Newcastle East End Snooker League - |
Administrator - John Craig | | 07715 239284 | ||||
League | Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Sponsors | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe | |||
Cups | Knockout Cup Division 1 | knock-out cup division 2 | league doubles | league singles | peter heron memorial KO cup | Summer Singles | Veterans Trophy (over 55s) | | |||
Rules |
Newcastle East End Snooker League Rules 1 Registration a) Any team wishing to enter the league must send a representative with a completed registration form to the registration meeting b) Registration forms and any applicable fees are to paid to the league treasurer at the registration meeting c) Team registration includes mandatory entry into both the Team Knockout cup and Peter Heron Memorial cup d) Registration fees, competition entry fees and mandatory meeting fees will be agreed at the AGM e) Any cheques to be made payable to “East End Snooker League” 2 League Meetings a) Meetings will take place on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm every four weeks rotating around the different clubs in the league b) The first eight meetings following the registration meeting will be classed as paid meetings and a fee will be payed to the league, for all other meetings there is no fee c) (i) A representative from each club must attend each meeting (ii) Failure to attend a meeting will result in a fine and a deduction of 1 league point for each team not in attendance d) (i) In any votes that occur at a meeting it shall be one vote per registered team each team must have a representative to be allowed to cast their vote (ii) In the event of a tied vote the outcome of said vote will come from a smaller sub-committee comprising of the League Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two other nominated members to be elected at the AGM 3 Player Registration a) (i) A player can be registered at any point during the season (ii) To be eligible to play on a match night the league treasurer/secretary must be informed of any new player registrations no later than 7:30pm on said match night. b) (i) Any player barred by their home club will not be allowed to play in any league competition (ii) Any player barred from a club other than their home club will be allowed to compete in all matches not held at said club, if this occurs in singles, doubles or veterans competitions with the home players consent the tie will be played at the banned players home venue otherwise an appropriate neutral venue will be selected by the home player. Team competitions and league matches will still go ahead at said venue c) A player may only register for one team in any given season unless; (i) A team defaults during the season and has all of their results voided, then a player will be free to register for another team (ii) The player changes teams before they have played for their original team d) (i) Any player who is found to have used threatening behavior towards an opponent will be warned as to his future conduct (ii) If a player is found to have committed violent conduct towards an opponent they will be banned from the league immediately e) Any player who holds a place on the professional snooker tour at the beginning of a league season will be ineligible to play in the league, however if they gain their place during the season they will be allowed to complete said season. 4 League fees/fines a) League £20 per entry b) Team Knockout cup £10 per entry c) Peter Heron Memorial £5 per entry d) Player registration minimum five players £2 per player e) Singles £3 per entry f) Doubles £4 per entry g) Veterans (over 55’s) £2 per entry h) Monthly meeting fee £8 per team i) No representative at a monthly meeting £10 fine and a 1 point league deduction per team j) Missing match cards £3 fine for the home team per missing card k) No bottle of spirits as a presentation prize £15 fine per team 5 League Structure a) The structure of the league shall be agreed at the AGM with all divisions being contested on a home and away basis b) Depending on numbers there will be multiple divisions with promotion and relegation between divisions c) If at the end of the season two or more teams finish with the same amount of points in regards to winning a league or a promotion/relegation place it will be further sorted by matches won then by results between the teams in question, if still level a one off tie will be played at a neutral venue 6 League Matches a) (i) To be played on a Tuesday evening according to the published fixture list (ii) Teams must arrive at the venue no later than 7:30pm with games to start at 7:45pm (iii) If a team has not arrived at the venue by 7:45pm the first game shall be forfeited (iv) Subsequent games must start no later than 15 minutes after the completion of the preceding frame or shall also be forfeited b) (i) Matches consist of 5 separate singles frames (ii) The team captains must nominate 5 players each for a blind draw to determine the order of play (iii) A player is only allowed to play in one frame per match (v) If a player is not present when there turn is due they are allowed 15 minutes to arrive to start their game unless they are first in the order or play [See Rule 6 a) (iii)] c) (i) A player can be substituted by a reserve up to the start of the relevant frame (ii) The reserve player must not have been in the original draw and the substituted player may take no further part in the match d) The order of play can be changed at the discretion of both team captains to suit circumstances such as work shifts e) If a team does not have a full 5 players for a match the match must still be played however they will forfeit a frame for each player they have missing f) (i) The home team are obliged to buy six drinks for the visiting team (ii) A team may opt out from buying drinks but will not receive any drinks when they are the away team g) If a Newcastle United game is due to be played on a Tuesday night upon the agreement of both team captains the fixture may be moved to another night in the same week, if the captains do not agree the fixture must go ahead as scheduled. The league committee should be informed of any changes to fixture dates 7 Match Results a) The league secretary should be contacted by phone, text, email or on the facebook group ‘Newcastle East End Banter Group’ with the match result including the order of draw no later than 12pm on the day immediately following the match b) A match card must be completed and signed by both team captains for each match played c) All match cards should be brought to the monthly meeting following the match d) Match results and match cards are the responsibility of the home team captain e) Any missing match cards will result in a fine of £3 for the home team 8 Knockout Cup a) Teams in each division will have separate knockout cup competitions b) (i) A blind draw for each round will be made at league meetings and the dates will be as shown on the fixture list or arranged at the relevant meeting (ii) All matches are best of five frames (iii) Teams must arrive at the venue no later than 7:30pm with games to start at 7:45pm (iv) If a team has not arrived at the venue by 7:45pm the first game shall be forfeited (v) Subsequent games must start no later than 15 minutes after the completion of the preceding frame or shall be forfeited c) (i) Matches consist of 5 separate singles frames (ii) The team captains must nominate 5 players each for a blind draw to determine the order of play, which must be adhered to (iii) A player is only allowed to play in one frame per match (v) If a player is not present when there turn is due they are allowed 15 minutes to arrive to start their game unless they are first in the order or play [See Rule 6 a) (iii)] (vi) A team may contest a match with less than five players but will forfeit a frame for every player less than five that they have d) (i) A player can be substituted by a reserve up to the start of the relevant frame (ii) The reserve player must not have been in the original draw and the substituted player may take no further part in the match e) It is the responsibility of the winning team captain to forward the result to the league secretary 9 Peter Heron Memorial Cup a) (i) A blind draw for each round will be made at league meetings and the dates will be as shown on the fixture list or arranged at the relevant meeting (ii) All matches are played over five frames in an aggregate score format (iii) Teams must arrive at the venue no later than 7:30pm with games to start at 7:45pm (iv) If a team has not arrived at the venue by 7:45pm the first game shall be forfeited with the opposing team receiving 147 points (v) Subsequent games must start no later than 15 minutes after the completion of the preceding frame or shall be forfeited with the opposing team receiving 147 points b) (i) Matches consist of 5 separate singles frames which are deemed to be complete when a scoring shot has occurred on the final black in the event of a frame ending with scores level a re-spotted should not take place (ii) The team captains must nominate 5 players each for a blind draw to determine the order of play, which must be adhered to (iii) A player is only allowed to play in one frame per match (v) If a player is not present when there turn is due they are allowed 15 minutes to arrive to start their game unless they are first in the order or play [See Rule 6 a) (iii)] (vi) A team may contest a match with less than five players but will forfeit 147 points for each player less than five that they have c) (i) A player can be substituted by a reserve up to the start of the relevant frame (ii) The reserve player must not have been in the original draw and the substituted player may take no further part in the match d) (i) Each frame shall be scored separately with both team captains agreeing on the frame score at the frames completion (ii) The captains should also agree to the aggregate score and points difference after each separate frame e) In the event of a tie after all five frames have been completed the winner will be decided by a re-spotted black contested by the two players from game 5 in the order of play f) It is the responsibility of the winning team captain to forward the result to the league secretary 10 Doubles, Singles and Veterans competitions a) (i) A player/team must be registered to a team in the league to be eligible to play in a competition (ii) Doubles entrants may be from different clubs in the league however they must nominate their ‘home’ venue before the 1st draw has been made (iii) If a player/team from a defaulted team [Rule 3 e)]is still an active participant in any competition they will be allowed to continue in said competition until its completion however in all ties they will be automatically named as the away player/team (iv) A blind draw will be made for each round at league meetings and a deadline will be set b) (i) It is the responsibility of both players/teams to organise matches (ii) Players must offer their opponent a minimum of three separate dates across a minimum of two separate weeks Friday, Saturday and Sunday are acceptable with the consent of their opponent (iii) If a player/team is having difficulties in making contact with their opponent they should inform the league committee who will provide contact details of the player/team in question whenever possible (iv) If after 2 weeks from the draw being made the home player has not contacted their opponent or informed the committee of difficulties in doing so, the away player/team may claim the home venue, to do this they must inform the league secretary of their intention to do so (v) Any subsequent difficulties in arranging ties should be reported to the league committee before the deadline (vi) It is the responsibility of the winning player/team to forward the result to the league secretary c) If any player/team fails to turn up for an arranged match they shall forfeit said match d) If a tie has not been completed by the deadline the players in question are invited to explain why at the next scheduled meeting immediately following the deadline where the committee will decide which player/team is at fault and therefore forfeit the tie or if a maximum one week extension shall be given 11 Semi Finals and Finals a) (i) Shall be drawn randomly at the beginning of the season from those clubs willing to host them (ii) The clubs will be listed and the first club on the list not involved in the semi final or final will host the tie, that club will then go to the bottom of the list b) Clubs wishing to hold a match must provide a referee and be willing to close down any adjacent tables in there club during the game c) If a player/team is unable to attend a match arranged by the league they must notify the league committee immediately to arrange an alternative date d) A dress code of shoes, trousers and a collared shirt(polo/dress) will be applied for all semi finals and finals, any player that does not adhere to the dress code will not be allowed to play in the match. e) Wherever possible the league will provide the match balls for all semi final and final ties 12 Presentation a) The presentation night will be held on the same night as the last league final of the season usually the singles final the venue will be decided using Rule 11 a). b) (i) Each team must provide a bottle of spirits for the presentation to be given out as prizes (ii) Bottles must be labelled with club name and given to the league chairman at a league meeting, preferably the last paid league meeting of the season (iii) Eight bottles will be carried over to the next season to be sold via domino cards during meetings the following season with the league receiving the proceeds from this (iv) All remaining bottles will then be raffled off on the presentation night League Chairman Terry Douglas (Wallsend Buffs B) League Secretary John Craig (Wallsend Buffs A) League Treasurer Allan Adams (Wallsend Buffs B) Nominated members Billy Armstrong Jnr (Labour), Ash Wilson (Buffs A) Last edited: 7/9/2022 by John Craig |