Southport & District Amateur Snooker League -
Administrator - Chris Gill | | Phil Green |
League Tables | Fixtures & Results | Player Rankings | Player Aggregates | Player Stats (All Seasons) | Highest Breaks | Breaks (All Divisions & Cups) | Breaks (All Seasons) | Head to Head | Clubs | Pictures | Roll of Honour | News | FAQ's | Forum | Committee | Documents | Rules | Search | Subscribe
Cups Atherton Cup | Birch Pairs | Brian Jarrett Seniors Cup | Frank Lodge Trophy | J.J.Birch Cup | J.W.Blyden Cup | James Yates Trophy | Lucas Cup | Marshall Cup | Rickerby Cup |

Name and Constitution
1. The league shall be called "the Southport and District Amateur Snooker League
2. The league shall consist of a maximum of 4 divisions and a maximum of 16 teams per division
3. The membership of the League is for registered clubs only.
4. It is a condition of entry into the League that:
a) The tables shall be available for individual matches, town team matches and semi- finals and finals of league competitions
b) Every Club will be charged £10 per team for the presentation night.
5. All games are to be played according to the up to date rules of "E.A.S.B" as supplied by the League and are to be displayed in the Clubs.
6. Clubs may enter more than four teams at the discretion of the committee. The extra team will be allowed if there are sufficient vacancies in the leagues and no fixture difficulties are presented. This concession the understanding these teams (5) must be withdrawn in the future if there are more applications to join than vacancies available or future difficulties are encountered.

Committee and Management
1. The executive Committee shall consist of President Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer Secretaries (General, Competition and Results).There will be Eight other members. The Executive Committee shall run the affairs of the League .Five members shall form a quorum.
2. The Committee shall have the power to:
a) Decide in which division a team must play.
b) Suspend or expel any player for wilful breach of rules or conduct which in their judgement is detrimental or injurious to the League
c) Impose all fines for violation of the rules.
d) Choose neutral tables for matches or competitions mentioned in A4 and in the event of a tie in the championship.
e) Deal with any matter not provided for in the rules.
3. The Secretaries and Treasurer shall be Honorary whose services will be recognised at the Annual general Meeting.
4. Each club shall send a delegate or representative to the annual general Meeting or Meeting called for the delegates.
5. Delegates and clubs must be on the telephone. All correspondence shall be sent to the home address of the First Named delegate.

Teams and Players
1. The Subscription or Entrance Fee to the League shall be £50 per team per season which includes entry to the Rickerby Cup and Frank Lodge team cup competitions payable along with the registration fees as notified to each Club.
2. Teams shall consist of six players whose Captain shall be in charge of the games and arrange markers who shall enforce the rules of the game.
3. The Home Captain nominates his player on the result card. The Away Captain then matches his player. The Home Captain nominates the tables.
4. Each player must be a bona-fide member of the Club. A list must be sent to the League secretary seven days prior to the start of the season. The Club Secretary to sign the certificate on the Registration Form certifying all are members.
5. Subsequent Registrations must be in the hands of either the General or Results secretary 24 hours prior to competing in the match together with the fee. Closing date for registrations is at the discretion of the committee or January 31st.
6. A player shall only be allowed to sign for one club and shall pay a signing on fee of £4.00.
7. A person who plays five games in any division is not eligible to play in a lower division without permission of the committee.
8. Any Club with two teams in the same division shall not be allowed to interchange players from one team to the other except for a player who has not played more than two matches.
9. No player shall play for more than one team in one week. The penalty for this offence is the loss of the second frame played and a £10 fine.
10. League matches are to be played as follows or a fine of £2 will be imposed unless altered by mutual agreement and the Results secretary notified:
a) Wednesday Evenings—Divisions Three and Four (if applicable).
b) Thursday Evenings—Divisions One and Two.
c) Play to start at 8.00 p.m. at clubs with two or more tables but 7.15 p.m. where one table is in use.
d) Clubs with two teams at home on the same night shall commence play at 7.15 p.m. prompt unless altered by mutual agreement.
e) Teams not ready to start at the times stated in (c ) and (d) above may forfeit one frame for every 15 minutes per table available.
11 a) In the event of a rearranged match it must be played within two weeks of the cancellation otherwise the Committee will determine the result. If any team wishes to cancel a match they must ring the Results Secretary to inform him of the cancellation along with a letter/email to explain the reasons why. The committee will decide if the application is acceptable or not.
b) New registrations will not be eligible for rearranged matches.
c) All matches to be played by the end of the season.
12 a) A cancelled match must be played as ordered by the committee, but this must not harm the injured party’s ability to raise their selected team.
b) In the event of an away team player being absent then the pairing shall pass to the home team. The absentee match 6, if two players are absent then also match 5.
c) All players to be present and their names to be on the score card by 9.15p.m Absent players forfeit one frame.
13. Each team will receive one point per frame won.
14. The Captain of each team is to sign the results card which is to be received by the Results Secretary by mid-day on teh Saturday morning following the matches played that week. Failure to see to the cards reaching the secretary on time a fine of £2 will be imposed.
15. In the event of a match being abandoned through light failure or similar cause the games completed are to stand on completion of the fixture.
16. Any team failing to keep a fixture will be fined £4.00.
17. Promotions and relegations between the divisions will take place at the discretion of the Committee.
18. Two points will be deducted from the home team score if the match is not in on time. This to take place after one late result.
19. Transfers of player(s) between clubs will not be allowed once the season has started, unless authorised by both the committee and clubs involved. Transfers between clubs will not be done after the 31st of December.
20. If a team drops out of the league during the season all results will be deleted and a fine will be levied on the CLUB at the discretion of the Committee.
21. A tie is to be construed when teams are level on points and wins losses and draws.
22. If a team plays an unregistered player in a league match, then -
a) That frame will be awarded to the opposition player, with the frame score being recorded as 50-0.
b) The team will also be deducted 1 point from the team score.

1. All correspondence is to be addressed to the relevant Secretaries as shown on page 1.
2. Any Team/player or club wishing to protest on any matter regarding the decision the committee makes to either party must do so in writing within 7 days of the notice on the web site to the General Secretary with a fee of £25 which will be refunded if the protest is upheld. Any challenge after the 7 days of notice will not be looked at by the committee. A copy of this must be sent to the club against whom the protest is made. Except for evidence reasons no member of the Committee shall sit at any enquiry where his club is involved.
3. Any club whose conduct is prejudicial to the League and its members will have to appear at the Annual General Meeting when the matters will be considered and the penalty of suspension or expulsion be decided.
4. All trophies to be returned to the General Secretary by the end of March or the Club will be fined £4.
5. All entrance fees to the Individual competitions must be paid by 31st December otherwise a fine of £20 will be imposed.
6. Trophy winners who do not attend the Presentation Night will
a) Incur a fine of the cost of the Trophy (s)
b) Not be allowed to enter any individual competition in the following season. Unless there is a valid reason to be put in writing to the League.
c) Trophies will only be presented to the winners and losing finalists unless there are in excess of 32 entries.
7. No player will be allowed to change the balls supplied by the Club.

1. An Annual General Meeting must be held at the end of each season after the conclusion of the individual competitions. Each member team shall be entitled to one vote. The Committee may also vote. Any decision will be based on a simple majority and in the event of a tie the chairman shall have a casting vote.
2. Notice of the AGM is to be sent to all delegates four weeks before the meeting with the Agenda, Resolutions, Elections of Executive committee and Accountant together with any other of which proper notice has been given.
3. Any resolutions must be notified to the secretary in writing in the month before the end of the season. A proposer and seconder must be stated on any resolution and signed by both parties.
4. A Quorum shall be 10 club representatives.
5. An EGM can be called by executive Committee or requested by 30 members. A vote on any motion must have a two-thirds majority of those attending.
6. These shall be strictly enforced and shall only be altered at the AGM

Rules of the Individual Championship
1. The name of the Championships are: James Yates Trophy, 1st Division.
J. J. Birch Cup, 2nd Division.
Atherton Cup, 3rd Division.
Ruane Cup, 4th Division.
Lucas Cup, Open Individual.
Blyden Cup, Under 21 Championship.
Birch Pairs, Handicapped Doubles.
Rickerby Cup, Handicapped Team event.
Marshall Cup, Open Handicap.
Frank Lodge, Handicapped Team event.
Blyden Trophy, Veterans Handicapped Open.
The Brian Jarrett Seniors Cup
1) A handicap Committee consisting of 3 players from each Division will be formed to oversee the handicapping of Team Handicaps and Individual Handicaps.
2. The entrance fee shall be £3 for each competitor and £5 for the Marshall Cup which carries money prizes.
3. Any number of players from any Club may enter, providing they are members of a Club, and are a registered players of the Southport and District Amateur Snooker League, and enter a telephone contact number.
4. All heats to be played at the Club of the first named player. The finals and semi-finals to be played on neutral tables with neutral markers.
5. All rounds including the semi-finals will be the best of three frames. The finals will be three frames except for the Marshall Cup, James Yates and Under-21 which will be five frames. The Lucas will be five frames in the semi-final and seven in the final.
6. (1) It is the duty of the home player to arrange the match, however, in the event that the away player as not submitted a telephone number, the onus is on the away player to arrange the game. The match must be arranged by the second night after the draw was made. Failure to play the match will mean that both players are scratched, unless, a letter is in the hands of the Competitions Secretary, by the closing date of that round, signed by a delegate.
(2) a) If a player cannot be contacted then the opponents Club delegate must be informed and his assistance sought.
b) In the event of a player claiming a match a letter must be sent by the scratching date to the Competitions Secretary countersigned by the Delegate giving reasons and details. The Committee will then decide the outcome.
7. No games will be valid after the scratching time which shall be at midnight on the Friday night previous to the next round being drawn. Without the consent of the Competitions Secretary.
8. A visiting player may, if he desires appoint his own marker.
9. a) The competition secretary must receive all results for the Competitions, no later than the Saturday prior to the next round being drawn. Failure to comply, could result in the player(s) being scratched from the competition.
b) Results to be sent by the delegate(s) or players by contacting the Competitions Secretary, as instructed on the Competition Draw Sheet.
c) The result(s) for any matched being played after the deadline, that is agreed by the Competitions Secretary is the responsibility of the winner, who must contact ther Competitions Secretary immediately after the conlusion of game, failure to do so could mean exclusion from the next round.
10. Rickerby and Frank Lodge Cups
1) Team Captains contact telephone numbers to be put on Entry Forms (not the club telephone number).
2) Absent player(s)
a) In the event that a team has an absent player, they shall forfeit 90 points. And in the Rickerby Cup the frame as well.
b) If a team play an ineligible player, that team will be automatically disqualified from taking any further part in that competition, during that season.(an ineligible player is a player that is not registered for that cup team).
c) A team will be fined £10.00 for playing an ineligible player.
d) Additional players will be allowed to be registered, at the diecretion of the Committee. But will not be eligible to play in a round that had been drawn before the player was registered.
3) The result card must be sent to the Competition Secretary by the winning captain.
4) A £5 fine for non compliance 4) Additional players will be allowed at the discretion of the Committee.
These players must be registered. Additional rules applicable to:
a) Marshall Memorial Cup Handicap
This handicap is open to all signed players.
b) Rickerby Cup Handicap (Teams)
All matches to be played at the first named Club in the draw, who must make the arrangements for the match to be played within seven days after the draw. Semi-final and final to be played on a neutral table appointed by the committee. All Clubs to nominate players for each team to League before closing date. Six players per team. Captains toss for alternate nomination of players, who must be present. Actual scores of each frame to be recorded. In the event of a tie of three frames each the aggregate score will then determine the winners. The handicap is divided between the players and is added to the individual score. If there is a tie on aggregate score then the captains to nominate 1 player for 1 frame. The handicap to be one sixth of the team handicap.
c) J. J. Birch Memorial Cup (Pairs)
This competition is open to all signed players. 2 frames each round, aggregate score over both frames to count. The order of play may be changed at the end of the first frame. Both sides to spot in the alternate frames.
d) Blyden Under 21's
This is open to players who are under 21 before
31st December in the season in which it is played and who are registered members of the Southport and District Amateur Snooker League.
Each match to be the best of 3 frames with the final 5 - (open to a change of format if numbers are low).
e) Frank Lodge Memorial Summer Handicap(Six-a-Side)
The rules for this competition are as the Rickerby Cup but the results are on the total aggregate score only. The teams are to consist of 6 players only with any given handicap to go on at the end of all 6 completed frames. In the event that the final aggregate scores be level then a re-spotted black will be played by the players of the last completed frame.
f) The 'John Mullard' Divisional player of the year
This is to be awarded to the player who has shown a desire and passion towards the game of snooker, showing a fair attitude towards his team mates and opposition players who has played in over two thirds of the League Fixtures for the Club. Each Club is to be asked to nominate a player for consideration.
g) Snooker Centre - Diamonds Plaque
Most wins in a season.
h) Blyden Cup - Under 21 on 31st December in
year of competition.
i) Blyden Trophy Handicap
Open to players who are 50 and over on the 31st of December in the year of the competition. Any given handicap to a player is to go on at the beginning of each frame.
j) Chairman's Cup
Awarded to the player making the highest break in any Cup Competition.
a) The break to be verified by the opponent and one independent witness.
b) The confirmation of the break must be sent to the Competitions Secretary immediately after the match and must be in writing signed by those mentioned in (a).
c) Any Handicap received by a player cannot be added to the break.
12. The semi final & final of all competitions will be held at a time decided by the Committee, and will take preference over other Leagues.
13. The dates fixed by the Committee in rule 12 will be enforced.
14. Players/teams not ready to start at the stated time will forfeit one frame for every 15 minutes per table available.
15. Miss Rule
a. Any attempt to get out of the snooker where the cue ball comes up short from the ball the player intended to play on will be called a miss.
b. A Miss will not be called on any full ball snookers as long as the cue ball has gone past the intended ball that is on.
c. If a partial edge is visible to the player, however small, the referee will use his discretion to determine if the player has the ability or not to hit the ball before making the call on the Miss.
d. If the player attempts a swerve shot to escape a full ball snooker then this will not be called a miss. But if the ball is ‘partially on’ then any attempt that does not make contact will be called a miss.
e. If after potting a red ball on you happen to snooker yourself on all colours, unlucky as it maybe, the nomination and escape to the next ball will be considered. If the player attempts a high tariff escape to hit his named colour, when an easier escape is deemed low tariff in difficulty to the referee, then the referee will have the right to call a miss. There are no limits to the amount of escapes, unless this puts the player in to snookers required, as long as the referee is satisfied that a fair attempt has been made at the escape, ie if he misses the intended ball nominated by a close enough margin to be acceptable to the referee.
f. The warning of ‘Loss of Frame’ before the third attempt by the player to hit the ball on when a direct path is clear to that ball and potential third miss, will not be awarded to the opposition player. The option of returning the offending player back to attempt the shot will stand until the escape is either successful or the non-striking player deems the resulting shot by his opponent now worthy of it being his turn.