League Snooker Testimonials "Our last AGM voted to take the step to transition our league to the internet and after researching a number of options we chose UK League Snooker. Once the basic data is inputted, clubs, teams, players and fixtures etc, weekly maintenance is a simple task. Team captains have quickly bought in to this solution and players have given only positive feedback reporting the ease with which they can see individual results, breaks and tables in an almost real time basis." Ian Newnham, Bournemouth & District Conservative Snooker League "This is our first year using the site and I have found it a most useful and easy to use tool for the League. I have never run something like this before and would recommend the site to any one wishing to have the running made so much easier." Andy Lockwood, Don and Dearne District Snooker League "Over the last few years we have seen a drop in the amount of teams in our area playing. Mark Beale and myself tried to generate more interest by renaming the league to Don and Dearne District Snooker League. We found this website and decided that with it being free for the first year we would give it a go. What a good move it turned out to be, all the players in our league agree. It has cut meetings to a minimum instead of every month. I am not a computer expert but what I can say it is simple to use. We no longer have any issues with players handicaps. Richard is always available to help if you have any problems. I would recommend it to any secretary that wants to take the hard work out of running their league." Keith Everett, Southend Wednesday Snooker League "Following a cabinet reshuffle for 2014/15, I found myself as secretary of our snooker league. It was felt that something had to be done to get the league members more involved to lessen the burden on the secretary. We found UK SNOOKER LEAGUE and so far have been very pleased with the way things are working out. The “free of charge” first season is a great idea while we are all finding our way around the site and getting into the habit of using it for our cups and the league. I have been pleasantly surprised with the feedback from our members who think it is great. “Everything is there for you to see in black and white” one player (age 78) said to me. Which leads to another pleasing thing I have found; most of our members are using the site and I would guess the average age for our league is about 55-60. The website administrator is quick to respond to any problems of questions I may have which is brilliant if a secretary is entering into this realm for the first time. We will also be looking to investigate the possibility of advertising for our community which could help raise funds and offset the cost of joining this site. I would definitely recommend any league secretary to give this site a try." John Hilton, Preston & District Veterans Snooker League "This is our first year with UK League Snooker and being a veterans league for the over 60's I can honestly say in my 15 years as a member, and now Chairman, that it has not been easy convincing everyone connected with the league that a web-site such as this was either necessary, desirable or, more importantly, affordable for a league such as ours - just 11 local clubs providing the 16 teams which make up our two leagues. I must say the free introductory offer for the first year made the decision to join that much easier and now after reaching the halfway stage of our season our members could not be more delighted with our decision to join. You can imagine with the age of our membership there are many dye-in-the-wool traditionalists who much prefer to receive everything connected with the administration of the league through their letter box and reciprocate with a stamp on the back of a scorecard they have posted so religiously over the years after every match. The number of our members now enjoying all the information the site provides has risen tremendously and, more importantly from a committee's point of view, the admin costs have been reduced considerably." Stephen Bradshaw, Crosby & District Snooker League "We have joined the league snooker community this year and the feedback from the players has been excellent, all of the information is there for everyone to access and it seems to have given everyone a renewed interest in how they are doing individually and collectively. It is very clear and user friendly and if you have any questions Richard is always very quick to reply and more than happy to help resolve any issue you have, I would recommend this to anyone who has a snooker league as it is by far the best out there, and trust me I've looked." Neil Edmonds, Totnes & District Snooker League "Totnes & District Snooker League has been using the UK League Snooker website for several seasons now and during that time I have had no issues whatsoever. The site is very well laid out and unlike some others that we have been offered, it is not cluttered with adverts or videos or other items which won't be of any interest to the majority of users. The website does exactly what it says on the tin, it's very easy to use and update and we even now have the very oldest 80+ players in the league using the site, despite the usual IT phobia. We have two divisions, each with about eight teams and around 70 players in total using the site, we have handicapped competitions as well as progressive snooker and of course the main league, the website caters for all of these needs admirably. Whenever we have had the need for added functionality, Richard has always been very quick to assist and has obliged. The fee we pay each year is modest I believe for the excellent service our league receives." Chris Coumbe, Plymouth Billiards League "UK League Snooker is an excellent website to manage and promote your league. Fixtures and results can be added to the website with no problem at all and our members have been very pleased at the statistics it provides. Richard is always very prompt to respond to queries and was very helpful in the initial process of joining the site. The pricing structure is very reasonable which makes it affordable for any league after the free trial season." Tony Crompton, Knutsford & District Amateur Snooker League "I was told about the site from another user and do not regret 'signing up' one little bit. It has made my life as Secretary of a smallish league into a seemless admin role for this aspect of the scoring. The players love the stats side of the site and the instant display of standings as soon as I update results. Of course there are things that can be improved but there are 3 points I'd mention on this: (1) there are very few improvements to be made or required (2) Richard - the developer - welcomes suggested improvements or new ideas and (3) the changes, if sensible, are done within a day. A brilliant host for your league at a minimal cost with a sensible pricing structure. We will certainly be staying put and highly recommend you join - especially with the 'try free for a season guarantee'. Give it a try." Ged McDonald, Liverpool Snooker League The Liverpool Snooker League is a long established league in the city, we decided to sign up to UKLS on a trial basis for the 2011/12 season – in the modern age there are not many things you can try for free without there being a catch. The initial set up is straightforward, if you can use a keyboard you will be able to get started without any problems. Richard is always on hand to help, showing endless patience, and responding very quickly to queries. He is open to new ideas and willing to try and improve the site based on user feedback. The site is versatile, if you make a mistake, or are given incorrect information the site functionality allows you to update things in seconds with the changes being automatically reflected in league tables and player results. The availability of team and player results/breaks has led to friendly, healthy competition not just amongst teams but within teams. I have received many positive comments from players at every match I attend. The online scorecard has been a big help to ensure the handicap committee has the full picture when we reach our handicap review points – missing results has caused us problems in the past. The sponsor’s page has been a real bonus as we have been able to attract sponsors who pay a small fee which has brought much needed revenue to the league. Online availability of competition draws and contact details ensures players have correct information quickly. Without hesitation I would recommend UKLS website to any amateur snooker league. Allen George, Whitchurch & District Snooker League "2010/11 was our first season on this website. Excellent. Our League had 46 teams with 4 Divisions plus 7 competitions (Individual, Pairs, Billiards etc). Being secretary dealing with everything this website made my task all the more easier. It was a joy to enter results (20 mins a night). All our result cards are pre paid. We play 4 nights a week so most cards arrive within 48hrs. By Saturday all tables etc are dealt with. A huge amount of players have said how good the website is and look forward to them being updated. We used to publish tables in the local papers but because of the interest and easy to access website we dont bother any more. I would recommend any snooker league to join this website. Well done Richard and his team for such an excellent website." David Gluckstein, Norwich and District Billiards and Snooker League In 2009 The NDBSL started their own web site which cost a substantial investment in both time and money. It took many hours every week to enter the results of the league and apart from the odd news article that was all that it really did. In 2010 The NDBSL took up the offer of a free year’s trial of the UK League Snooker web site and we have not looked back. Richard has improved the method of data entry this year and from this simple process it is amazing how it gives all the information it does. At this years end of season dinner and trophy awards it was amazing what response the Management committee got from the players as a show of appreciation for the vast improvements. The extra time the management committee has had due to the data produced from the website has been put to good use with a full revision of our league rules and the introduction of new tornaments which can also be run through the site. We are looking forward to the 2011 season where we shall now be able to use the head to head data prior to matches to try and improve on past performance. If you are involved in a snooker or Billiards league you need this web site. Ricki Slack, Darley Dale and District Orme Snooker League "I started looking around for a host page for our snooker and billiards leagues when space in the local paper's sports-pages started drying up and that season our league had only featured about a couple of times so it was time to look elsewhere.Everyone I have spoken to have all said how much better it is to have an internet presence, as one of our players said "its fantastic" and has helped everyone know exactly where they stand either on a team or individual basis. The facility to see all results from every match played right down to who won and who lost and how many points they scored is certainly a first for us. And gives those players who do achieve success the chance to earn proper recognition instead of nobody otherwise knowing anything about it. Another bonus is that the site always features prominently on search pages so helps promote the league in its quest for expansion too. Richard has been very helpful with all enquiries and requests particularly in the early days of setting everything up when we were still feeling our way about.I would thoroughly recommend the site to any league that is thinking about taking the plunge." Malcolm Gray, East Dorset Snooker League "The East Dorset Snooker league has for many years being existing and I was asked to take it over last year due to their lack of confidence in the past secretary. I have for many years (since 1973!) been a snooker league secretary but said I would only take it on if we could move into the modern world. Setting up a website of our own would have been far too complicated for me to do so I latched upon UK League Snooker. And what a revelation that has been, easy for me to set up, and much appreciated by our members. This year has been completely free but will be well worth the small costs next season. Every league should be part of this website!" Mike Turner, Eccles & District Snooker League "Upon becoming League Secretary in 2007 it was evident to me that the Eccles & District Snooker League needed a fresh injection of enthusiasm. The league, as is the case with many other leagues, was run by a dedicated group of individuals whose involvement stretched back in some cases over 40 years. Prior to my election a number of players had come forward to AGMs, sighting the UK Snooker League Website as the way forward. Sadly, each time it came to a vote, the idea was turned down in preference of monthly league tables prepared by hand, the way it had always been done! Once elected Secretary, my first priority was to bring the league kicking and screaming into the 21st century. It took 2 years to finally win a majority vote and the League has never looked back! The website really does everything you could possibly want it to do; fixtures and results are quick and easy to enter and the live nature of the website has increased the competitiveness of the league on both a team and individual basis with players logging on before and after their matches to view the change in standings. The added benefit to the league has been the annual invitation to play in the UK Snooker League Tournament. It is no coincidence, in my opinion, that the Eccles team has a much improved record in the Manchester Interleague since first pitting out wits against the mighty West Midlands, Gloucester, Ormskirk and alike… The annual event is superbly run and is played in the spirit of the game; Eccles will be there again next year, maybe we’ll get past the group stages this time! Finally I’d like to sign off with a personal tribute to Richard, without whom the site would not be here. In my 5 years of knowing Richard I have not met a more helpful and obliging individual who’s love for the game of Snooker, combined with his programming and web design skills, have come together to help hundreds of amateur snooker and billiards players around the UK. If the website doesn’t provide something, Richard is happy to look at the possibility of making it happen, and in my experience has always delivered." Julian Bray, Okehampton & District Snooker League "Quite simply our Snooker league the Okehampton and District would not exist anymore without this site. I wouldn’t have time to run the league without this site. It makes life so much easier! Any Snooker league worth its salt need’s to be registered here!" Tony Kidd, Stourbridge and District Snooker League "We have just completed our ninth season using the UK League Snooker site and players, supporters and officials of our league couldn’t be more pleased with the quality of information which can now be accessed so readily. It has added a great deal of interest on a weekly basis to all concerned. Results are emailed immediately matches are completed, and the results and league tables are updated within a few minutes. Similarly, knock-out fixtures and results can be viewed very easily, and Richard can be relied upon to make ad hoc adjustments to suit all requests. We’re delighted to be associated with UK League Snooker." John Redfern, Gloucester Snooker & Billiards League "When Richard asked me if I would be kind enough to write a testimonial about the UK League Snooker Website, I had no hesitation in replying to him that I would be delighted to do so. Initially the Gloucester Billiards & Snooker League was looking to establish their own website to help them administer their league but after searching the web, we came across the UK League Snooker Website and we found that it offered us everything that we were looking for. In the few months that we have been using it, we have not been disappointed, it is absolutely brilliant and all our players have been extremely complimentary about the information it provides and ease of use. I have entered most of our Leagues history going back to 1936 with photos of events and players, past and present. In fact, we are utilising every facility the website offers. it also provides us with good references to other leagues and we have found this very helpful. Everyone is willing to support one another which is great. There is also the opportunity for our league to compete at the UK League Snooker Championships, something we may not have heard about without access to this website. When we have requested Richard to "tweak bits and pieces" for us, he has done so without question in an extremely speedy and proficient way. All this for FREE!!!! . At least for the first year but thereafter a small charge kicks in but there is no way that we could set up a website this superb without incurring significant costs. So will we be coming back next year? .. You bet we will." Sean Drew, Newcastle East End Snooker League "After only two months of using this website, the feedback from players has been excellent. The updated tables and stats seems to have created an interest that would have been impossible with the old format of monthly updated tables, sometimes relying on 'word of mouth' results. From an administrator’s point of view, keeping everything updated requires minimal time and effort, and already, the vast majority of teams are forwarding their results within 24hrs of matches. The administration of the site is very straight forward, but when needed, the support from Richard has been prompt and comprehensive. I can only see our league going from strength to strength with the support of this website and I look forward to discovering more of the many benefits in the future." Steve Briant, Newcastle District Billiards & Snooker Association "I originally came across this site whilst googling 'Cambridge Snooker' just to see if there was much of a web presence for snooker back home where I used to play. I now live in Newcastle, NSW, Down Under and resumed playing the game of my misspent youth about 18 months ago. Wanting to add a web presence to our league administration…this site seemed to have everything, but was “UK” branded. In Oz there are a couple of attempts to produce a “results” focused site but all have failed to provide even a 10th of what Richard has produced on this site. The league I play in here in Newcastle had a weekly update of the league table in the local rag, but nothing more. I emailed Richard from the site to state our quandary and ask if he could give me access in order to trial a site for our League down under…….to which he graciously accepted. Over the next few weeks Richard responded to all my requests promptly to either give advice or amend the content of our specific site to the way our league is structured. Using our first season as a trial has been the perfect way to refine the site to how we want it to be viewed and received by its users. There are still a few changes I would like Richard to do for us, but hey, he must be a busy man and it must be hard to get started or even motivated on those COLD COLD UK mornings……..brrrrrrr! So I’ll leave my site revisions till your spring when our first season ends and I’ll have a list of things for him to tweak for us. The feedback I have received from players in our 4 leagues to date has been very encouraging and fingers crossed, may help to sustain what seems to be a waning sport. When you consider that a round trip for some to a fixture can be up to 200k’s on a school night….the dedication / madness of some is worth the effort to provide our league with this fantastic facility. You’ll notice that Richard kindly added a small map icon of the losing country in this years forthcoming Ashes beneath the UK map. I hope to use our site as a showcase to the many other leagues around Oz, to both, help promote Richards site (and its foreign potential) and to promote interest in the game over here." Tony Beetham, Competitions Secretary and IT Co-ordinator, Preston & District Snooker League "When we at Preston & District Snooker League felt that it was time to get our league onto the internet, I was tasked to check out the possibilities. I soon realised that we couldn’t afford to employ a programmer to build us a site to our own specifications so I looked at what was already out there hoping to find something “off the shelf” that would be close to our requirements. We chose “Leaguesnooker” because it was the most comprehensive, the cost was reasonable, it was customisable to our specific requirements and most importantly it was instantly available. From the start of our season in September 08, feedback from our players has been both positive and enthusiastic. For my part, I find the administration side easy, even with my limited computer skills, and it’s nice to know that should I have any queries, Richard is on hand to resolve them. I know that we made the right decision in choosing Leaguesnooker and would have no hesitation in recommending the site to any league who, like us, feel that it’s time to join the 21st Century." Brian Mckeown, Secretary Wallasey Snooker Association "This is our League’s first (and free!) season using the website. Richard has been extremely helpful altering and changing the site to accommodate our league, which is based on two frames aggregate points system, all our cup, individual and pairs competitions that had to be set up including times of matches. Previously the league tables would be available only every month at our meetings and though each team might keep their own results they would never see everyone else’s results or statistics, this site has changed all that. The feedback from players about the site has been overwhelming they are amazed at how much information is available and how easy it is to use, I can see our League hopefully using for many years to come. Richard has to be congratulated for an excellent website." Tony Cook, Garston & District Snooker League, Liverpool "On behalf of the Garston & District Snooker League, I would like to pay great testimony to the way the website is set up and how successful it is. It has created interest from every player and club within the league. It is the first time in the league's history that we can now view how every match has been played, we can see the players in form that also helps our selection policy for the local Inter League competitions. We can now plan matches against opposition at the touch of a button. Every player is now pro-active because of the player rankings system. It has also given every player the ability to contact one another through the forum and all contact details...So far it has been a huge success and it will only get better....I recommend any league looking to create their own website, to seriously consider joining the UK League Snooker community." Brian Jennians, Southport & District Amateur Snooker League "I have been using UK League Snooker for two months now and have found everything going very smoothly. Inputting the results is ideal for me as I can put in individual games played as the score cards arrive, and not have to wait until all the weeks results are in. This means all the players are as up to date as I am at any time by just logging on. I have had nothing but positive feedback from all the members of my league and am sure we will be continuing to use UK League Snooker in the coming seasons. If any other snooker league is thinking about joining I am sure they will find Richard very helpful in setting you up in a first class system." Tony Smith. Malvern & District Snooker League "I was administering our snooker league on a 97 office database which required updating. I was also being "nagged" by my members for a website for our league. On searching the world wide web I came across UK Snooker League Community and could'nt believe my luck. I have now been using this website to administer our league since September of this year (2007) with great success and much enthusiasm from our league members who now have access to up to date results, league tables, Player Stats, etc at any time. I would like to thank Richard for developing this excellent site and for his prompt assistance in setting our league up and resolving any problems I have come across." David Coulthard, Malton - Norton & District Snooker League "As Secreatary of my local league, i felt my suggestion of joining the UK Snooker League Community was met with an air of trepidation. Once we were a few weeks into the season and players could access information and personal performance, I could feel the change in players attitudes and opinions. With the season in full flow the number of players commenting on the site was beyond my expectation, now players are accessing information on other teams in the Community! This site has opened a door for our league, we have liaised with other teams and arranged and played friendly matches. From an administrative point of view, i challenge anyone to find a more user friendly site. Richard has truly developed an excellent product and I commend him on that. Looking forward to next season!" Tony Cook, Cleveland Billiards & Snooker League "UK League Snooker is certainly the best web based solution available. The ability to view the scorecard for every match is a major plus for us. The way the site organises player stats is excellent. I administer two divisions each week, and it takes me only 30 minutes...fantastic!! I am looking forward to using the site for our cup competitions also. Lots of our players have commented about how brilliant the site is and how it delivers all the information they need in a well laid out manner and within a couple of days of the matches finishing. Previously league tables were only distributed at the monthly committee meeting." Rob Day, Tenby & District Pool League "I came across when I was looking for an easier way to manage our district pool league. I could see immediately that, although primarily a snooker league administrative tool, the site could be tailored for a pool league with no great issues, so I signed up. It is so easy to use and takes the pain out of managing and updating fixtures and league tables. Our league results come in Monday night, and by Tuesday morning everything is done. Couldn't be easier! I pity the person who has to manage a league using paper and pen - when there is such a good system here which saves time, effort and above all - the stress involved in running a pool/snooker league." Tony Wilson, Tunbridge Wells & District Snooker League "This is my first year as Fixtures Secretary, and in preparation for the new Season I had it in mind to construct a web or blog-site that could be accessed by players in order to read and submit results. I didn't have a clue how I was going to go about this, but whilst surfing the 'Net for ideas I came across I looked at the details of other Leagues from previous seasons, and thought it would be the ideal format for use in our League. Although relatively early in the season, the feedback that I have had so far from players is very positive and commendable, and from my own point of view I have found the site very quick and easy to use when inputting weekly results, and Richard has been very prompt and helpful in response to my queries. The information now available on this site has certainly added a new "dimension" to our League, and very much brought it into the 21st Century." Steve Evans, Rugby & District Snooker League "League Snooker is the best on-line snooker league site. Setting up and configuring couldn't be simpler. Players statistics are brilliant and all my league members who view the site almost daily think it is absolutley great. The site support offered by Richard is also invalueable. From using 4 or 5 spreadsheets to record players/match/competition results to now using one point of data entry on the on-line site, saves me 70% of the time I used to take." Derek Thompson, Medway Messenger Snooker League "After having access to the website for this season many of our players have given the 'thumbs-up' to it. We still send the weekly results to our sponsors, the Medway Messenger newspaper, where a match report and league table appears, but players can now access more information regarding their individual records and stats. I was initially apprehensive about entering the results each week, but 45-60 mins is enough to input everything. I know how easy it is to make a mistake when changing League tables, but thanks to Richard, life is a lot easier." John Corry, Vice Chairman, Plymouth & District Billiards & Snooker League "Having entered data myself so far this season and having formerly occupied the position as league results secretary, I know that this tool will ease the burden of collating data and production of accurate tables & statistics all at the expense of less than two hours per week for all three P & D leagues. We have a large population in our region with a healthy mix of young and not so young snooker & billiards players. It seems to me that the "elder" statesmen amongst our members are the most interested in this site and information that is available. Yes we too have the odd dinosaur resistant to change in the name of progress but the benefits of this site are slowly winning those few around. For any new visitors to this site who are interested in what they see and are wondering if it will fit their league's need, I say "go for it" take up the option to try before you subscribe. But be warned you will be smitten; UK league snooker will be at the top of your browser favourites list before you know it." Jim Meek, Sudbury & District Snooker League "After the first season of being a member of the League's Snooker Community Website and after getting over the first few hiccoughs, I found it a great help on cutting down on paperwork and administration. I feel the main benefits from this is that all the players can keep up with the results and the positions in the league table without having to wait until the local newspaper arrives or to phoning myself to ask. I also feel that it encourages players to take an active interest in the snooker world and not just play their game and go home. Other benefits are that it saves on numerous phone calls and also postage. I can safely say that from my point of view it has been a success and long may it continue." Steve McMillan, North Merseyside Catholic Snooker League "This site is excellent and just what I was looking for. I had thought about starting one for our league up from scratch, but somehow (I don’t remember how) stumbled across this. The site is user friendly for the administrators as well as the users, and the amount of information contained in it can be used effectively. Our table is updated within a few days of a set of fixtures, ready for the next week, which is an improvement on relying on tables and results being posted through the mail. A number of players from different teams have come to me and mentioned how they check the site every week for updates, as well as checking on their own progress in the players list etc. It makes it worthwhile knowing that the site is being used to good effect. I hope our league continues to use this site for many years to come." Barrie Judd, Rotherham & District Snooker League "Excellent Site. Searched the Web for examples of other Snooker Leagues in order to prepare for our own and discovered League Snooker. No need for lengthy HTML coding and automation of spreadsheets for uploading - Snooker League does it all for you. Very easy to Setup and Administer with the added bonus of saving a fortune on not having to mail 64 teams the results and tables every fortnight!" Tony Carr, Cambridge & District Billiards & Snooker Leagues "This site has already proved beyond doubt to be a success for our League, the wealth of information that is now available to Clubs and players alike is second to none. League Tables, results and Player Stats are now available within 48 hours of games being played which in itself is creating more of an interest than ever before. Supply of infomation used to be restricted to monthly league meetings and then players had to rely on that being fed back to them, now for the first time players can view the information when they want. We can only see our league going from strength to strength in future and would say a big thank you to Richard for adapting to our League format and for the speed of response if we have a problem or query." Iain Wallwork, Bootle Snooker League "We have had our results published in the local free paper for over 50 years but during the last 10 years it was hit and miss whether the results were published. Consequently we believe our league has suffered, so we decided to start our own website which was a success in many ways but hard to manage as I did not have enough knowledge to run it as a database, because of this time was against us getting the details in the right place on the website. So I looked for an easier method of entering the information, there it was UK League Snooker. Since using this website I have found that it is the easiest of websites to use and only takes about 15 minutes per division to enter the week’s records. Quite a few players have remarked on what a good well laid out website it really is. Also the way the statistics of the players are automatically updated the moment you as the administrator confirm the result to be correct, and the ability to discuss topics between leagues on the main forum or between teams in your league in the forum in your section of the site. Finally I would like to thank Richard for his time in adapting the site to the format that our league uses." Andy Dines, Maidstone & District Snooker League "I was getting very frustrated with the speed at which information from our league got down the grapevine, and decided that it was about time they caught up with the rest of us and started using the internet. Like some others I initially thought about setting up my own database but then luckily stumbled across this site, which has proved superb in the ease of use and information available. The benefit of using it free for one season has given us the opoortunity to pursuade even the 'old school' that it is the way forward, and feedback is excellent from all visiting and using the site. Our league runs differently from many others in that we have a doubles game as well as singles and Richard accommodated us with no fuss and a willingness to help, and has done an excellent job! Many congratulations on a superbly run system and I hope we will use it permanantly from now on." Derek Court, Bishops Stortford & District Snooker League "Hardly a year has not gone by where we haven‘t tried to get our league tables published in the local paper all without success, so when UK League Snooker Community website came along it was a dream come true. Now every player can log on and see almost as soon as his match has finished how his team stands in the league and not only that but how his own performance rates against others. Without doubt it gives a comprehensive picture of every aspect of the game. I was surprised that even whilst setting up the backlog of three months fixtures and results I was getting phone calls and emails all praising it. I must say thank you to Richard for his co-operation for making the necessary changes to accommodate our format." Barry Adlington, Ormskirk & District Snooker League "We are in our second season subcribing to the online snooker website and I administer for the Ormskirk and District Amateur Snooker League. All our players find the website an excellent source of obtaining information about results, fixtures etc. I have many e-mails saying how thorough the site is and Richard can only be praised on his effort and input to the site. I am sure our snooker league will continue to use this facility for many years to come." Gary Carter, Selby & District Snooker League "I have been using the UK League Snooker Website to administer the Selby and District Snooker League for only five weeks and it is an instant success with the players. The website not only looks good but is also presented in a way that ensures tables, results, fixtures and statistics can be quickly and easily accessed. The administration of the league is simple too, it takes only 30-45 minutes to complete a weekly update with minimal typing. I am sure that many snooker committees want to promote their local leagues and at the same time give the players comprehensive and easily obtainable information; the answer to this is UK League Snooker." Martin Payne, Kidderminster & District Snooker League "Since we started using the website for our snooker league its amazing how many people have took an interest in the results of other teams. As soon as a match card is received I put it on the website, sometimes straight after a match so it is as up to date as possible and I have people I dont even know coming up to me and saying "Thanks for updating it so quick". It has put the interest back in our league which has been lost for some time and I am sure it is making the league more appealing to the younger members of our league. Overall it has made our league alot clearer for players to keep up to date with, alot easier to administrate and full of all the stats anyone could want. Couldn`t recommend it more." Nick Mitchell, Stafford & District Snooker & Billiards League "Since the launch of the UK League Snooker Community web site for the start of the Stafford and district snooker league season in January 2004, it has been a huge success. The site gives players up to date league tables and player statistics which are generally updated within 5 days of the last matches played. Before the site was launched it could take upto 10 days for results to appear in the local paper and some weeks the leagues were omitted if space was tight. I particularly like the ability to view all player statistics for each league. This covers everything from total games won/ lost, a record of all high breaks and even the points scores in individual frames. I believe the rankings of players will be used to select players for teams to represent Stafford Town in competitions. Incidentally, I print off copies of the leagues and player statistics each week and place them on our club notice board so that people who dont have internet access can see them." |