Wirral Amateur Billiard & Snooker League -
Administrator - Sean McDonnell | seanmcdonnell@hotmail.co.uk |
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Wirral Amateur Billiards & Snooker League

New Registrations
Price Street Social (Century) :- Peter Williams +15
Wallasey Cons B :- Graham Winn +15, Nick Wright +24
Handicap Changes
Oxton B :- Simon Mansell +6, Jordan Pennington +27
Potshots :- Joe Beattie +21
RAFA :- Steve Dobbins +27
Sacred Heart D :- Ian Killington +27

19/01/2025 saw the Champion of Champions competition at Scotties in Liverpool
A well done to Levi Griffiths for a victory over Marc Daugherty in the first round and taking a frame off Gareth Hibbott, the first frame he has conceded in 3 years in that competition. Although losing in the first round Mal Spicer gave a good performance playing well and losing on 2 black ball games
A huge VERY WELL DONE to Danny Crawford, playing exceptional snooker all day and has secured a spot in the final against Gareth Hibbott on 2nd February back at Scotties

Additional Handicap Changes Half Way 2024

Potshots:- C Green 12, J Beattie 27, M Barker 18, J Doyle 9, F Borg -3
RAFA :- S Hendrie -12, A Radford Scr

Bronze Club Closes

Happy New Year to everyone.

Sadly The Bronze is closing with immediate effect. The team captains are already making inquiries about where to finish the season off. More news on that front when I get it. Thank you.

Handicap Changes Half Way 2024

Bronze:- S Sefton 36, G Sefton 33, C Wolfe 18, S Wolfe 18,
A Wolfe -9, P Phillips 9

Oxton :- S Yates -9, S Murphy +3, A J Smith -30, S McDonnell -9

Sacred Heart :- M Hoijord 24, P Golding +6, J Lowry +3,
C Harvey -36

Wallasey Cons :- J Leece +30, I Fletcher +12, M Spicer -9,
M Daugherty -30, J Lau +3

More to be added when last postponed game has been played between Potshots and RAFA

Handicap Changes 15th November

Sam Hollywood +15 from Sacred Heart

Handicap Changes 18th October

John Dunne +21, Rob Jones +9 from Century. Dave Buckley -6, Jordan Pennington +24 From Oxton. Josh Southworth +18, From Wallasey Cons.

Charity Shield 16/10/2024

Collections for this round were, So far, Sacred Heart B and D :- £17. RAFA vs Oxton B :- £17.40p. and Potshots £30.00
Thank you very much. When we have enough donations in the kitty, we will be making a donation to a charity. We have not selected one yet. When the time arises, we will be looking for your suggestions on a worthy charity.

Notice of EGM Under RULE 10

I have received a request from Paul McCulloch to call an EGM in order that he can register New Players, otherwise they will not be able to fulfil their fixtures, Also Wall Cons need to sign New Players as they had 3 at last match. Century only has 9 Players registered and claims that he is unable to Guarantee getting 6 for each game.
Under RULE 16 Registering New Players can only be done at a League Meeting and as the next meeting isn’t until 15th November, he feels he has no choice but to request EGM.
I’m not available this Friday and even that would be short notice therefore I can only recommend EGM takes place at 7.30 on Friday 1st November @ RAFA. If you have any comments then please DO NOT discuss them on the Official Captains What’s App group although you are welcome to contact me direct on my mobile.