Fylde Private Clubs Snooker League - Thursday - |
Administrator - Roy McElhinney | roysnooker147@gmail.com | 07951391445 | ||||
League | Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Sponsors | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe | |||
Cups | Team Knock Out | | |||
News |
Team Cup Finals - Finalists & dates are now on the website ‘Team Knock Out’ link & on the FB page. The format for the Finals can be found on the Team Cup Rules on the ‘Documents’ link on the website - 4/3/25 Handicaps - have been adjusted for Wed & Thur, please ensure current handicaps are used for this weeks Team Cup matches - 25/2/25 Presentation Night - has now been confirmed on 20th June at CWM, make a note in your diaries! - 10/1/25 Comps - The draw for the last 16 of the Singles & Doubles Comps is now on the Tuesday page of the website, 'Documents' link - 17/12/24 Handicaps have been adjusted ahead of this weeks Team Cup matches, please ensure you use up to date handicaps for these matches - 16/12/24 I’m sorry to report the passing of Tony Morrison (Park Suite), after a long illness. I’ll post funeral details if/when I receive them - 11/12/24 The QF draw for the Team Cup is now on the website - 14/11/24 I am sad to report the passing of Paul Sillett from CWM. His funeral will take place on 6th Dec, 12.30pm at Carleton Crem - 6/11/24 Handicaps have now been adjusted, new ones should be used for this weeks Team Cup Matches - 28/10/24 Comp Draw - the Singles & Doubles Comp Draws are now on the Tuesday page 'Documents' link - 8/10/24 Final Reminder - the closing date for entries to the Singles & Doubles Comps is the end of September. We currently have 21 in Singles & 14 in Doubles. It would be great to get 32 in each. To enter please email Kev Harris at Kevinharris147@gmail.com. Entry is £5 for Singles & £6 a pair for Doubles (£3 each) - 23.9.24 Reminder - entry for the Singles & Doubles Comps is open. Please email Kevinharris147@gmail.com if you wish to take part, deadline extended to end of September. Miss Rule - just to clarify, once a frame is at the ‘snookers required stage’ a Miss should not be called. There is a rumour that some Captains are agreeing not to play the Miss Rule. Please do not do this. The Miss Rule was voted in at the AGM & should be applied in the Night Leagues. If any team is found not to be applying it there will be consequences - 11.9.24 |