Bishops Stortford & District Snooker League - |
Administrator - Chris Coney | | 07540 109183 | ||||
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Rules |
1.DEFINITIONS (a) THE LEAGUE SHALL BE KNOWN AS:- THE BISHOP’S STORTFORD & DISTRICT SNOOKER LEAGUE (b THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE:-The Officers elected at the AGM shall consist of CHAIRMAN,, VICE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY,TOURNAMENT SECRETARY,TREASURER. (c)THE CLUB: - A Club registering Teams in the League (d)THE TEAM:-A set of players. (e)THE PLAYER An individual making up one of the teams. 2.ELECTIONS & VOTING. (a)At an AGM the Management Committee will be elected. The Officers (except the Chairman) and one member of each attending team are entitled to vote. The Chairman will have a casting vote were necessary. (b) At any other meetings, the Officers (except the Chairman) and one member from each club is entitled to vote. The Chairman to have the casting vote were necessary. (c) At all meetings a quorum will consist of five members. 3.REGISTRATION and REPRESENTATION (a)All Clubs and Teams must be nominated and approved by the Management Committee. (b)All players must have amateur status. (c)All players must be registered for a Team and will not participate in any matches until registration is approved. Team registration forms will be dispatched annually and must be returned to the Management Committee prior to the AGM No registrations will be accepted after that date. (d)The registration fee for teams to enter the League will be reviewed annually and must be paid promptly. In the event of fees not being received by October 31st,the Team or Teams will be expelled from the League. (e)A list of all registered teams and players will be sent to clubs at the beginning of each season. Amendments will be sent as and when they occur. New players may be registered during the season however they may not play for seven days until their registration is accepted. (f)League meetings will take place from time to time during the season and the date of the next will be set at the previous meeting 4.LEAGUE STRUCTURE & FORMAT OF MATCHES. (a)The league will consist of three divisions with a maximum of fourteen teams in each division. Each team will consist of four players and each match consists of two frames each for the total of eight points. The bottom two teams in divisions one and two will be relegated each season and will be replaced with the top two teams in divisions two and three unless decided otherwise at the AGM. League handicaps apply. (b) In the event of a tie on points for either promotion or relegation the team with greater number of wins will be placed higher if still equal the highest number of draws. If still level a play off at a neutral venue. There be no advantage of draw the captains will nominate their playing order and then entered on the card. Frame scores will be recorded in case of a draw the highest on points will be the winner. If still tied the black ball will be repotted and played by the last two players.. (c) The home captain must nominate his players first before the match commences to give the away team the advantage of “pairing up”. In the event of a team being one player short the opposing captain will select one from the other side to play twice. The result of the match will stand but the defaulting team will have 1pt deducted from their aggregated score to date. If a team has just two players the opposing captain will select who they play and 4pts deducted from their aggregate score. If only one player turns up it will be 6pts deducted and the match has to be rearranged as per rule 4 (d). (d)Any team postponing a match will be deducted 3pts they must rearrange the match within 7 days and the match must be played within 28days otherwise further points will be deducted as defined by the committee. Should a team fail to notify their opponents of a cancellation and not turn up that team will have 8pts deducted from their aggregate score to date and the match rearranged if this cannot be arranged then the League Committee if any, and if necessary that penalty to be applied to the defaulting team. KEEP THE RESULTS SECRETARY INFORMED AT ALL TIMES. (h)All fixtures must be completed before the last League Committee meeting of the season. If the fixtures are not played by then the team that postponed the matches will be expelled from the League at the discretion of the Management Committee. (i)If a team includes an unregistered player then that team will lose all points gained by them in that match plus a further eight (8) points as a penalty for doing so. (j)An official match card must be completed for each match played and signed by both captains. The card then must be forwarded to the League Secretary by the home team not later than the MONDAY following the match. Failure to do so will result in a penalty of two (2) points deducted from their aggregate score to date, UNLESS it bears a post mark before the Monday ALLOWING ENOUGH TIME TO BE DELIVERED. (k) All matches are due to start by 7:00pm. In the event that a team does not have a single player available to start the match at 7:30pm, the first frame of the evening will be automatically awarded to the team who are available to start. The remaining 7 frames will be played out as per normal league rules. 5. HANDICAPS. (a)The handicaps will be fixed by the Management Committee prior to the start of the season, based on results - from the previous season. The methods used is as follows:- THE TOTAL MATCHES PLAYED SUBTRACT THE TOTAL FRAMES WON IF THE ANSWER IS ZERO THE HANDICAP WILL NOT CHANGE,OTHERWISE IF THE RESULTING FIGURE IS A PLUS OR A MINUS IT WILL BE TWO (2) POINTS FOR EACH FRAME + OR - ON OR OFF THE HANDICAP. The maximum handicap allowed is twenty eight (28),however there is no minimum. (b)New players normally receive seven (7) points unless in special circumstances the Committee decide this does not reflect the ability of the player concerned, in which case they will set a suitable handicap. Just prior to the second half of the season ALL players handicaps will be adjusted. The method used is as above 6.GENERAL (a)League matches will be played in accordance with the “E.S.A.B.” rules with the exception of the “MISS RULE” which will not be applied. (b)All teams must abide by the rules of the Club the are visiting. (c)The Management of the League will be conducted in accordance with the rules, Implementation of the rules is vested in the Management Committee which consists of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasure, Secretary and Tournament Secretary. (d)The Management Committee has the power to suspend or expel a club or a player registered with the league for any breach of the rules, or any other action considered detrimental to the Leagues interest. If the club, team or player is expelled from the League, no registration will be accepted from any of the individuals concerned for a minimum of two(2) years. (e)Any club, team or player has the right of appeal to the Management Committee in the event of a grievance. (f)Any situation arising that is not covered by the rules is left to the discretion of the Management Committee (g)The rules can only be altered or rescinded at an AGM or an Extraordinary Meeting and any proposals Or amendments must be notified in writing to the Management Committee fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. No proposed alteration will be carried unless supported by a two-thirds majority of those voting. 7KNOCK-OUT COMPETITION (SINGLES SCRATCH & HANDICAP AND DOUBLES HANDICAP (a)The singles and doubles competitions are open to all registered players (b)Any two registered players from the same club may play together in the doubles K/O. (c)The singles handicap competition is open to all registered players and will be played using League handicaps (d)The first player named in all competitions is the home player and must contact his opponent within FOURTEEN (14) DAYS of the draw offering three dates to play the match. Failure to do so will give his Opponent the right to claim entry into the next round. If his opponent refuses to accept one of these dates and does not contact the home player within seven (7) days of receiving them, then the home player will be entitled to claim entry into the next round. Any player that wishes to claim entry into the next round must contact the Tournament Secretary prior to the closing date for the completion of that round. (e)The winning player must notify the Tournament Secretary of the result of the match before the closing date of the round otherwise the match will be awarded to the away player. (f) The singles handicap will be played best of three (3) frames up to the final .the final best of five(5) frames. (g) The singles scratch will be played best of three (3) up to the semi-finals, which will be best of five(5) frames, and the final best of seven(7) frames. (h)The doubles will be played best of three(3) frames up to the final, which will be best of five(5) frames. (i) Finals will be played on neutral tables as part of Finals and Presentation Night. (j)The Presidents Cup is a one-day handicap tournament held annually. Entry is open to all registered players and current handicaps will apply. (k)Players in handicapped competitions must have played 3 matches or more in the league in the first calendar year of the current season in order ro be eligible to play, otherwise they will be removed. 8.KNOCK-OUT COMPETITIONS (TEAM). (a) The competition is a handicap tournament and is open to all registered teams. (b)Teams will consist of four (4) players and each match will be played over eight (8) frames. Aggregate score must be recorded and used to determine the winners in the event of a drawn match. If the aggregate scores are also level at the end of the match the black ball will be repotted and played by the last two (2) players. (c)The Tournament Secretary must be notified of all the results by the winning team prior to the closing date for the round, who must also ensure a result is forwarded to Tournament Secretary. (d)If a team is one player short, two frames are conceded to their opponents and each of those frames are conceded 147-nil.In the event of a team being more than one player short the match is automatically awarded to their opponents. (e)All players play off current League handicaps (f)In competition players may only represent one (1) team only, for which they must be registered. (g)The final will be played on neutral tables arranged by the Management Committee. PLEASE NOTE THAT REFERENCES TO THE SINGLES LEAGUE HAVE BEEN DELETED FROM THE RULES BUT IN THE EVENT OF THE SINGLES LEAGUE BEING RE-STARTED THESE REFERANCES HAVE BEEN SAVED AND CAN REPLACED |