Bury St Edmunds & District Snooker League - |
Administrator - Peter Sturgeon | petersturgeon67@hotmail.com | 07919550147 | ||||
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Rules |
League Rules -Season 2023/2O24 BURY ST EDMUNDS SNOOKER & BILLIARDS LEAGUE 1. The Leagues shall be known as the `Bury St Edmunds District Snooker & Billiards League 2. Teams and players a} Each team shall pay an annual entry fee. The amount to be decided each year by the AGM. b} Applications for League membership, renewal or new entries, must be received by the League Secretary by a date fixed by the Committee. New teams when admitted to the League will start in the lowest relevant division or in exceptional circumstances where decided by the Committee. c} Updated annual entry forms for al! teams will be made available for download the League website at, least one month prior to the entry closing date d}Applications for Snooker teams must include the names, addresses (and where appropriate} telephone contact for at least FIVE team members. No more than eight players can represent any Snooker team during any one season. e}Applications for Billiards teams must include the names, addresses (and where appropriate)telephone contact for at least FOUR team members. No more than Six, players cart represent any Billiards team during any one season f}No player may play for more than one snooker and/or Bi!!iards team during any one season g} Penalties i Relevant league points scored prior to the game involved will be removed from the league table for that player ii For the game which the offence occurred, a point will be awarded to the opposing team if the offending player won iii Offending playing will not be permitted to play in the relevant league the remainder of the season This penalty will also apply for offences concerning maximum number of players per team per season 3.Fixtures will be posted on the website at least two weeks prior to commencement 4. Teams a} Competing Snooker teams will consist of FIVE player.s to play one frame each. Players will be matched by (see rule 5}, b}in the event of a team only able to field FOUR players a player will be chosen from that four by random draw to play the final frame c}Competing billiards teams will consist of THREE players to play 45 minute's per game, Players will be matched by random draw, d)ln the event that a team only able to field TWO player's the draw will take place with a blank substituting the absent player with the point awarded to the non offending team e) Any fees ln relation to the allotted table is the responsibility of the home team ,lts expected that the allotted table is of a standard expected by the League and allowing for reasonable spectator capacity and nearby to amenities 5.Order of play and timing a} Each team may choose their order of play which should not be disclosed to the opposing team only when added to result card. There shall be no collusion of pairings. The method of a random draw is also permitted. b}two changes are permitted to the order of play of all frames, these being agreed by both captains(see also rule5(a) c}matches are scheduled to START at 7.30pm.Defaulting teams are liable to forfeit one point if the first pairing has not started by 7.45pm d}To ensure continuity, pairings must start play with in 10 minutes of the ending of the previous game. For each game not stated with in the allotted 10 minutes of the previous played/or null game, the defaulting team is liable to forfeit one point.(maximum of 30 minutes for snooker and 20 minutes for billiards after the first game should no other players in the defaulting team be present) 6. Scoring and Play, a}Snooker-one point awarded for each frame won b}Billiard-one point awarded for each individual match won, in an event of a tied scores half a point will be awarded to both teams c}where possible all billiard games to be played with the Aramith spotted balls d}Home billiards team to remain on 'spot' and play with the yellow ball throughout .order of play will be decided by the winner of the string e}Referees/markers for matches to be provided from within the involved home team players 7 Notification of match results a}The home team are responsible for the fixtures secretary receiving the completed results card with in 24 hrs via the league WhatsApp group,failure to comply the home team are liable to forfeit one point 8 Promotion and relegation a}in both leagues the team finishing with the most points at the end of the season will be declared winner of their devision and those in the lower division will be candidates for promotion b}The team finishing with the least points will be a candidate for relegation to a lower division c}should two teams or more at the top/bottom of any league end the season on equal points the final positions shall be determined by countback as calculated on results website 9 Postponed or un-played fixtures a) All matches will he played on the date and at the venue as shown on the published fixture list b}Rearranged fixtures may be allowed for ABNORMAL weather conditions or other exceptional difficulties provided i)Both captains agree ii)The fixture Secretary MUST BE NOTIFIED BY THE DEFAULTING TEAM |