Rugby & District Snooker League - |
Administrator - Michael Rees | | 07515570862 | ||||
League | Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe | |||
Cups | -12 Handicap Trophy | 12+ Handicap Danny Ramshaw Trophy | -8 to +8 Handicap Trophy | E Stanbrook Trophy | G Townsend Cup | Open Handicap Gordon Coulthard Trophy | Open Individual | P Blundell Trophy | Pairs Handicap | S Frith Trophy | S Neale Trophy | | |||
Rules |
RUGBY & DISTRICT SNOOKER LEAGUE LEAGUE RULES (As of 22/08/2023) 1. Officers: The League shall be known as the Rugby & District Snooker League and it shall have the following officers, all of whom are to be elected annually at the AGM: President, Chairman, League Secretary, Match & Handicap Secretary, (Including team comps) Competition Secretary (Individual comps – results & draws) Treasurer These collectively will be known as the Executive Committee. 2. Accounts & Statements of accounts: 2.1 At the final committee meeting before the end of the season the Chairman will request for two independent captains to volunteer to audit the Annual statement of accounts between the close of the current season and the following AGM. The accounts to be provided by the Treasurer to agreed volunteers once completed at the close of the season. 2.2 The Treasurer will present an Annual Statement of Accounts at the Annual General Meeting, which shall have been duly audited as above. 3. Meetings, Attendance, Voting and Rules changes / proposals: 3.1 To constitute a quorum at meetings at least 50% of team representatives must be represented at the AGM & general meetings. Each team is responsible to provide a representative; this does not have to be the captain. Apologies will be allowed but will still result in a fine for each occasion of non-attendance; this will be billed accordingly by the League Secretary. 3.2 Voting powers at AGMs to be one vote from each team registered in the previous season. Voting powers at General Meetings and EGMs to one vote per team. 3.3 Any proposed changes to the existing rules, structure or format and also any additional rules, format or structural proposals can be raised at an AGM meeting only. They may be sent to the League Secretary before any AGM meeting if the proposer wishes. The League Secretary will then add to the agenda as a point within AOB. An EGM may also make changes where the executive committee deems necessary. 4. Team & Frame Fees: 4.1 Team Fees: An annual entrance fee per team and per registered player must be paid to the League Secretary without exception by the date requested on the invoice. Failure to do this will be punished at the discretion of the League Secretary. 4.2 Frame Fees: Team frame fees per match must be paid to the League Secretary by the date specified in the invoice. Failure to do this will be punished at the discretion of the League Secretary. 4.3 The amounts of these fees are listed in the fees document issued by the Executive Committee. 4.4 Any and all fines must be paid at or before the last General Meeting of the season, Failure to do this will be punished at the discretion of the League Secretary. 5. Registrations: 5.1 A player shall not represent more than one team in any one season except by the consent of the League Secretary who may permit a transfer. 5.1 Any team playing an unregistered player will be fined and lose any points gained by that player. Any team playing a player under an assumed name will be fined, lose any points gained in the match and all players involved may be suspended for twelve months at the discretion of the League Secretary. 6. League formation, expectations, standards and points system: 6.1 The league shall be based on promotion and relegation on the basis of two up and two down. The number of divisions and number of teams in each division shall be decided by the Executive Committee. 6.2 All new team entries will be entered in the lowest division, regardless of whether an existing club is entering a new team or whether it is an entry from a new club. Any team who are obliged or forced through circumstances beyond its control to leave its normal venue, will be allowed to play their remaining games from any other suitable venue and they will retain their existing divisional status if they enter from another venue the following year. 6.3 All matches should be commenced by 7.30 p.m. If without good reason a team are not ready to start one or both of the first frames at 7.45 p.m. the other team is entitled to claim the frame(s). At 8.15 p.m. it will be in order to claim the second frame and so on every half an hour. If a team intends claiming any frames the order of play must be nominated by the home captain before the draw is made. If a player is not present when required to play, a substitute player, not already on the scorecard, may play in his place. 6.4 Captains of each team, or their deputy, to make the draw for the opponents, but order of play to rest with the home captain or his deputy. The visiting captain is entitled to ask prior to the draw being made that one player plays either early or late only if the player cannot be present for the whole evening. 6.5 The number of players per team shall be four, with two frames to be played by each team member, and one point awarded for each frame won. When playing at clubs with only one table all players play one frame (two points per frame). The team with the most points at the end of the season being the winner. In the event of a tie, the final position shall be determined by the teams concerned playing off a neutral table. If play-off ends in a draw aggregate points to decide the winner. If three or more teams tie for any position affecting promotion, relegation, etc., final positions to be decided by awarding two points for a win and one for a draw. 6.6 Any team failing to field a full side shall forfeit 1 point for each uncompleted frame (2 points where only one frame per player is played). All matches must be played on the date specified unless the Match & Handicap Secretary approves a postponement. All postponed matches must be re-arranged and played ideally within 14 days of the final scheduled league fixture. If agreement cannot be reached the Match & Handicap Secretary will fix a date. If without good reason a team fails to turn up for a match it will be fined. If without good reason any teams fail to turn up for two matches within the season, then that team may be deleted from the league. Points gained by its opponents in a completed first half-season’s fixtures shall stand. Points gained in an uncompleted first or second half of season’s fixtures shall be deleted. Misreading the league’s fixtures will not be considered a good reason for failing to turn up for a league match. 6.7 Games to be played on Monday & Tuesday evenings. In the event of a postponement being replayed it may be necessary to play this on another day of the week subject to agreement by both captains. 6.8 Games shall be played with Super Crystalate or Aramith National Tournament balls only under the rules of the International Billiards & Snooker Federation. 6.9 All tables for matches will be brushed, nap blocked & ironed so as to provide the best possible experience for the visiting team. If upon arrival the away team captain believes the standards haven’t been met to the fullest in all areas the away team captain has the right to raise this with the home team captain. The home team captain can either choose to accept and rectify the concerns raised or choose not to accept and politely decline. In the event of a decline and a failure to agree both captains simply agree to play the match but that they will also report the noted issues from the away team captain back to the League Secretary for information & or resolution if deemed appropriate by the League Secretary. 6.10 In all individual and pairs competitions the home player is expected to meet the required table standards and should not enter any individual competitions if they cannot meet these standards. In the event the away player raises concerns as to the standards then both players should agree the appropriate course of actions to rectify. In the unlikely event that no agreement can be reached the match should be cancelled and the issue raised with the League Secretary. 6.11 The home team shall provide a referee/marker. When scoring league games, only the difference between the two players’ handicaps should be placed on the scoreboard at the start of the frame. The home player shall score on spot in all matches. 7. Handicaps & Handicap Reviews: 7.1 All players will participate on a handicap basis, individual handicaps to be decided by the Match & Handicap Secretary and reviewed every Two Frames from the start to the end of the season on the following basis: A player winning Two more frames than he loses will move one place up the handicap scale. The same for a player who loses Two more frames than he has won will move one place down the handicap scale. 7.2 The highest maximum handicap will not be Capped, the lowest maximum handicap with not be capped, but no player will ever have to concede more than 60 points at the start of any frame. The maximum handicap allotted to a newly registered player will be SCRATCH and will be reviewed at the Match & Handicap Secretary discretion. 7.3 Either during the close season or over any short period of time it is possible that a player may significantly improve their playing ability. In the interests of maintaining a fair league handicap system it is expected that any significant improvement likely to affect the accuracy of a player’s current handicap be declared by the team captain in a timely manner to allow for a handicap adjustment to be made. It is the captain’s responsibility to stay abreast of his team and avoid creating any tension and bad feeling between registered players or teams in the league. The adjusted handicap should be agreed between the Match & Handicap Secretary and the player’s captain. 7.4 This could also apply to either a returning player who has been absent for a lengthy period from the league, someone who has now gained an impairment, injury or restriction that has significantly affected their playing ability and means simply they cannot reach the standards required to contest of their current allotted handicap. These scenarios should also be raised by the player’s captain to the Match & Handicap Secretary for a review to be conducted. The adjusted handicap should be agreed between the Match & Handicap Secretary and the player’s captain. 7.5 A player awarded frames by opponent no show shall not have their handicap changed from this situation. 8. Score Sheets 8.1 Score sheets must be filled out in full and signed by both captains after the conclusion of the match. All score sheets must be passed to the Match & Handicap Secretary not later than 72 hours following the day of the game. Late sheets mean the Match & Handicap Secretary cannot keep the website up to date and make the necessary handicap adjustments in line with the two-frame review process. In order to assist with this the Match & Handicap Secretary will accept a picture of the score sheet electronically by an agreed means, as well as through the post. The Match & Handicap Secretary is empowered to impose a fine for every occasion of late receipt. This will be enforced by the League Secretary. 8.2 Incorrect Handicaps - Any player having played a match from the wrong handicap will forfeit any frames won and the opposing player will be awarded those frames. If a player’s handicap has been recorded incorrectly on a score sheet the Match & Handicap Secretary will firstly attempt to determine if the player has played the match from the correct handicap but the handicap has been recorded incorrectly on the result card; If this can be confirmed following conversations with both captains then the frames scores will stand however if this cannot be confirmed then any frames won by the player shall be forfeited to the opposing player. 9. Protests or disputes Any protest or dispute shall be put into writing and sent either via the electronic channels or in writing within 48hrs of the dispute taking place. Any protest or dispute shall be dealt with by the League Committee whose decision shall be final. There is no fee for raising a protest or dispute. 10. Prizes, Trophies & Annual Presentation Evening All prizes and trophies will be awarded at the annual presentation evening. Any teams or individuals not present to collect their trophy or prize money must collect it from the League Secretary within two weeks. Failure to collect prize money within two weeks will result in the full loss to the individual and the money will be put back into the league funds. Any individual, pair, team or club winning a team or individual trophy will be responsible for its safekeeping and return in a clean condition to the League Secretary by 1st April the following season. 11. Dress code All players will respect the dress code for the venue in which any match or fixture is due to held. 12. Settling of matters The Executive Committee or in certain cases individual officers are empowered to settle any matter not covered by these rules and its decision in all matters is final. INDIVIDUAL & PAIRS COMPETITIONS RULES A - OPEN INDIVIDUAL B - -8 to 8 HANDICAP C – 12+ HANDICAP DANNY RAWSHAW D - PAIRS HANDICAP E - P BLUNDELLTROPHY F - S FRITH TROPHY G - -12 HANDICAP TROPHY H - OPEN HANDICAP GORDON COULTHARD TROPHY 1. Registration Fees Registration fees must be paid by the date specified on the invoice distributed to team captains by the Match & Handicap Secretary. If payment is not received by the specified date, then all entries for the team and individual competitions will be withdrawn. A new invoice will be created and the cost of the team and individual competition entries will be removed, however a fine will be added to the new invoice. Fees and fines will be in accordance with the fees document issued by the Executive Committee If a team has already been noted as being fined in accordance with late payment for either individual competitions or any other team competitions, then no further fines will be incurred. If any individual competition matches have been played at the point of exclusion the previous opponent will be considered as the winner of the match and progress to the next round. 2. Entrants All competitions should ideally have more than 16 entrants to allow for a reasonable number of games and for it to constitute a competition. If any individual competition receives less than 16 entrants, it will be decided at the Competition Secretary’s discretion whether or not it is viable to run this competition. If any competition has less than 32 entrants, then losing semi-finalists’ prizes will not be awarded. Pairs need not be players from the same club but must play home matches from the club of the first named player. 3. Entry restrictions -8 to 8 Handicap: Only registered players whose league handicaps at the time of the 1st round draws are from -8 to +8 inclusive are eligible. 12+ Handicap (The Danny Ramshaw Trophy): Only registered players whose league handicaps at the time of the 1st round draws are from +12 and above are eligible. -12 Handicap: Only registered players whose league handicaps at the time of the 1st round draws are from -12 and below are eligible. Open Handicap Gordon Coulthard trophy: All league player’s welcome. Percy Blundell: All players must be 50 years of age or over at the closing date for entries. All players to play from current handicap at time of each arranged match, subject to a maximum start of 60 per frame. The Match & Handicap Secretary may amend any player’s handicap who has not played any league frames. 4. Competition Draws & Deadlines The first drawn player or pair shall be the home player/pair and will offer their opponent(s) three playing dates (not consecutive, not all in one week and not the same day each week, unless a club’s individual rules only allow matches to be played on one evening) before the contact date advised by the Competitions Secretary. Any player or players not making contact by the contact date will forfeit the home advantage and the away player can choose to play the match at their home venue. The home player/pair must play at their home venue unless mutually agreed to play at another league venue. If because of a club’s rules, including disciplinary expulsion, a player cannot play at a certain venue, the home player must either agree to reverse the venue or play at a neutral league venue of his/her choice. The table expenses must be shared in such circumstances. All matches should be played on or before the closing date. If both players cannot agree on a date within the deadline, then they may apply for an extension to the Competition Secretary. In all cases both players should have made every effort and an extension should be a last resort, but it is recognized that due to work or family circumstances in may be necessary. 5. Marker / Referee It is not expected that for individual or pairs matches that a referee will be available, so it is expected that the players will referee the game themselves and play as always within the spirit and laws of the game. Official referees/markers will be provided for semi-finals and final where possible. 6. Format a. Open Individual - To be decided by the best of five frames down to the semi-finals and the final to be the best of seven frames. Handicaps do not apply: all frames to be played off scratch. b. -8 to 8 Handicap - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. c. 12+ Handicap (The Danny Ramshaw Trophy) - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. d. Pairs Handicap - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. Handicaps to be one half of the combined league handicaps of both players e. Percy Blundell - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. f. S. Frith Trophy – To be decided by total aggregate points over two frames from round one to final. At the start of the second frame the actual difference in aggregate score to be shown on the scoreboard. In the event of a tie the black to be re-spotted in last frame only. Any frame conceded through late arrival will be awarded 75-0. g. -12 Handicap Trophy - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. h. Open Handicap Gordon Coulthard Trophy - To be decided by the best of three frames from round 1 to final. Apart from the Open Individual, in all competitions players are to play off their current league handicap at the time of the match, subject to a maximum difference in any frame of 60. The Match & Handicap Secretary may consider it appropriate to amend any player’s handicap who has not played any league frames The toss of a coin will decide who breaks in the first frame and then alternatively thereafter. 7. Venues & Timings of Semi Finals & Finals Semi-finals and finals are to be played on neutral venues. The Competition Secretary shall decide on venues and appoint officials as available. In the event two players/pairs from the same club meet each other in a semi-final or final, if all players are in agreement, then the match can be played at the home venue. This must be communicated to the Match & Handicap Secretary 7 days prior to the match for consideration All players should aim to be at the venue 15 minutes prior to the start of the match. Any player arriving 15 minutes later than the scheduled starting time will concede the first frame. If more than thirty minutes late the second frame will be conceded and so on every 15 minutes. In the event it is an aggregate points match then the frame will be conceded as 75 points to nil. 8. Dress Code The dress code for all individual and pairs competition semi-finals and finals is trousers and smart casual collared shirt / polo shirt; jumper may be worn but players must have a collared shirt underneath it. (Jeans, trainers, tee-shirts, tracksuits or football shirts will not be permitted). In exceptionally warm weather conditions, the competition secretary may rule to allow shorts. 9. Confirmation of result Winners are to ensure Competition Secretary receives confirmation of the result ideally by the closing date but no later than 2 days after the closing date. This shall be sent in a format agreed with the Competitions Secretary. Any player wishing to claim a game having taken every possible step to make contact and or agree a date and venue must notify the Competition Secretary on or before the closing date. Any player or players failing to turn up for an arranged match without notifying the opponent or opponents may be banned from entering that competition the following year. This will be at the discretion of the League Secretary. 10. Settling of matters The Executive Committee or in certain cases individual officers are empowered to settle any matter not covered by these rules and its decision in all matters is final. G. TOWNSEND / T. STANBROOK CUP 1. Registration Fees & Entry Registration fees are listed in the fees document issued by the Executive Committee. Each league team will be automatically entered unless they advise the Competition Secretary to the contrary by the closing date for entries. Registration fees must be paid by the date specified on the invoice distributed to team captains by the League Secretary. If payment is not received by the specified date, then the entry will be withdrawn. A new invoice will be created and the cost of the team entry will be removed, however a fine will be added to the new invoice. The fine will be as listed in the fees document issued by the Executive Committee. If a team has already been noted as being fined in accordance with late payment for either individual competitions or any other team competitions, then no further fines will be incurred. If a team is withdrawn for late payment all points will be cleared and the teams in participating groups will have any points won / lost against the excluded team will be classed as null and void. 2. Draw & Venues Draw will be done wherever possible live stream by the Competitions Secretary. First draw team shall be the home team and must play at home venue. Games to be played on a normal league night unless the League Secretary deems it necessary to use an alternative night. In the event two teams from the same club meet each other in a semi-final or final, if both captains are in agreement the match can be played at the home venue. This must be communicated to the Match & Handicap Secretary 7 days prior to the match for consideration. 3. Dress Code The dress code for semi-final and finals days is trousers and smart casual collared shirt / polo shirt; jumper may be worn but players must have a collared shirt underneath it. (Jeans, trainers, tee-shirts, tracksuits or football shirts will not be permitted). In exceptionally warm weather conditions, the competition secretary may rule to allow shorts. 4. Settling of matters The Executive Committee or in certain cases individual officers are empowered to settle any matter not covered by these rules and its decision in all matters is final. 5. Rules common to both G.Townsend Cup and T.Stanbrook Cup The Match & Handicap Secretary will decide each season whether the competition is a straight knock-out or a whether the first stage shall be a group qualification stage. The order of individual play and opponents is to be drawn by the captains. The order of play must be maintained as drawn. All players must have been registered in the same league team. Current league handicaps at the time of the match apply, subject to a maximum difference in any frame of 60. In the event of any player failing to turn up and no substitute player is available or refusing to play in the order drawn or having an incorrect handicap on the score card he/she shall forfeit the frame 75-0. Choice of break in each frame to be decided by the toss of a coin. Each player to play one frame from current league handicaps subject to a limit of 48 start. Both teams are responsible to participate in refereeing the match. The home team should provide a referee for the first and third frames and the away team should provide a referee for the second and fourth frames. Official referees/markers will be provided for semi-finals and final where possible. All matches should have commenced by 7.30 p.m. If without good reason a team has not arrived and have started the first frame by 7.45pm then they will concede the first frame 75-0. If not arrived by 8.15 p.m. the second frame will be conceded 75-0 and if not arrived by 8.30 p.m. the match will be conceded. On both the semi-final & finals days all teams must be present at the venue by 7.15pm to ensure a prompt starting time of 7.30pm. If an individual player is not present when required to play a substitute not already on the score sheet may take his place. All frames must be played to a finish (ie until the black is potted or a foul committed with just the black ball remaining). If a player concedes a frame, then the maximum available remaining points value remaining on the table are added to his opponent’s score. Both captains should sign the score sheet. It is the home team’s responsibility to ensure that the score sheet is sent to the Match & Handicap Secretary not later than 72 hours following the day of the game. The League Secretary is empowered to impose a fine for every occasion of late notification. Any team failing to turn up for a match without good reason will be fined and could be banned from continuing in the competition at the discretion of the League Secretary. They may also face exclusion from the competition the following season at the discretion of the League Secretary. 6. Rules Specific to G Townsend Cup Match night teams to consist of four players. Each match consists of four frames of singles. A fifth ‘frame’ is added to the score of the team with the highest points aggregate over the four frames played. This aggregate score is awarded in all frames, irrespective of whether or not the match is tied at two frames each. For clarity, the final score in all matches must therefore be either 5-0, 4-1 or 3-2. If two frames have been won by each team and the aggregate points scores are also level, then the last two players must re-spot the black ball to decide the winner of the match. In a group scenario, the top two teams from each group will qualify for the quarter finals based on: a) Points (two points per match won, no points for a loss) In the event of a points tie: b) Frame Difference +/- In the event of a tied frame difference: c) Head-to-head result between the two teams. Any team failing to turn up for a match without giving a minimum notice of 8 hours will forfeit the match five frames to nil. 7. Rules Specific to T Stanbrook Cup Each match will consist of three single frames and a pairs frame played in this order. Winners to be decided on total aggregate score over the four frames. If aggregate scores are level at end of fourth frame the black ball is to be re-spotted. (Players to maintain the same order of play but toss for break). The black ball is not to be re-spotted in any of the other frames. At the start of the final frame the actual difference in aggregate score must not be placed on to the scoreboard as this can affect the outcome of the final frame. The players for the pairs may include players already involved in the singles matches. In the pairs, the handicap to be half the combined existing handicap of both players (subject to a maximum start of 60). In a group scenario, the top two teams from each group will qualify for the quarter finals based on: a) Points (2 points per match won, no points for a loss) In the event of a points tie: b) Aggregate points difference over all matches (all frames’ scores combined - total aggregate) In the event of a tied aggregate points difference: c) Head-to-head result between the two teams. Any team failing to turn up for a match without giving a minimum notice of 8 hours will forfeit the match 300 points to nil. L. S. NEALE TROPHY 1. Registration & Entry Each team in the league will be allocated one place in this competition. Each team will pay a registration fee as listed in the fees document issued by the Executive Committee Registration fees must be paid by the date specified on the invoice distributed to team captains by the Match & Handicap Secretary. If payment is not received by the specified date, then the entry will be withdrawn, and that team will have no representation at the competition. A new invoice will be created and the cost of the entry will be removed, however a fine will be added to the new invoice in accordance with the fees document issued by the Executive Committee If a team has already been noted as being fined in accordance with late payment for any other individual competitions or any team competitions, then no further fines will be incurred. The player to represent each team will be the player with the highest average % of winning league frames, provided that he has played at least 50% of the maximum number of league games. In the event of the leading average player not being able to play only the second leading average player will be allowed to take his place. 2. Draw & Venues The draw will be done wherever possible live stream by the Match & Handicap Secretary or the Competition Secretary by exception and published in advance of the event. The venue will also be decided and announced by the Match & Handicap Secretary or Competition Secretary by exception. 3. Format, match night draw & referees This competition will be played over the duration of one specific day, if possible, at the end of the season. The competition to be a one-frame, sudden death knockout. All players to play off their current league handicap, subject to a maximum start of + 60 per frame. It is expected that all players attending will participate in the duty of refereeing at least one frame during the course of the day. It is not expected or welcomed that people who lose their first-round match leave without refereeing a match as all participants will have planned to be at the venue for the whole day given, they may well be the eventual winner. There must be no excuses tolerated and a fine will be applied to any player leaving having not participated in refereeing duties. This will be captured by the event organizer on the day and feedback to the League Secretary. Official referees/markers will be provided for semi-final and final matches where possible. 4. Timings & Substitutes On the finals day all entrants must be present at the scheduled starting time. If an individual player is not present when required to play no substitute will be allowed to take their place unless it has been agreed before the first match has been played. The substitute must have the second leading average for that team. If this player is not available, then there will be no representation from this team and they will forfeit their first match as a loss. 5. Non-Attendance Any player failing to turn up for this competition without advising the Match & Handicap Secretary or the Competition secretary beforehand may be banned from the competitions the following season at the discretion of the Match & Handicap Secretary unless there is reasonable justification for non-arrival given. 6. Dress Code The dress code for semi-final and finals days is trousers and smart casual collared shirt / polo shirt; jumper may be worn but players must have a collared shirt underneath it. (Jeans, trainers, tee-shirts, tracksuits or football shirts will not be permitted). In exceptionally warm weather conditions, the competition secretary may rule to allow shorts. 7. Settling of matters The Executive Committee or in certain cases individual officers are empowered to settle any matter not covered by these rules and its decision in all matters is final. . MISS RULE A miss will be called if a player does not hit the ball ‘on’ first. This is irrespective of whether or not the player was faced with a full-ball snooker or can see part or all of the ball on; any shot where a player fails to firstly hit the ball on will be called a miss by the referee. The referee must not make any judgement of the ability of the player to play the shot. The referee should not make any judgement about whether or not the player made a genuine effort to hit the ball. On the first attempt. The player should endeavour to hit the ball on or a ball that could be on after a Red has been potted. If the referee considers the Rule infringed, he shall call FOUL AND A MISS unless: (i) any player needed penalty points before, or as a result of, the stroke being played; (ii) before or after the stroke, the points available on the table are equal to the points difference excluding the value of the re-spotted black After a FOUL AND A MISS has been called, the next player may request the offender to play again from the position left, or at his discretion, from the original position, with all balls being replaced, in which latter case the ball on shall be the same as it was prior to the last stroke made, namely: (i) Any Red, where Red was the ball on; (ii) the colour on, where all Reds were off the table; or (iii) a colour of the striker’s choice, where the ball on was a colour after a Red had been potted. When the player taking the shot for a second time again fails to hit the ball on then a foul will be called, but a second miss is not called. Play will then continue as normal after a foul shot from where the balls lie. After the cue-ball has been replaced under this Rule, and the striker fouls any ball, including the cue-ball while preparing to play a stroke, a miss will not be called if a stroke has not been played. In this case the appropriate penalty will be imposed. The next player may then elect to play himself or ask the offender to play again from the position left or the original position. If being asked to play again, the ball on shall be the same as prior to the last stroke made, namely: (i) any Red, where Red was the ball on; (ii) the colour on, where all Reds were off the table; or (iii) a colour of the striker’s choice, where the ball on was a colour after a Red had been potted When any ball is being replaced after a miss, both the offender and the next player will be consulted as to its position, after which the referee’s decision shall be final. During such consultation, if either player should touch any ball in play, he shall be penalised as if he were the striker, without affecting the order of play. The ball touched shall be replaced by the referee, to his satisfaction, even if it was picked up. A player’s seconded attempt after a miss has been called, will not be called a miss as long as the player makes a genuine effort, the player must play with sufficient weight and direction, when the player is full ball snookered. Failure to play a second attempt with sufficient weight and direction will be deemed a second FOUL AND A MISS, when full ball snookered. If a player can see all of an object ball, but fails or refuses to attempt the ball on, a FOUL AND A MISS, will be called until the ball on is struck. If a situation exists where it is impossible to hit the ball on. It must be assumed the striker is attempting to hit the ball on provided that he plays, directly or indirectly, at the ball on with sufficient strength, in the referee’s opinion, to have reached the ball on but for the obstructing ball or balls. |