Newcastle East End Snooker League -
Season = 07 October 2008 - 28 July 2009
Season = 13 October 2009 - 22 June 2010
Season = 28 September 2010 - 31 May 2011
Season = 25 October 2011 - 13 June 2012
Season = 09 October 2012 - 04 June 2013
Season = 17 September 2013 - 20 May 2014
Season = 23 September 2014 - 26 May 2015
Season = 06 October 2015 - 15 March 2016
Season = 04 September 2016 - 02 May 2017
Season = 10 October 2017 - 08 May 2018
Season = 02 October 2018 - 21 May 2019
Season = 08 October 2019 - 12 May 2020
Season = 28 September 2021 - 26 April 2022
Season = 27 September 2022 - 18 April 2023
Season = 03 October 2023 - 14 May 2024
Season = 24 September 2024 - 10 June 2025
Administrator - John Craig | john88craig@hotmail.com | 07715 239284
Fixtures & Results
Player Rankings
Player Aggregates
Player Stats (All Seasons)
Highest Breaks
Breaks (All Divisions & Cups)
Breaks (All Seasons)
Head to Head
Roll of Honour
Knockout Cup Division 1
knock-out cup division 2
league doubles
league singles
peter heron memorial KO cup
Summer Singles
Veterans Trophy (over 55s)
Head to Head -
- winner
. Bye
/dunn clemo
/flett milbourne
a macguigan
adams allan
adamson tony
Adsheed Gavin
Ahmed Monsur
Ahmed Macswad
Alexander Craig
Ali Monsur
Ali Hussain Mohammed
Allan Dale
allen s
allen shaun
Allen Stuart
allen jnr john
allen snr john
Amos Eddy
Anderson Ryan
Anderson Brian
Anthony Simon
armstrong j
armstrong ted
armstrong w
armstrong steve
armstrong stephen
Armstrong Danny
Armstrong Derek
Armstrong Wayne
armstrong jnr billy
Armstrong snr Billy
Arnold Eddy
Arnold Darren
arrowsmith j
ash peter
Ash D
ashard ian
Astley Michael
atkinson paul
b.jefferson/k.chater w.fidler/b.hunter or
bains b
Baker Micky
Baker Philip
Baker Thomas
Baker Matty
baldwin chris
balmain steve
Balmain Alan
Balmain Ian
Balmer Jordan
banks dennis
Bannon Derrick
barbrook mark
Barkley John
Barton Graeme
Batey Richie
Bayley Terry
Beale Andrew
Beattie Tom
Beattie Stuart
Bedford Ian
bell brian
bell derek
Bell Ian
Bentham Kevin
Bentham Kenny
best r
Best John
bianchi j
billy hunter wes fidler /
Bincliffe Alan
Bingham Richard
Binks Harry
binns abb
birchinall john
bird c
Bird Colin
blackburn john
Blackman Thomas
Bloxham Peter
bogie darren
bogie chick
bolton ian
bonner leon
boon s
bowman maurice
Boyd Derek
braddick d
bradley tommy
bradshaw john
brandsby daniel
Branley Paul
Breen Jordan
Brennan Ryan
Brewis Trevor
Broache Chris
brown r
Brown Ian
Brown David
Brown Alex
Brown Colin
Brown Anthony
Brown Andy
Brown Kevin
brownlee r
burton r
Butler Lee
bye social 'B'
bye hmsc 'B'
bye willows
bye jubilee
Bye Labour B
Bye Comrades
Bye Social 'A'
Bye Engineers 'A'
Bye Hmsc
Bye Forest hall
Bye Buffs A
Bye Jubilee
Bye Labour 'A'
c.dunn/m.clemo s.balmain/g.mcmullen or
caffery paddy
callaway bob
Calvert Graham
Campbell Johnny
Campbell Craig
Carroll Decka
Carter David
Cartwright Bill
Catherall Rob
Chadwick David
chambers John
Chambers Anthony
Champion Kevin
Chan Pat
chandler david
chater kevin
chatt ronnie
cherry andy
chisolm robert
clark j
Clark Liam
clayton neil
Clayton John
clemitson kevin
Clemitson Lee
clemo mala
clennell b
Close Carl
Cochrane Tony
Cochrane Paul
Cockerill Stephen
Cody Lee
Colins Ralf
colqhoun billy
colquhoun marc
connell barry
connell james
Conner Colin
Convery Allan
Conwell Ronnie
Cook Steve
cooke ian
Cooke Gary
coombs m
craig phil
craig j
craigie sam
Crawford John
crompton peter
cryan mick
Curry Phil
Curtis Derek
Curtis Lee
Curtis Jim
Curtis Matthew
cushley peter
d.horseburgh b.hunter or
Dale Mick
davison d
Davison Craig
Davison Martin
Davison Paul
Davison Ken
dawson bob
dawson a
Dawson Alan
Dawson Tucker
day rob
Dees Chris
Denley Derek
Didsbury Phil
Dobie jnr Kevin
dobie snr kevin
Dodds Steven
Dodds Paul
Donnelly Kevin
Donoghue Paddy
douglas terry
Douglas John
Dow Micky
dowson p
drane peter
drane robert
drew sean
dreyer jimmy
dreyer mark
Drinkeld Malcolm
Dryden Andy
duffy tony
dunbar c
dunbar dan
dunn j
dunn colin
dunn jnr john
Eckford Michael
Edge Mark
Edmondson Alan
Edmondson John
Egdell Gary
Ellis Colin
Ellis Jim
Elsdon Alan
Errington Jeff
Evans Gareth
Ewan John
faetz mark
Faichen Mark
Fail Paul
Fairley Colin
Fairly Ronnie
falcon mark
fellows d
Fenwick Colin
Ferry Ian
fiddas steven
fiddes l
fiddler wes
Fides Craig
fidler peter
fidler scott
finlay colin
firmager michael
Fisher Liam
Flamson Billy
Fleming Joe
Fleming Michael
Fleming jnr Michael
flett micky
flett rob
flett s
flett k
Flett Connor
Ford Derrick
Forest Tony
Forster Scott
Forster Martin
foster fred
foster jimmy
Foster Karl
Foster Richard
Fradgeley Tommy
Fradgeley Tony
French Lee
fulcher kevin
Fullen Dave
Gales John
gallagher mickey
gallagher micky
gardener dave
Gibbons Steven
gibson david
Gilbert Jordan
Gill Chris
gilroy t
Glover Terry
gordon john
Gormley Don
graham alan
graham or whittle/
Graham Mick
Graham Tom
Grant Ricky
gray j
Gray Chris
Gray Mark
green derek
Griggs Tommy
grimes t
habigan b
hagan dave
hagan david
hall b
hall norman
hall bob
Hall Dean
Hall Brandon
Hall Brian
Hall Logan
hamilton tommy
hardie g
Harrison Paul
Harrison Billy
harvey steve
hastings alan
hastings barry
hawman harry
Hawthorn Scott
Hedley David
Hellens Chris
Hewitt John
Higgins Frank
hill gordon
Hill Charlie
Hill Andy
Hills Charlie
Hirsapeghi Tim
Hirsapeghi Kogros
hodgeson kevin
Hodgson Derek
Hoey David
Hogg Gary
hogland j
Holland Peter
holmes david
Holmes Jack
hope steve
Hope Ken
horseburgh david
horseburgh k
hough guy
howe ken
Hudson Keith
humphries ray
hunter billy
hunter lee
Hurst Richie
hussain s
Huthart Michael
Ideson Paul
ingham mark
Ingles Lloyd
jackson m
Jackson Tom
Jackson Carl
Jamieson Lenny
Jamieson Brandon
jefferson b
jefferson ben
Jeffrey Richard
johnson andrew
johnson dave
Johnson Mark
jones m
jones daniel
k dobie or l smith /
kay jeff
Keddy Paul
kelly p
Kelly Arthur
Kelso Chris
kennedy martin
Kerr Gary
Kettle Ron
Kidd Dave
Kidd Jordon
Kincaide Andy
Kippen Wayne
kirby john
Kirkup Ian
knox jimmy
Laidler Christopher
lambert anthony
lambert craig
Lambert Gary
Lamond Ken
Lancaster Andrew
Lane Glen
Lavery Andy
Lawrence J
lawson eddie
leach darryl
lee kevin
legg ian
Lewis Kevin
lib'B' bye
lillie andy
lindsey steve
Linnane Kyle
little m
logan chris
louden josh
lovell b
Lowther Grant
Lozinski Daniel
Luke Connor
Luke Frank
Lupyna Vic
m proctor p sanderson /
macdonald dan
mackell joe
mackie george
Mallaby Gav
Malloy Ian
Maloney Joe
markwell Bill
mason selby
mauchline davey
McCaffrey Rob
McCann Micky
McCartney Ray
McConville Adam
mccormick steve
McCrae Gordon
McCrae Lee
mcdonald jimmy
Mcdonald Bob
McDonald Wayne
mcdonnel mark
McEwen Colin
McGiven Derek
mcgreavy k
mcguigan g
McHugh Paul
McInally Gerry
mclanders colin
mclaughey b
mclean mick
McLean Mark
mclennan j
mcmullen alan
mcmullen geoff
McNamara Mark
McNamara Lee
McPherson Paul
Mead Dave
Mead David
metcalf andy
Metcalf Dave
Miah Rad
micky rickards john bianci or
middlemost ron
milbourne steve
millen gary
Millen Shaun
mills john
mills david brett
mills david john
Minto John
Mooney Nick
moore john
Moore Andy
morgan d
Morgan John
morpeth g
Morton Colin
Mulligan Pat
murray fred
murray barry
Murtaugh Nikki
Nesbit Chris
Nesbitt Jimmy
Newman Lee
Nicholson Mick
nicol barry
nixon norman
Noon Michael
Noutch Michael
o'brien anthony
o'donnel kevin
O'Donnell Paul
of tie 1 -
of tie 2 -
old ron
Oliver Robert
O'Neill Paul
Ord Simon
oughton graham
oxborough lee
parker richie
Parker Adam
Parker Gavin
Parkin Gary
Parkin Brian
Patrick Ross
patterson d
patterson daniel
patterson dale
Patterson Ian
payne george
Pearson Craig
pederson arne
Pederson Davey
peebles r
penny paul
penny david
Percival John
Peters Kirk
Philbin Craig
Philips Alan
phillips alan
Phillips John
pickering m
pickering chris
Platten Kelvin
pledger a
Poslswiate Billy
potts steve
Powell Russell
Powley Alfie
pratt steve
pratt wayne
Pratt Steve
Pringle Cyle
proctor mark
proctor charlie
proctor sanderson
Pryor Colin
r.drane/t.addamson a.graham/c.whittle or
Rae Andrew
ramsay jimmy
Ramsay Andrew
ramsey k
ranson dominic
ranson terry
reaburn jamie
Reay Gordon
reid j
Renwick Neil
Renwick Peter
Renwick Mark
Renwick Mick
reynolds brian
Rice Ralph
Richards Keith
richardson l
Richardson Daz
riches paul
richmond peter
rickards micky
Riley Dean
Rinaldi Paul
ritson m
robbie mark
Roberts Liam
robinson dave
robinson steve
robinson s
Robinson Andy
Robson Michael
Robson Gary
Robson Lee
Robson Garry
Robson Kevin
Robson Tony
Robson Andrew
Rodgers Martin
Rogan Scott
rogers kenny
Rogerson Norman
roll billy
ronnan john
Roper Dean
ropper dean
ross alan
routh eddy
rowan billy
Ruddy Joe
russell rod
Russell Shaun
s.sandhu m.firmager/
Sales Brian
sample davey
Sample Davey
Sancaster John
sanderson paul
Sanderson John
sandu seb
sansom g
Sansom George
Savoury Andy
scott d
Scott Paul
Sedmak Marek
Senior Ian
Senior Adam
Sexton Craig
Sexton Carl
Shaw Gary
Shaw Robbie
Shepherdson Martin
shipley c
shipley w
shipley j
Shipley John
Shipley Justin
siggney bill
simpson owen
sinclair john
Skilling Andrew
Skinner Lee
smith les
smith p
smith pp
Smith Allan
Smith Barry
Smith Phil
Sobey Mark
solomons theo
Southall Matty
Southern Alan
Sowerby Jason
Sprigg Tyrone
Stansfield Jos
Stansfield Kevin
Starling Adam
Starling Grant
stephenson david
Stevenson Bobby
Stobo Josh
Stones Mark
Story Darren
Stoves Tony
Stoves David
Stoves Andrew
Straker James
Swanson Alan
tait a
tait alan
tait stuart
tait david
tapson eddy
Tate Dennis
taylor s
taylor tim
taylor ron
Taylor Jim
Taylor John
Taylor Michael
Taylor Mick
Taylor Jamie
Temple Ronnie
Thompson Steve
Thompson Wesley
Thompson Robert
Tie 3 - of
todd ray
Todd Mattie
Todd Matty
Tollett Alan
tompkins p
toole chris
turnbull andy
turnbull ted
turnbull wayne
Turner Andrew
Turner Louis
Turner James
Turner Mike
tweedy jeff
vasey graeme
Waddle Chris
wailes s
wakefield w
Walker Davy
Walker Kieran
Walker Zac
Walker Ryan
Walker Fred
wall k
wallace neil
Wanless Craig
Wanless Darren
ward b
Ward Steve
Ward George
Wark Hylton
Wark Gary
watson neil
Watson Mark
Watson Steven
wawrzyniak lenny
Wears John
Wears Don
webb brian
webster john
webster paul
webster liam
wells t
welsh steven
Weston Declan
white john
white colin
white a
White Alan
White Keith
White John
Whitfield David
whittle colin
wilkinson b
wilkinson bret
Williams Josh
williamson tom
wilson k
Wilson Ash
Wilson Kevin
wood keith
woodhead alan
Woodley John
wreay billy
wright ivan
Wright Steve
yates jnr peter
yeats snr peter
Yeoman Gerry
yorke lee
yorke c
yorke gavin
Young Micky
Young Steve
Young Joe
Younger David
Younger Steve
- winner
. Bye
/dunn clemo
/flett milbourne
a macguigan
adams allan
adamson tony
Adsheed Gavin
Ahmed Monsur
Ahmed Macswad
Alexander Craig
Ali Monsur
Ali Hussain Mohammed
Allan Dale
allen s
allen shaun
Allen Stuart
allen jnr john
allen snr john
Amos Eddy
Anderson Ryan
Anderson Brian
Anthony Simon
armstrong j
armstrong ted
armstrong w
armstrong steve
armstrong stephen
Armstrong Danny
Armstrong Derek
Armstrong Wayne
armstrong jnr billy
Armstrong snr Billy
Arnold Eddy
Arnold Darren
arrowsmith j
ash peter
Ash D
ashard ian
Astley Michael
atkinson paul
b.jefferson/k.chater w.fidler/b.hunter or
bains b
Baker Micky
Baker Philip
Baker Thomas
Baker Matty
baldwin chris
balmain steve
Balmain Alan
Balmain Ian
Balmer Jordan
banks dennis
Bannon Derrick
barbrook mark
Barkley John
Barton Graeme
Batey Richie
Bayley Terry
Beale Andrew
Beattie Tom
Beattie Stuart
Bedford Ian
bell brian
bell derek
Bell Ian
Bentham Kevin
Bentham Kenny
best r
Best John
bianchi j
billy hunter wes fidler /
Bincliffe Alan
Bingham Richard
Binks Harry
binns abb
birchinall john
bird c
Bird Colin
blackburn john
Blackman Thomas
Bloxham Peter
bogie darren
bogie chick
bolton ian
bonner leon
boon s
bowman maurice
Boyd Derek
braddick d
bradley tommy
bradshaw john
brandsby daniel
Branley Paul
Breen Jordan
Brennan Ryan
Brewis Trevor
Broache Chris
brown r
Brown Ian
Brown David
Brown Alex
Brown Colin
Brown Anthony
Brown Andy
Brown Kevin
brownlee r
burton r
Butler Lee
bye social 'B'
bye hmsc 'B'
bye willows
bye jubilee
Bye Labour B
Bye Comrades
Bye Social 'A'
Bye Engineers 'A'
Bye Hmsc
Bye Forest hall
Bye Buffs A
Bye Jubilee
Bye Labour 'A'
c.dunn/m.clemo s.balmain/g.mcmullen or
caffery paddy
callaway bob
Calvert Graham
Campbell Johnny
Campbell Craig
Carroll Decka
Carter David
Cartwright Bill
Catherall Rob
Chadwick David
chambers John
Chambers Anthony
Champion Kevin
Chan Pat
chandler david
chater kevin
chatt ronnie
cherry andy
chisolm robert
clark j
Clark Liam
clayton neil
Clayton John
clemitson kevin
Clemitson Lee
clemo mala
clennell b
Close Carl
Cochrane Tony
Cochrane Paul
Cockerill Stephen
Cody Lee
Colins Ralf
colqhoun billy
colquhoun marc
connell barry
connell james
Conner Colin
Convery Allan
Conwell Ronnie
Cook Steve
cooke ian
Cooke Gary
coombs m
craig phil
craig j
craigie sam
Crawford John
crompton peter
cryan mick
Curry Phil
Curtis Derek
Curtis Lee
Curtis Jim
Curtis Matthew
cushley peter
d.horseburgh b.hunter or
Dale Mick
davison d
Davison Craig
Davison Martin
Davison Paul
Davison Ken
dawson bob
dawson a
Dawson Alan
Dawson Tucker
day rob
Dees Chris
Denley Derek
Didsbury Phil
Dobie jnr Kevin
dobie snr kevin
Dodds Steven
Dodds Paul
Donnelly Kevin
Donoghue Paddy
douglas terry
Douglas John
Dow Micky
dowson p
drane peter
drane robert
drew sean
dreyer jimmy
dreyer mark
Drinkeld Malcolm
Dryden Andy
duffy tony
dunbar c
dunbar dan
dunn j
dunn colin
dunn jnr john
Eckford Michael
Edge Mark
Edmondson Alan
Edmondson John
Egdell Gary
Ellis Colin
Ellis Jim
Elsdon Alan
Errington Jeff
Evans Gareth
Ewan John
faetz mark
Faichen Mark
Fail Paul
Fairley Colin
Fairly Ronnie
falcon mark
fellows d
Fenwick Colin
Ferry Ian
fiddas steven
fiddes l
fiddler wes
Fides Craig
fidler peter
fidler scott
finlay colin
firmager michael
Fisher Liam
Flamson Billy
Fleming Joe
Fleming Michael
Fleming jnr Michael
flett micky
flett rob
flett s
flett k
Flett Connor
Ford Derrick
Forest Tony
Forster Scott
Forster Martin
foster fred
foster jimmy
Foster Karl
Foster Richard
Fradgeley Tommy
Fradgeley Tony
French Lee
fulcher kevin
Fullen Dave
Gales John
gallagher mickey
gallagher micky
gardener dave
Gibbons Steven
gibson david
Gilbert Jordan
Gill Chris
gilroy t
Glover Terry
gordon john
Gormley Don
graham alan
graham or whittle/
Graham Mick
Graham Tom
Grant Ricky
gray j
Gray Chris
Gray Mark
green derek
Griggs Tommy
grimes t
habigan b
hagan dave
hagan david
hall b
hall norman
hall bob
Hall Dean
Hall Brandon
Hall Brian
Hall Logan
hamilton tommy
hardie g
Harrison Paul
Harrison Billy
harvey steve
hastings alan
hastings barry
hawman harry
Hawthorn Scott
Hedley David
Hellens Chris
Hewitt John
Higgins Frank
hill gordon
Hill Charlie
Hill Andy
Hills Charlie
Hirsapeghi Tim
Hirsapeghi Kogros
hodgeson kevin
Hodgson Derek
Hoey David
Hogg Gary
hogland j
Holland Peter
holmes david
Holmes Jack
hope steve
Hope Ken
horseburgh david
horseburgh k
hough guy
howe ken
Hudson Keith
humphries ray
hunter billy
hunter lee
Hurst Richie
hussain s
Huthart Michael
Ideson Paul
ingham mark
Ingles Lloyd
jackson m
Jackson Tom
Jackson Carl
Jamieson Lenny
Jamieson Brandon
jefferson b
jefferson ben
Jeffrey Richard
johnson andrew
johnson dave
Johnson Mark
jones m
jones daniel
k dobie or l smith /
kay jeff
Keddy Paul
kelly p
Kelly Arthur
Kelso Chris
kennedy martin
Kerr Gary
Kettle Ron
Kidd Dave
Kidd Jordon
Kincaide Andy
Kippen Wayne
kirby john
Kirkup Ian
knox jimmy
Laidler Christopher
lambert anthony
lambert craig
Lambert Gary
Lamond Ken
Lancaster Andrew
Lane Glen
Lavery Andy
Lawrence J
lawson eddie
leach darryl
lee kevin
legg ian
Lewis Kevin
lib'B' bye
lillie andy
lindsey steve
Linnane Kyle
little m
logan chris
louden josh
lovell b
Lowther Grant
Lozinski Daniel
Luke Connor
Luke Frank
Lupyna Vic
m proctor p sanderson /
macdonald dan
mackell joe
mackie george
Mallaby Gav
Malloy Ian
Maloney Joe
markwell Bill
mason selby
mauchline davey
McCaffrey Rob
McCann Micky
McCartney Ray
McConville Adam
mccormick steve
McCrae Gordon
McCrae Lee
mcdonald jimmy
Mcdonald Bob
McDonald Wayne
mcdonnel mark
McEwen Colin
McGiven Derek
mcgreavy k
mcguigan g
McHugh Paul
McInally Gerry
mclanders colin
mclaughey b
mclean mick
McLean Mark
mclennan j
mcmullen alan
mcmullen geoff
McNamara Mark
McNamara Lee
McPherson Paul
Mead Dave
Mead David
metcalf andy
Metcalf Dave
Miah Rad
micky rickards john bianci or
middlemost ron
milbourne steve
millen gary
Millen Shaun
mills john
mills david brett
mills david john
Minto John
Mooney Nick
moore john
Moore Andy
morgan d
Morgan John
morpeth g
Morton Colin
Mulligan Pat
murray fred
murray barry
Murtaugh Nikki
Nesbit Chris
Nesbitt Jimmy
Newman Lee
Nicholson Mick
nicol barry
nixon norman
Noon Michael
Noutch Michael
o'brien anthony
o'donnel kevin
O'Donnell Paul
of tie 1 -
of tie 2 -
old ron
Oliver Robert
O'Neill Paul
Ord Simon
oughton graham
oxborough lee
parker richie
Parker Adam
Parker Gavin
Parkin Gary
Parkin Brian
Patrick Ross
patterson d
patterson daniel
patterson dale
Patterson Ian
payne george
Pearson Craig
pederson arne
Pederson Davey
peebles r
penny paul
penny david
Percival John
Peters Kirk
Philbin Craig
Philips Alan
phillips alan
Phillips John
pickering m
pickering chris
Platten Kelvin
pledger a
Poslswiate Billy
potts steve
Powell Russell
Powley Alfie
pratt steve
pratt wayne
Pratt Steve
Pringle Cyle
proctor mark
proctor charlie
proctor sanderson
Pryor Colin
r.drane/t.addamson a.graham/c.whittle or
Rae Andrew
ramsay jimmy
Ramsay Andrew
ramsey k
ranson dominic
ranson terry
reaburn jamie
Reay Gordon
reid j
Renwick Neil
Renwick Peter
Renwick Mark
Renwick Mick
reynolds brian
Rice Ralph
Richards Keith
richardson l
Richardson Daz
riches paul
richmond peter
rickards micky
Riley Dean
Rinaldi Paul
ritson m
robbie mark
Roberts Liam
robinson dave
robinson steve
robinson s
Robinson Andy
Robson Michael
Robson Gary
Robson Lee
Robson Garry
Robson Kevin
Robson Tony
Robson Andrew
Rodgers Martin
Rogan Scott
rogers kenny
Rogerson Norman
roll billy
ronnan john
Roper Dean
ropper dean
ross alan
routh eddy
rowan billy
Ruddy Joe
russell rod
Russell Shaun
s.sandhu m.firmager/
Sales Brian
sample davey
Sample Davey
Sancaster John
sanderson paul
Sanderson John
sandu seb
sansom g
Sansom George
Savoury Andy
scott d
Scott Paul
Sedmak Marek
Senior Ian
Senior Adam
Sexton Craig
Sexton Carl
Shaw Gary
Shaw Robbie
Shepherdson Martin
shipley c
shipley w
shipley j
Shipley John
Shipley Justin
siggney bill
simpson owen
sinclair john
Skilling Andrew
Skinner Lee
smith les
smith p
smith pp
Smith Allan
Smith Barry
Smith Phil
Sobey Mark
solomons theo
Southall Matty
Southern Alan
Sowerby Jason
Sprigg Tyrone
Stansfield Jos
Stansfield Kevin
Starling Adam
Starling Grant
stephenson david
Stevenson Bobby
Stobo Josh
Stones Mark
Story Darren
Stoves Tony
Stoves David
Stoves Andrew
Straker James
Swanson Alan
tait a
tait alan
tait stuart
tait david
tapson eddy
Tate Dennis
taylor s
taylor tim
taylor ron
Taylor Jim
Taylor John
Taylor Michael
Taylor Mick
Taylor Jamie
Temple Ronnie
Thompson Steve
Thompson Wesley
Thompson Robert
Tie 3 - of
todd ray
Todd Mattie
Todd Matty
Tollett Alan
tompkins p
toole chris
turnbull andy
turnbull ted
turnbull wayne
Turner Andrew
Turner Louis
Turner James
Turner Mike
tweedy jeff
vasey graeme
Waddle Chris
wailes s
wakefield w
Walker Davy
Walker Kieran
Walker Zac
Walker Ryan
Walker Fred
wall k
wallace neil
Wanless Craig
Wanless Darren
ward b
Ward Steve
Ward George
Wark Hylton
Wark Gary
watson neil
Watson Mark
Watson Steven
wawrzyniak lenny
Wears John
Wears Don
webb brian
webster john
webster paul
webster liam
wells t
welsh steven
Weston Declan
white john
white colin
white a
White Alan
White Keith
White John
Whitfield David
whittle colin
wilkinson b
wilkinson bret
Williams Josh
williamson tom
wilson k
Wilson Ash
Wilson Kevin
wood keith
woodhead alan
Woodley John
wreay billy
wright ivan
Wright Steve
yates jnr peter
yeats snr peter
Yeoman Gerry
yorke lee
yorke c
yorke gavin
Young Micky
Young Steve
Young Joe
Younger David
Younger Steve
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