Gloucester Snooker League -
Administrator - Jason Sadler - GB&SL Admin | |
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Cups League Division 1 Individual KO | League Division 1 Pairs | League Division 2 Individual KO | League Division 2 Pairs | League Division 3 Individual KO | League Division 3 Pairs | League Over 50's | League Premier Individual KO | League Premier Pairs | League Under 23's | Snooker Open ~ Fleckner | Team Pairs | Vaughton Shield |
England Players from Glos L/R: Jack Lisowski; Derek Ayland (Coach); Matt Redding & Mike Wasley  (2006) England Players from Glos L/R: Jack Lisowski; Derek Ayland (Coach); Matt Redding & Mike Wasley (2006)
Derek Ayland and Team Derek Ayland and Team
Alan Duggan Alan Duggan
Craig Scotford (1985) Craig Scotford (1985)
Mike Wasley & Jack Lisowski (2006) Mike Wasley & Jack Lisowski (2006)
John Pearce & Doug Mountjoy John Pearce & Doug Mountjoy
Westgate Snooker Club ~ Juniors Westgate Snooker Club ~ Juniors
Mark Woodfin & Luke Smith (1999) Mark Woodfin & Luke Smith (1999)
Nick Pearce ~ England Masters Nick Pearce ~ England Masters
Kieran Dwyer Kieran Dwyer
Rob Milkins Rob Milkins
Kieran Dwyer with England V Scotland Shield Kieran Dwyer with England V Scotland Shield
Nick Pearce Nick Pearce
Jack Lisowski Jack Lisowski
Mike Wasley Mike Wasley
Ray Reardon & Bill Bowditch Ray Reardon & Bill Bowditch
L/R Paul Mount; Jimmy White; Mike Wasley & Derek Ayland L/R Paul Mount; Jimmy White; Mike Wasley & Derek Ayland
L/R Tony Allard; Frank Pearce; John Jones; Bob Campbell; Alex Higgins; Derek Ayland & George Durrant (1970's) L/R Tony Allard; Frank Pearce; John Jones; Bob Campbell; Alex Higgins; Derek Ayland & George Durrant (1970's)
Derek Ayland & Doug Mountjoy Derek Ayland & Doug Mountjoy
Derek Ayland & David Taylor (Silver Fox) Derek Ayland & David Taylor (Silver Fox)
Derek Ayland & Graham Miles Derek Ayland & Graham Miles
Graham Miles & Glos Players Graham Miles & Glos Players
Jack Lisowski & Mike Wasley Jack Lisowski & Mike Wasley
Jack Lisowski & Mike Wasley Jack Lisowski & Mike Wasley
Fire Brigade Team 1970's ~ L/R ~ Derek Ayland; Tony Pegler; Cyril Stokes; Paddy Lawless; Graham Stokes Fire Brigade Team 1970's ~ L/R ~ Derek Ayland; Tony Pegler; Cyril Stokes; Paddy Lawless; Graham Stokes
Mike Wasley ~ 2009 Under 19 European Runner-Up Mike Wasley ~ 2009 Under 19 European Runner-Up
St James Players St James Players
Westgate Snooker Club Juniors ~ L/R  Ben; Luke; Harry Potter! Jack & Mike Westgate Snooker Club Juniors ~ L/R Ben; Luke; Harry Potter! Jack & Mike
St James Players St James Players
ICI Snooker & Billiard League Winners<br> L/R (Back) Joe Kotwica; Bill Kotwica; Wilf Greenaway; Rich Harris; (Front) Neil Galling; Phil Hartley; John Redfern ICI Snooker & Billiard League Winners
L/R (Back) Joe Kotwica; Bill Kotwica; Wilf Greenaway; Rich Harris; (Front) Neil Galling; Phil Hartley; John Redfern
John Redfern (Div 3 ~ Individual Champion 1983) John Redfern (Div 3 ~ Individual Champion 1983)
Steve Davis @ Coral Snooker Glos (Exhibition) Steve Davis @ Coral Snooker Glos (Exhibition)
John Redfern (1) Vs Jack Lisowski (3) ~ Premier Individual Final 2003) Referee Mike Wasley John Redfern (1) Vs Jack Lisowski (3) ~ Premier Individual Final 2003) Referee Mike Wasley
Paul Strafford 1980 Paul Strafford 1980
Andy Brookes ~ Cinderford YMCA 1980 Andy Brookes ~ Cinderford YMCA 1980
ICI Snooker ~ League Winners<br> L/R Mike Hodges; Christian Daye; Steve Taylor & Paul Phillips (May 1988) ICI Snooker ~ League Winners
L/R Mike Hodges; Christian Daye; Steve Taylor & Paul Phillips (May 1988)
UK League Snooker Championship ~ Manchester 09 Semi Finalists ~ Andy Williams, Matt James, Craig Scotford(Capt), Mike Wasley, Matt Redding, Jason Cook & John Redfern (League Sec) UK League Snooker Championship ~ Manchester 09 Semi Finalists ~ Andy Williams, Matt James, Craig Scotford(Capt), Mike Wasley, Matt Redding, Jason Cook & John Redfern (League Sec)
UK League Snooker Championship 2009 ~ Group (Glos Team in UK League Snooker Championship 2009 ~ Group (Glos Team in "Pink")
Malcolm Page & Alan Martin (Wotton Hall) 2008 Malcolm Page & Alan Martin (Wotton Hall) 2008
Wotton Hall  Premier Team 2008 Wotton Hall Premier Team 2008
Gary Cook & Lee Bradley (Wotton Hall) 2008 Gary Cook & Lee Bradley (Wotton Hall) 2008
Craig Scotford & Trophies Craig Scotford & Trophies
Sid Ballinger ~ Dowty Sid Ballinger ~ Dowty
Alan Martin (Far left) & Dowty Players (No its not Cliff Thornburn!) Alan Martin (Far left) & Dowty Players (No its not Cliff Thornburn!)
Sports Award 2009 ~ Derek Ayland for Sports Award 2009 ~ Derek Ayland for "Outstanding Services to Sport" (L/R John Redfern, Mike Wasley & Derek Ayland)
Kieran Dwyer ~ England v Scotland Team Kieran Dwyer ~ England v Scotland Team
(Whispering) Ted Lowe & Joe Davis (Whispering) Ted Lowe & Joe Davis
Joe Davis & Ted Lowe Joe Davis & Ted Lowe
Old Programme with Signatures of Snooker Legends Old Programme with Signatures of Snooker Legends
ICI Winners ~ L/R ~ Glyn Jones; Joe Kotwica, Wilf Greeaway & Bill Kotwica ICI Winners ~ L/R ~ Glyn Jones; Joe Kotwica, Wilf Greeaway & Bill Kotwica