowles Jamie
Francis Jason
French M
French Marc
Full Callum
Fuller Richard
Fuller R
Gale Paul
Gale Andy
Gavin ** Ryan
Giles Stuart
Goodman Mark
Gould Andy
Graham Dave
Grant Gavin
Grant Chris
Graves A
Gray Tony
Green Ernie
Green Andy
Green Ernie
Gregory Ian
Griffiths Scott
Grover B
Gums Isaac
Haines Steve
Hale Gerald
Hall Harley
Hamblin James
Hankinson Pete
Hargun ** Amo
Harries Colin
Hatch Eddie
Hatch D
Hathaway Ricky
Hawkins ** Jack
Hayne Steve
Haynes Scott
Hazzard N
Hazzard S
Headley Jack
Henderson Stuart
Henry John
Henry ** Sam
Herbert Steven
Herbert ** Gary
Herbert ** Steve
Hewlett Graham
Higgins Jimmy
Hine P
Holland Alex
Holloway Adam
Holman Nick
Holmes Kevin
Holt Cameron
Holt Nick
Hood C
Hood Stephen
Horseman George
Horwood J
Howard M
Howard Rupert
Howell Peter
Howes Simon
Huggins Craig
Huggins ** Stuart
Humza ** Tariq
Hung D
Hussain Adam **
Ives Pete
Jacobs Alex
Jarrett P
Johnson Luke
Johnson John
Jones Bob
Jury Tommy
Kayani Shakeel
Kayani Javed
Keeley Ashley
Keene Ollie
Kennedy M
Kiernan J
Kiernan Gerrard
Killick Paul
King Steve
King Mike
King Steven
King Michael
Kirchin Alex
Lally Bobby
Langford Danny
Larkins Phil
Latimer Bob
Leanan B
Learry Dylan
Lee D
Lee Jim
Lewis Lanzo
Lewis Pete
Lewis ** Dave
Lindley Cameron
Ling Dean
Lofts Peter
Lugger Dave
Lynne Barry
MacBeth John
Mackenzie Gordon
Maddan Paul
Mahmood Anwar
Majid Jamie
Malone Jamie
Marks Rob
Marsh Craig
Martin Hannah
match 5 . prelim
match 6 . prelim
Matthews Dean
Mcatamney Brian
McBeth John
Mcbeth John
Mcdonald R
McNelly Paul
Mcready Ben
Middleton Sarah
Miles Steven
Miles ** Stephen
Millard Andrew
Millard J
Millard Kieran
Mills D
Mitchell Mike
Moore Gary
Moore Mitch
Morrisey ** Ben
Morshead Lee
Moss G
Muir J
Munday Shaun
Munn ** Darren
Murphy C
Neal S
Neal Steve
Nicholas K
Nicholas Jon
Nolli Andy
Noonan R
Norris Gary
North C
Nunn Darren
O Donnell Gary
O'Dell Ben
Olney Roger
O'Shea ** Sean
O'Sullivan G
O'Sullivan Nick
Over Walk
Owens Gareth
Page Paul
Palmer R
Parker I
Parker K
Parker-Benham A
Parker-Benham ** Adam
Parsons Adam
Patel Pat
Paxford Lyndon
Payne Sefton
Peffers John
Peffers A
Pepper D
Pepper D.
Perrett Ken
Perrett K
Pett G
Phillips C
Phillips D
Phillpots Sean
Pickett M
Pilling Andy
Piner Richard
Pinner Richard
Player D
Player Darren
Pond Kevin
Pottinger Nathan
Powell Tony
Powell I
Powell Ian
Preston L
Priest A
Priest Mark
Pritter Steve
Prout Dale
Pugh Roberts Richard
Pullman D
Puri Raj
Puttock Duane
Racowicz Andrew
Ralph P
Rampton Neil
Rapley Carl
Read Jacob
Rees Dylan
Reynolds Luke
Rice Chris
Richardson G
Richardson Simon
Richardson Piers
Richardson Graham
Roberts R
Roberts Ian
Robinson Paul
Rockall G
Rodwell James
Rose R
Rose Ian
Ross Jim
Rush Steve
Russell Jonny
Sabbage S
Sargeant G
Sargent A
Sawyer Jamie
Saxena ** Rohit
Sebbage Jon
Self Robbie
Semmens Heath
Seymour (Bimmer) Andy
Shabir Mohammed
Shafique Vakas
Shah Zaman
Sharif Mohammed
Sharif ** Javeid
Sharkey John Jo
Shaw Dave
Sheehan Vince
Shepard N
Shepard R
Shepherdson Mark
Ship M
Simmons Phil
Simms Mervin
Simpkins Vinnie
Smith R
Smith Doug
Smith Andy
Smith James
Smith Steve
Smith Steven
Snell D
Snell T
Southworth Gordon
Sowden Daryl
Spiers Ashley
Spiers ** Andy
Spratley M
Squire Vanessa
Stanley N
Stayte J
Stayte Peter
Stevenson Joe
Stocker Chris
Stone R
Stubbs Dean
Sweetman Paul
T Jack
Tarrant D
Taylor N
Taylor S
Taylor Derek
Thorne Kevin
Thorose Emin
Tillin Ben
Titchener Karl
Titus Roots
Todd Bob
Tomlinson Toby
Turner S.
Upton Harry
Vernon Andy
Walker Karl
Walkover ..
Walkover ...
Wall S
Wallace Jordan
Wallace Martin
Walmsley M
Walsh P
Walters John
Walters Jack
Wardle D
Watkiss Dan
Watts Aaron
Watts R
Waugh A
Waugh D
Webb P
Welford Mark
Welford Martin
Weller Paul
Wells Richard
West R
West Hedley
Whatton Lee
Whitby Steve
White Leigh
White Andy
Whiting Ian
Wigmore Todd
Williams Gerry
Williams Rhys
Williams Sean
Williams Jason
Williams A
Williams ** Adam
Wilson Matt
Winkworth Neil
Woodhouse D
Wood-Smith A
Woolcock Jason
Worth Gary
Wrightson Dave
Yates Dom
Yon C
Yon Steve
Young M
Young Fred
Bye 1
Bye 2
Bye 3
Bye 4
Bye 5
! Walkover
, Walkover
, Walk over,
,. Walk Over
. Walkover
. BYE1
. BYE2
. Prelim Match 1
. Prelim Match 2
. Prelim Match 3
. Prelim Match 4
. prelim match 7
.,. Walkover
.. Walkover....
.. BYE
..... Walkover
: Walkover
\ Walkover
1 Prelim
2 Prelim
3 Prelim
4 Prelim
5 Prelim
Abbot T
Abery George
Acton Ashley
Adam Parker-Benham **
Adams Dan
Akram Rehan
Akram Umar
Alexander Mark
Ali Shahzaib
Ali Tariq Furqan
Allen Austen
Alsury P
Anderson Lindsey
Arding I
Armstrong D
Arnold Mark
Asif Atif
Asif Usama
Asif Usman
Asif ** A
Baker Neil
Ball Linda
Ball (Jnr) Chris
Ball (Snr) Chris
Banac Mario
Bark Colin
Barllett L
Barnes Ian
Bartram Dale
Bashir Assad
Bateman Paul
Beakhouse Dave
Beakhouse Ian
Beamish Steve
Benham N
Benham Neil
Benham Adam
Benning Tom
Bernie Nick
Bhatti Saqib
Biggs Steve
Birney Nick
Blackmore Richard
Blackwell Ian
Boden M
Bolter Andy
Bolter Phil
Bolter Alan
Bonner Joe
Bosher Dave
Bosher David
Bradley Jess
Brett Jeff
Broad Russell
Broadhurst Ben
Brooks C
Brooks Liam
Broome Paul
Brown Joe
Brown Dave
Brown Jody
Brunsden Lee
Brunsden Wayne
Bunce J
Bunker Stan
Burke Geoff
Butcher R
Byng Jason
Byng Norman
Cambell S
Campbell Steven
Campbell Richard
Careless John
Carlton Lee
Carmichael Steve
Carter Brett
Castle Billy
Castle Darren
Chance Perry
Chard Micheal
Clarke N
Clarke Leroy
Cleaver Rob
Clout Gareth
Colegate Steve
Collins Kevin
Collis Alan
Connors David
Cook C
Cooper A
Cooper M
Cordery Gary
Cordery Luke
Cowdrey Colin
Cowdrey Ken
Cox M
Cox Darren
Cox Justin
Cross L
Cross Darren
Crowther Leigh
Cruickshank ** Vinnie
Crutchley Paul
Curtis John
Davis Paul
Davis Junior
Davy Dan
Day Richard
Dezi Frank
Dhillon Parma
Dickson Lee
Didcott A
Dorrett Ian
Douglas Ollie
Doyle Peter
Dredge Jason
Driscoll Josh
Dunne ** Kyle
Duval Brian
Edwards James
Evered Jon
Ewing Doug
Fancy D
Faulkner Dan
Felix Laurence
Fenton S
Fisher Jim
Fisher ** Darnell
Flitter Lenny
Forbes ** Allan
Ford Matt
Forster J
Foster D
Foster Dave
Fowles Jamie
Francis Jason
French M
French Marc
Full Callum
Fuller Richard
Fuller R
Gale Paul
Gale Andy
Gavin ** Ryan
Giles Stuart
Goodman Mark
Gould Andy
Graham Dave
Grant Gavin
Grant Chris
Graves A
Gray Tony
Green Ernie
Green Andy
Green Ernie
Gregory Ian
Griffiths Scott
Grover B
Gums Isaac
Haines Steve
Hale Gerald
Hall Harley
Hamblin James
Hankinson Pete
Hargun ** Amo
Harries Colin
Hatch Eddie
Hatch D
Hathaway Ricky
Hawkins ** Jack
Hayne Steve
Haynes Scott
Hazzard N
Hazzard S
Headley Jack
Henderson Stuart
Henry John
Henry ** Sam
Herbert Steven
Herbert ** Gary
Herbert ** Steve
Hewlett Graham
Higgins Jimmy
Hine P
Holland Alex
Holloway Adam
Holman Nick
Holmes Kevin
Holt Cameron
Holt Nick
Hood C
Hood Stephen
Horseman George
Horwood J
Howard M
Howard Rupert
Howell Peter
Howes Simon
Huggins Craig
Huggins ** Stuart
Humza ** Tariq
Hung D
Hussain Adam **
Ives Pete
Jacobs Alex
Jarrett P
Johnson Luke
Johnson John
Jones Bob
Jury Tommy
Kayani Shakeel
Kayani Javed
Keeley Ashley
Keene Ollie
Kennedy M
Kiernan J
Kiernan Gerrard
Killick Paul
King Steve
King Mike
King Steven
King Michael
Kirchin Alex
Lally Bobby
Langford Danny
Larkins Phil
Latimer Bob
Leanan B
Learry Dylan
Lee D
Lee Jim
Lewis Lanzo
Lewis Pete
Lewis ** Dave
Lindley Cameron
Ling Dean
Lofts Peter
Lugger Dave
Lynne Barry
MacBeth John
Mackenzie Gordon
Maddan Paul
Mahmood Anwar
Majid Jamie
Malone Jamie
Marks Rob
Marsh Craig
Martin Hannah
match 5 . prelim
match 6 . prelim
Matthews Dean
Mcatamney Brian
McBeth John
Mcbeth John
Mcdonald R
McNelly Paul
Mcready Ben
Middleton Sarah
Miles Steven
Miles ** Stephen
Millard Andrew
Millard J
Millard Kieran
Mills D
Mitchell Mike
Moore Gary
Moore Mitch
Morrisey ** Ben
Morshead Lee
Moss G
Muir J
Munday Shaun
Munn ** Darren
Murphy C
Neal S
Neal Steve
Nicholas K
Nicholas Jon
Nolli Andy
Noonan R
Norris Gary
North C
Nunn Darren
O Donnell Gary
O'Dell Ben
Olney Roger
O'Shea ** Sean
O'Sullivan G
O'Sullivan Nick
Over Walk
Owens Gareth
Page Paul
Palmer R
Parker I
Parker K
Parker-Benham A
Parker-Benham ** Adam
Parsons Adam
Patel Pat
Paxford Lyndon
Payne Sefton
Peffers John
Peffers A
Pepper D
Pepper D.
Perrett Ken
Perrett K
Pett G
Phillips C
Phillips D
Phillpots Sean
Pickett M
Pilling Andy
Piner Richard
Pinner Richard
Player D
Player Darren
Pond Kevin
Pottinger Nathan
Powell Tony
Powell I
Powell Ian
Preston L
Priest A
Priest Mark
Pritter Steve
Prout Dale
Pugh Roberts Richard
Pullman D
Puri Raj
Puttock Duane
Racowicz Andrew
Ralph P
Rampton Neil
Rapley Carl
Read Jacob
Rees Dylan
Reynolds Luke
Rice Chris
Richardson G
Richardson Simon
Richardson Piers
Richardson Graham
Roberts R
Roberts Ian
Robinson Paul
Rockall G
Rodwell James
Rose R
Rose Ian
Ross Jim
Rush Steve
Russell Jonny
Sabbage S
Sargeant G
Sargent A
Sawyer Jamie
Saxena ** Rohit
Sebbage Jon
Self Robbie
Semmens Heath
Seymour (Bimmer) Andy
Shabir Mohammed
Shafique Vakas
Shah Zaman
Sharif Mohammed
Sharif ** Javeid
Sharkey John Jo
Shaw Dave
Sheehan Vince
Shepard N
Shepard R
Shepherdson Mark
Ship M
Simmons Phil
Simms Mervin
Simpkins Vinnie
Smith R
Smith Doug
Smith Andy
Smith James
Smith Steve
Smith Steven
Snell D
Snell T
Southworth Gordon
Sowden Daryl
Spiers Ashley
Spiers ** Andy
Spratley M
Squire Vanessa
Stanley N
Stayte J
Stayte Peter
Stevenson Joe
Stocker Chris
Stone R
Stubbs Dean
Sweetman Paul
T Jack
Tarrant D
Taylor N
Taylor S
Taylor Derek
Thorne Kevin
Thorose Emin
Tillin Ben
Titchener Karl
Titus Roots
Todd Bob
Tomlinson Toby
Turner S.
Upton Harry
Vernon Andy
Walker Karl
Walkover ..
Walkover ...
Wall S
Wallace Jordan
Wallace Martin
Walmsley M
Walsh P
Walters John
Walters Jack
Wardle D
Watkiss Dan
Watts Aaron
Watts R
Waugh A
Waugh D
Webb P
Welford Mark
Welford Martin
Weller Paul
Wells Richard
West R
West Hedley
Whatton Lee
Whitby Steve
White Leigh
White Andy
Whiting Ian
Wigmore Todd
Williams Gerry
Williams Rhys
Williams Sean
Williams Jason
Williams A
Williams ** Adam
Wilson Matt
Winkworth Neil
Woodhouse D
Wood-Smith A
Woolcock Jason
Worth Gary
Wrightson Dave
Yates Dom
Yon C
Yon Steve
Young M
Young Fred
Match Date
Home Player
Away Player